Patheos Featured Writers

Carl Gregg

The Rev. J. Carl Gregg (B.A., M.Div.) is a New York Times-reading, vegetarian-eating, progressive Christian, who also loves Centering Prayer, reading theology, and praying-by-biking-to-work. He has been the Associate Pastor at Northminster Church in Monroe, Louisiana since May 2003. A graduate of the Diploma in the Art of Spiritual Direction program at San Francisco Theological Seminary, he is currently working on the dissertation for his Doctor of Ministry. He has taught "Introduction to the Old Testament" as an Adjunct Professor of Religion at the University of Louisiana at Monroe, and is a former board member of the Alliance of Baptists. He and his wife Magin are the proud parents of two cats (Pepper Poe and Kol Nidre) and a dog (Dobby).

Works by Carl Gregg
Unitarians & Aliens, UFOs & UAPs
Carl Gregg | January 23, 2024
Top 10 Best Books Read In 2023
Carl Gregg | December 27, 2023
The Stories & Myths Behind Yoga Poses
Carl Gregg | November 20, 2023
Unexpected Adventures in Philosophy
Carl Gregg | January 31, 2023
Top 10 Best Books Read in 2022
Carl Gregg | December 28, 2022
Rest Is Resistance: Downloads from the Nap Bishop
Carl Gregg | December 23, 2022
Imaginable: How To See the Future Coming
Carl Gregg | November 16, 2022
Building a New Mythology
Carl Gregg | March 21, 2022
Top 10 Best Books Read in 2021
Carl Gregg | December 31, 2021
The Past, Present, & Future of Work
Carl Gregg | September 10, 2021
"Fierce Self-Compassion"
Carl Gregg | August 25, 2021
Climate Justice, Courage, & Hope
Carl Gregg | June 20, 2021
Love, Rage, & Radical Dharma
Carl Gregg | February 01, 2021
“Martin & Malcolm & America”
Carl Gregg | January 18, 2021
How to Find Meaning in Life
Carl Gregg | January 05, 2021
Top 10 Best Books Read in 2020
Carl Gregg | December 30, 2020
How to Reimagine Your Life during a Pandemic
Carl Gregg | March 31, 2020
The Love of Wisdom & the Wisdom of Love
Carl Gregg | February 06, 2020
Marie Kondo, Animism, & Changing Your Life
Carl Gregg | January 09, 2020
Top 10 Best Books Read this Decade: 2010-2019
Carl Gregg | December 29, 2019
Top 10 Best Books Read in 2019
Carl Gregg | December 28, 2019
How Democracies Die & An Education in Hope
Carl Gregg | November 04, 2019
Earthrise, Big History, & Deep Time
Carl Gregg | October 24, 2019
"This Life: Secular Faith & Spiritual Freedom"
Carl Gregg | September 24, 2019
How to be "10% Happier”
Carl Gregg | September 17, 2019
"We the Corporations?!"
Carl Gregg | January 31, 2019
MLK’s Dreams & Legacies: Who Is Forming You?
Carl Gregg | January 21, 2019
“The Hidden Life of Trees”
Carl Gregg | December 31, 2018
Top 10 Best Books Read in 2018
Carl Gregg | December 14, 2018
Sexy Secrets about Religion
Carl Gregg | December 10, 2018
"The Color of Money"
Carl Gregg | December 06, 2018
“History Teaches Us To Resist”
Carl Gregg | November 16, 2018
“The People vs. Democracy”
Carl Gregg | November 05, 2018
“Being Gendered in the 21st Century”
Carl Gregg | October 03, 2018
Spooky Action at a Distance
Carl Gregg | June 15, 2018
”We Are Already Saved from Perfection”
Carl Gregg | June 08, 2018
Why You Should Watch "Come Sunday" on Netflix
Carl Gregg | April 12, 2018
“The Dharma of 'The Princess Bride'”
Carl Gregg | January 31, 2018
"The Price of Monotheism"
Carl Gregg | January 25, 2018
Top 10 Best Books Read in 2017
Carl Gregg | December 30, 2017
“Daring Democracy”
Carl Gregg | November 07, 2017
Immigrants Make America Great
Carl Gregg | October 19, 2017
Islam in America
Carl Gregg | September 22, 2017
American Muslims
Carl Gregg | September 21, 2017
Bioethics, CRISPR, & "Our Children Redesigned"
Carl Gregg | September 13, 2017
What Do Animals Think & Feel?
