Patheos Featured Writers

duncan pile writer
Duncan Pile

Duncan Pile is a writer, author and speaker, living in Derbyshire, England with his wife and stepson. His mystical approach to faith straddles the Evangelical/Progressive divide, and flowing from lived experience, he is passionate about the deconstruction and reconstruction of the Christian faith.

Works by Duncan Pile
What is Worship and Why Do We Do It?
Duncan Pile | August 07, 2024
What does God get out of worship? This is the crucial question,.The argument goes that a......
Difficult Conversations Are Part of Healing
Duncan Pile | July 28, 2024
Is Jesus Truly God?
Duncan Pile | July 20, 2024
Jesus Not God? Unthinkable!
Duncan Pile | July 16, 2024
Among the progressive community, there are many who now believe that Jesus was just an......
Who Gets to Sit on Jesus’ Right and Left?
Duncan Pile | June 25, 2024
Why are Christians Scared of inclusion?
Duncan Pile | June 15, 2024
Telling the Hard Truth
Duncan Pile | June 10, 2024
Explore how telling hard truths and forgiving others brings healing and unity in our......
What Should Christian Parenting Look Like?
Duncan Pile | May 21, 2024
Separation From God is an Illusion
Duncan Pile | May 14, 2024
Parenting, in general, is a Christ-like duty....
Releasing Ourselves From Ego
Duncan Pile | April 25, 2024
Less of Me and More of You?
Duncan Pile | April 21, 2024
Is Deconstruction Necessary For All Believers?
Duncan Pile | April 09, 2024
Is Deconstruction Necessary?
Duncan Pile | April 09, 2024
The foundation for self-acceptance is the loving nature of God. If God is judgemental......
Christ is Risen
Duncan Pile | March 31, 2024
Is ‘Sin’ a List of Forbidden Activities?
Duncan Pile | March 23, 2024
The Rich Man and Lazarus – Parable or Story?
Duncan Pile | March 14, 2024
Rethinking Holiness - A Reconstruction of...
Duncan Pile | March 07, 2024
We have been exalted in Christ, but true worshippers still cast their crowns before him.......
Spiritual Discipline is Still Important
Duncan Pile | February 15, 2024
The Book of Job Part 3 – Job Calls God His Enemy
Duncan Pile | February 09, 2024
Is the Work of Christ Finished?
Duncan Pile | February 04, 2024
Explore the journey from rigid legalism to a life of grace and growth in Christ, finding......
Being Kind to Our Younger Selves
Duncan Pile | February 03, 2024
Was Jesus Really Crucified Instead of You?
Duncan Pile | January 08, 2024
Jesus didn’t just carry sin or pay for sin; He became sin. The perfect Lord of all, who......
God’s Favourite Track on His Favourite Album
Duncan Pile | January 05, 2024
Be Glorified in 2024!
Duncan Pile | December 31, 2023
Why Honour Marriage?
Duncan Pile | December 17, 2023
Real Reasons to Honor Marriage
Duncan Pile | December 13, 2023
Many going through deconstruction discard boxy ideas about marriage for good reason. But......
Father Forgive Them – They Know Not What They Do
Duncan Pile | December 13, 2023
Cell Phones – The Peril of Continual Distraction
Duncan Pile | December 09, 2023
Authentic Christians and Honest Heretics
Duncan Pile | November 13, 2023
The Wise Fire of Judgement
Duncan Pile | November 08, 2023
In the first five centuries, there were six known theological schools. Four of them......
What is Christian Mysticism?
Duncan Pile | November 06, 2023
Thought-police? No thanks!
Duncan Pile | October 29, 2023
Forget the End Times
Duncan Pile | October 17, 2023
Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem
Duncan Pile | October 09, 2023
How to Spot a Conspiracy Theory
Duncan Pile | October 08, 2023
Faith and Mental Health
Duncan Pile | October 06, 2023
The Interaction of Faith and Mental Health
Duncan Pile | October 06, 2023
The Art of Surrender
Duncan Pile | October 05, 2023
All aspects of personal growth are enabled by surrender. To fall in love, we must......
God is Everywhere, and Whirling!
Duncan Pile | September 29, 2023
Do Promises of Healing Apply to Mental Health?
Duncan Pile | September 20, 2023
Honouring Women of Faith
Duncan Pile | September 14, 2023
Honouring Role Model Women of Faith
Duncan Pile | September 14, 2023
Purging the Image of God
Duncan Pile | September 06, 2023
Explore the transformative journey of a Christological approach to understanding......
I’ve Changed My Mind About Contemporary Worship
Duncan Pile | September 05, 2023
Nurturing a Sense of Self
Duncan Pile | August 26, 2023
The Secret to Understanding the Bible
Duncan Pile | August 24, 2023
The Bible is a collection of historical writings, poems, letters, psalms, ponderings,......
The Dangers of Applying A Narrative
Duncan Pile | August 18, 2023
Male Headship is a Romance Killer
Duncan Pile | August 10, 2023
Challenging the notion of divine purpose in suffering, discover why embracing healing......
Inerrancy - A Shield Against Compassion
Duncan Pile | July 16, 2023
Inerrancy Enforces the Repression of Women
Duncan Pile | July 16, 2023
Sickness is Not in God’s Toolkit