Carl Gregg | August 17, 2017
Is Your Religion "Grown up?"
Carl Gregg | August 11, 2017
Dissent: For Such a Time as This
Carl Gregg | July 21, 2017
Carl Gregg | July 20, 2017
Chögyam Trungpa & the Level/Line Fallacy
Carl Gregg | June 15, 2017
The Religion of the Rose
Carl Gregg | June 08, 2017
Religion & Truth
Carl Gregg | June 07, 2017
The Spirituality of Twin Peaks
Carl Gregg | May 23, 2017
The Legacy of Mary Moody Emerson
Carl Gregg | May 18, 2017
Countercultural Spirituality, Then & Now
Carl Gregg | May 10, 2017
What Protests Do (& Don’t) Accomplish
Carl Gregg | April 12, 2017
What Comes After Buddhism?
Carl Gregg | March 01, 2017
Why Harriet Tubman Still Matters Today
Carl Gregg | February 24, 2017
How to Cultivate a Culture of Dignity
Carl Gregg | February 10, 2017
How Ordinary Spirituality Can Transform Your Life
Carl Gregg | February 01, 2017
Comparing Religions: Reflexive Re-Readings
Carl Gregg | January 27, 2017
Reading Thoreau & Resisting Trump
Carl Gregg | January 24, 2017
Resistance & Resilience for Trump's Inauguration
Carl Gregg | January 19, 2017
How to Excel at One Hard Thing in 2017
Carl Gregg | January 03, 2017
Best of 2016: Books, Music, TV, & Podcasts
Carl Gregg | December 31, 2016
Top 10 Best Podcasts of 2016
Carl Gregg | December 30, 2016
Top 10 Best Albums Listened to in 2016
Carl Gregg | December 28, 2016
Top 10 Best Books Read in 2016
Carl Gregg | December 27, 2016
How to Be Happy (Even in the Age of Trump)
Carl Gregg | December 08, 2016
What’s Fair? Who Decides?
Carl Gregg | November 22, 2016
Voting on the Side of Love
Carl Gregg | November 07, 2016
“Witches of America”
Carl Gregg | November 01, 2016
Lessons from "Les Mis" in the Age of Trump
Carl Gregg | October 25, 2016
Top 5 Words for Understanding Trump
Carl Gregg | October 18, 2016
Trump & Toxic Masculinity
Carl Gregg | September 13, 2016
Falling Down & Rising Strong
Carl Gregg | August 30, 2016
Gender Liberation
Carl Gregg | August 23, 2016
Best Podcasts for Election 2016
Carl Gregg | June 07, 2016
Evil: Bad Apples or Bad Barrels?
Carl Gregg | April 29, 2016
The Spirituality of Shakespeare
Carl Gregg | April 12, 2016
The Spirituality of Doubt
Carl Gregg | February 11, 2016
Best of 2015: Books, Music, TV, & Podcasts
Carl Gregg | January 01, 2016
Top 10 Best Podcasts of 2015
Carl Gregg | December 31, 2015
Best TV Streamed in 2015
Carl Gregg | December 30, 2015
Top 10 Best Albums Listened to in 2015
Carl Gregg | December 29, 2015
Top 10 Best Books Read in 2015
Carl Gregg | December 28, 2015
Are You a Faitheist?
Carl Gregg | December 10, 2015
Lodro Rinzler’s Millennial Hipster Buddhism
Carl Gregg | November 25, 2015
“Coming Out of the Broom Closet” #PaganPride
Carl Gregg | September 10, 2015
"The Peabody Sisters"
Carl Gregg | August 18, 2015
Practicing Forgiveness
Carl Gregg | June 09, 2015
"Liberal Religion in the Public Square"
Carl Gregg | June 02, 2015
Betting on Earth's Future
Carl Gregg | April 22, 2015
"The Resurrection of Mary Magdalene"
Carl Gregg | April 07, 2015
"A God That Could Be Real"
Carl Gregg | March 13, 2015
"The Selma Awakening"
Carl Gregg | March 09, 2015
The Generosity Path
Carl Gregg | March 05, 2015
Chocolate for Lent
Carl Gregg | February 18, 2015
Rosa Parks: The Rest of the Story
Carl Gregg | January 19, 2015
Building Your Own Ethics
Carl Gregg | January 13, 2015
How to Make 2015 a "Year of Well-being"
Carl Gregg | January 07, 2015
Best of 2014: Books, Music, Film, & Podcasts
Carl Gregg | December 30, 2014
Top 10 Best Podcasts of 2014
Carl Gregg | December 29, 2014
Top 10 Best Netflix Streamed in 2014
Carl Gregg | December 23, 2014
Did the Exodus Happen? And What It Means Today
Carl Gregg | December 15, 2014
Top 10 Best Albums Listened to in 2014
Carl Gregg | December 11, 2014
New Lectionary Trilogy for Progressive Christians
Carl Gregg | December 10, 2014
Top 10 Best Books Read in 2014
Carl Gregg | December 02, 2014
Deeds Not Creeds, Behavior Is Believable
Carl Gregg | November 10, 2014
The Future of Islam
Carl Gregg | October 29, 2014
Eve Was Framed, the Serpent Was Right!
Carl Gregg | August 28, 2014
The Sacred in Music
Carl Gregg | August 21, 2014
Why Unitarianism?
Carl Gregg | July 24, 2014
"Find Out How Much Love the World Can Hold"
Carl Gregg | July 08, 2014
"Bringing the Spiritual to Its Senses"
Carl Gregg | June 23, 2014
Margaret Fuller: The Stories We Tell Matter
Carl Gregg | June 18, 2014
Mother’s Day for All
Carl Gregg | May 09, 2014
Brené Brown and the Gifts of Imperfection
Carl Gregg | April 30, 2014
Becoming a Buddha, not a Buddhist
Carl Gregg | March 11, 2014
A Journey with Four Spiritual Guides: Krishna
Carl Gregg | March 06, 2014
Evolutionary Religion
Carl Gregg | February 10, 2014
"Help, Thanks, Wow," Part 3 of 3
Carl Gregg | January 31, 2014
"Help, Thanks, Wow," Part 2 of 3
Carl Gregg | January 30, 2014
"Help, Thanks, Wow," Part 1 of 3
Carl Gregg | January 29, 2014
What Is Yours (Not) To Do?
Carl Gregg | January 06, 2014
Slowing Down for the Holidays
Carl Gregg | December 23, 2013
Best of 2013: Books, Music, Film, and More
Carl Gregg | December 08, 2013
Best Podcasts of 2013
Carl Gregg | December 08, 2013
Best Netflix DVDs Watched in 2013
Carl Gregg | December 08, 2013
Top 10 “Netflix Instant” Streamed in 2013
Carl Gregg | December 08, 2013
Top 10 Best Albums Listened to in 2013
Carl Gregg | December 06, 2013
Top 10 Best Books Read in 2013
Carl Gregg | December 03, 2013
Living the Questions
Carl Gregg | November 22, 2013
JFK, Sorenson, and Unitarian Universalism
Carl Gregg | November 21, 2013
Lost Christianities and Banned Books of the Bible
Carl Gregg | November 13, 2013
After Trauma & Loss: What (Not) To Say
Carl Gregg | November 07, 2013
Cisgender and Transgender
Carl Gregg | October 15, 2013
A Spirituality of Stability
Carl Gregg | October 01, 2013
Occupy Spirituality
Carl Gregg | September 28, 2013
The Geography of Memory
Carl Gregg | September 28, 2013
Building Your Own Theology
Carl Gregg | September 10, 2013
The Sacred Masculine
Carl Gregg | June 18, 2013
Summer Reading Recommendations
Carl Gregg | June 10, 2013
Living the Bhagavad Gita
Carl Gregg | June 10, 2013
In Defense of My Interfaith Marriage
Carl Gregg | April 10, 2013
Highlights from Jesus Seminar on the Road
Carl Gregg | April 06, 2013
Practice Resurrection
Carl Gregg | April 01, 2013
What Is Our Conveyer Belt? Stages of Faith
Carl Gregg | March 21, 2013
Preventing Gun Violence
Carl Gregg | March 11, 2013
Why Is There Something Instead of Nothing?
Carl Gregg | March 04, 2013
Giving Up Lent (for Lent?!)
Carl Gregg | February 13, 2013
Future Me: Not All Resolutions Are Created Equal
Carl Gregg | January 08, 2013
The Best of 2012: Books, Music, Film, and More
Carl Gregg | December 26, 2012
Top 3 Blog Posts of 2012
Carl Gregg | December 18, 2012
Best Podcasts of 2012
Carl Gregg | December 18, 2012
Best Netflix DVDs Watched in 2012
Carl Gregg | December 10, 2012
Top 10 “Netflix Instant” Streamed in 2012
Carl Gregg | December 10, 2012
Top 10 Best Albums Listened to in 2012
Carl Gregg | November 27, 2012
Top 10 Best Books Read in 2012
Carl Gregg | November 26, 2012
In the Wake of an Election
Carl Gregg | November 13, 2012
Change We Can Believe In? The Obama Question
Carl Gregg | October 22, 2012
Do We Need a Moratorium on the Word “God”?
Carl Gregg | October 08, 2012
Does "The Master" Have Clothes?
Carl Gregg | September 28, 2012
Water Communion: "A River Runs through It"
Carl Gregg | September 10, 2012
Is The Book of James Proto-Marxist?
Carl Gregg | September 04, 2012
Jesus Getting Caught with His Compassion Down
Carl Gregg | September 04, 2012
On Bullshit: Todd Akin Did Not "Misspeak"
Carl Gregg | August 20, 2012
The First Source: Direct Experience
Carl Gregg | August 13, 2012
Everything's A Miracle
Carl Gregg | July 24, 2012
There Is No "God Particle"
Carl Gregg | July 04, 2012
From Independence Day to Interdependence
Carl Gregg | July 04, 2012
Highlights from Church Planter's Academy
Carl Gregg | July 03, 2012
Sermon Series Retrospective: The Book of J
Carl Gregg | June 28, 2012
A Remnant Theology of Hope
Carl Gregg | June 21, 2012
An Honest Memoir: Becoming a Dad, Take 2
Carl Gregg | May 31, 2012
Noah’s Flood: Climate Change Then & Now
Carl Gregg | May 13, 2012
Do You Believe in Miracles?
Carl Gregg | May 02, 2012
Praying with Flannery O'Connor
Carl Gregg | March 28, 2012
A Guide to Firsthand Experience with God
Carl Gregg | March 27, 2012
Sermon Series Retrospective: "Holy Adventure"
Carl Gregg | March 13, 2012
“God is Not a Republican…or a Democrat”
Carl Gregg | March 07, 2012
Confessions of a Western Universalist
Carl Gregg | March 05, 2012
Against TOMS Shoes: Ethics Are Messy!
Carl Gregg | March 03, 2012
"Death of God" Theologian Has Died
Carl Gregg | March 02, 2012
Raise the Minimum Wage to $10/hour
Carl Gregg | February 29, 2012
Be Wary of Sensationalized "Jesus Tomb" News
Carl Gregg | February 29, 2012
Paul: Misogynist or Mystic?
Carl Gregg | February 18, 2012
How Do I Find Time to Pray?
Carl Gregg | February 13, 2012
Is Baptism Overrated?
Carl Gregg | January 24, 2012
Working from January Cold to Summer Beachbody
Carl Gregg | January 11, 2012
Contemplative Listening: A Simple, How-to Guide
Carl Gregg | January 10, 2012
Top 3 Blog Posts of 2011
Carl Gregg | December 23, 2011
Top 10 Best Podcasts of 2011
Carl Gregg | December 20, 2011
Best "Netflix Instant" Streamed in 2011
Carl Gregg | December 16, 2011
Best Netflix DVDs Watched in 2011
Carl Gregg | December 16, 2011
Top 10 Best Albums Listened to in 2011
Carl Gregg | December 15, 2011
Top 10 Best Books Read in 2011
Carl Gregg | December 06, 2011
Musical Setting of Jesus' Greatest Commandments?
Carl Gregg | November 29, 2011
Progressive Christian Reflections on Advent
Carl Gregg | November 22, 2011
Carl Gregg | November 18, 2011
25 Books Every Christian Should Read
Carl Gregg | November 17, 2011
Mutants and Mystics
Carl Gregg | November 16, 2011
“Every Bush Is a Burning Bush"
Carl Gregg | November 14, 2011
Cultivating a Theology of Abundance
Carl Gregg | November 12, 2011
Spiritual Practice: "Visio Divina"
Carl Gregg | November 11, 2011
Pilgrimage to the New MLK Memorial in D.C.
Carl Gregg | November 10, 2011
Streams of Contentment
Carl Gregg | November 05, 2011
Jesus, #OccupyWallSt, and the Rich Young Ruler
Carl Gregg | October 13, 2011
Public School Principal Proselytizes Students in SC
Carl Gregg | September 27, 2011
Letter to the Editor
Carl Gregg | September 26, 2011
Atheists May Have a Point on Clergy Tax Breaks
Carl Gregg | September 22, 2011
BOOK REVIEW: "Biography of Abd el-Kader"
Carl Gregg | September 20, 2011
BOOK REVIEW: "The Betrayal of Charity"
Carl Gregg | September 08, 2011
There Was No Historical Adam and Eve (Part 2)
Carl Gregg | August 24, 2011
BOOK REVIEW: "Is God a Christian?"
Carl Gregg | August 23, 2011
There Was No Historical Adam and Eve
Carl Gregg | August 17, 2011
BOOK REVIEW: "Mother Teresa, CEO"
Carl Gregg | July 14, 2011
Mother Teresa, CEO: The Power of Silence
Carl Gregg | July 14, 2011
Tweets from Brian McLaren in D.C.
Carl Gregg | June 03, 2011
Top 10 Free iPhone Apps
Carl Gregg | April 25, 2011
Is Your Body Ready for Spring?
Carl Gregg | April 04, 2011
God Was NOT In The Earthquake
Carl Gregg | March 18, 2011
God Was NOT in the Earthquake
Carl Gregg | March 18, 2011
I Hope Rob Bell Is a Universalist
Carl Gregg | March 12, 2011
Shouting Stones: The Questioning Servant Girl
Carl Gregg | March 11, 2011
A bold servant girl is the second "shouting stone" in our Lenten series about the......
Bringing Our Whole Selves to the Bible
Carl Gregg | March 03, 2011
Practicing Transfiguration
Carl Gregg | March 01, 2011
Celebrating Evolution Sunday
Carl Gregg | February 08, 2011
Welcome Imbolc
Carl Gregg | February 02, 2011
Reflections on the Revolution in Egypt
Carl Gregg | February 02, 2011
New Governor Gets MLK Exactly Wrong
Carl Gregg | January 20, 2011
On What Facts Are Your Opinions of MLK Based?
Carl Gregg | January 16, 2011
Best Netflix DVDs Watched in 2010
Carl Gregg | January 01, 2011
Best Books Read in 2010
Carl Gregg | January 01, 2011
Favorite Podcasts
Carl Gregg | December 31, 2010
Justice Stevens, Jesus, and the Death Penalty
Carl Gregg | December 27, 2010
Afghanistan and the Irony of American History
Carl Gregg | December 17, 2010
Contemplative Wise Men
Carl Gregg | December 03, 2010
Trillions of Stars
Carl Gregg | December 02, 2010
AIDS Victim's Art Censored on World AIDS Day
Carl Gregg | December 01, 2010
Christian History Is Always Renegade History
Carl Gregg | November 05, 2010
Book Review: Prothero's God Is Too Small
Carl Gregg | October 27, 2010
Jesus, War, and WikiLeaks
Carl Gregg | October 23, 2010
Affirming Christianity and Islam
Carl Gregg | October 17, 2010
Outrage and Coming Out Day
Carl Gregg | October 11, 2010
Lament and Resolve for Victims of Hate Crimes
Carl Gregg | September 30, 2010
Love God with Your Mind
Carl Gregg | September 28, 2010
Practicing Sabbath: Easier Said Than Done
Carl Gregg | September 16, 2010
In the wake of the worst oil spill in U.S history, I invite you to consider the......
Mother God and Mother's Day
Carl Gregg | May 06, 2010
Freedom of Religion Equals Freedom of Speech
Carl Gregg | April 22, 2010
An Unscheduled Easter
Carl Gregg | April 06, 2010
Last Minute Lent
Carl Gregg | March 26, 2010