Duncan Pile | July 12, 2023
The Idolatrous Doctrine of Inerrancy
Duncan Pile | July 08, 2023
Inclusion or Extinction? It’s Up to Us
Duncan Pile | June 21, 2023
How did Jesus Interpret Scripture?
Duncan Pile | June 17, 2023
How Did Jesus Interpret Scripture?
Duncan Pile | June 15, 2023
How Did Jesus Interpret Scripture?...
The Service of Jesus
Duncan Pile | June 08, 2023
The Oneness of Pentecost
Duncan Pile | May 28, 2023
The Oneness Flowing From Pentecost
Duncan Pile | May 28, 2023
Forgiveness Builds the Bridges Between Us
Duncan Pile | May 27, 2023
His Ways Are Higher
Duncan Pile | May 20, 2023
Isaiah 55 is a particularly beautiful and oft-quoted passage, but is its message well......
The Higher Ways of God
Duncan Pile | May 19, 2023
Do All Things Work Together for the Good?
Duncan Pile | May 14, 2023
Monarchy is for Peasants
Duncan Pile | May 06, 2023
Praying with Yoda
Duncan Pile | May 04, 2023
A Permanent State of Transition
Duncan Pile | April 29, 2023
A Permanent State of Transition
Duncan Pile | April 24, 2023
The only thing that is certain is change, dive into how to embrace it with the help of......
The Idolatry of Christian Nationalism
Duncan Pile | April 20, 2023
Lying for Jesus?
Duncan Pile | April 18, 2023
Did Not Our Hearts Burn Within Us?
Duncan Pile | April 10, 2023
Among the Scoffers?
Duncan Pile | April 08, 2023
The Trap of Easter Tradition
Duncan Pile | April 06, 2023
Battling Self-Doubt in the Wilderness
Duncan Pile | March 20, 2023
Jesus was as subject to vulnerability as any of us, and must have known self-doubt as......
The Sin of Exclusion
Duncan Pile | March 18, 2023
Which Mountain Do You Stand Upon?
Duncan Pile | March 12, 2023
Rethinking Being in Christ
Duncan Pile | February 26, 2023
Politicising the Asbury Revival
Duncan Pile | February 20, 2023
Don’t Judge the Asbury Revival
Duncan Pile | February 18, 2023
The Importance of Collective Emotion in Worship
Duncan Pile | February 13, 2023
Where the Spirit of the Lord is, There is Freedom
Duncan Pile | February 08, 2023
Where the Spirit of the Lord is There is Freedom...
The real problem with contemporary worship
Duncan Pile | January 30, 2023
The Importance of Emotion in Worship
Duncan Pile | January 14, 2023
Take the Fear Out of Faith
Duncan Pile | January 09, 2023
The worst consequence of fear is that it keeps us from the kind of closeness with God he......
If God Invited You to a Party
Duncan Pile | January 09, 2023
The Good Shepherd
Duncan Pile | January 05, 2023
Be it unto me according to thy word
Duncan Pile | December 17, 2022
The Good Shepherd
Duncan Pile | December 12, 2022
What is your image of God like? Do you feel confident asking for blessing or provision?......
The Demise of American Christianity
Duncan Pile | December 10, 2022
Loving the Other
Duncan Pile | November 15, 2022
Exercises in Self-Value: Escaping the Prison of...
Duncan Pile | November 11, 2022
How do you view competition? Many see it as a necessary, even fundamental part of life –......
Break free from self-imposed limitations
Duncan Pile | November 03, 2022
Break Free From Self-Imposed Limitations
Duncan Pile | November 01, 2022
Too often, Christians are told to embrace forms of suffering that we should seek to free......
Should the media cover faith?
Duncan Pile | October 23, 2022
Building Better Communities
Duncan Pile | September 15, 2022
Building Better Communities
Duncan Pile | September 12, 2022
Every church can make the choice to inject all they do with compassion and grace,......
Entering the Promised Land
Duncan Pile | September 02, 2022
Your circumstances are not guidance
Duncan Pile | August 29, 2022
The Basis of Respect
Duncan Pile | August 19, 2022
Entering the Promised Land
Duncan Pile | August 12, 2022
Much has been made of the metaphor of the Israelites’ journey from Egypt to Canaan, and......
The River of Life
Duncan Pile | August 09, 2022
Rethinking Glory
Duncan Pile | July 25, 2022
In Due Season
Duncan Pile | July 23, 2022
Rethinking Glory
Duncan Pile | July 21, 2022
Glory is a commonly used word, peppering worship songs, hymns, prayers, and colloquial......
Progressive or Evangelical?
Duncan Pile | June 28, 2022
Apologetics for The Status Quo
Duncan Pile | June 19, 2022
Those Wounds Yet Visible Above
Duncan Pile | June 14, 2022
The Lord Tests the Heart
Duncan Pile | June 10, 2022
The Lord Tests the Heart by Duncan Pile...
The Lord Tests the Heart
Duncan Pile | June 07, 2022
What is Lacking in Christ’s Suffering?
Duncan Pile | June 03, 2022
What does the Bible say about abortion?
Duncan Pile | May 31, 2022
The Problem of Persecution
Duncan Pile | May 27, 2022
Lean Hard Into That Rudder
Duncan Pile | May 21, 2022
Is Tithing a Christian Concept?
Duncan Pile | May 12, 2022
What is Humility?
Duncan Pile | May 07, 2022
What do you think of when you hear the word humility? What does it look like? How does......
Is God in Control?
Duncan Pile | April 23, 2022
Is God in Control?
Duncan Pile | April 15, 2022
We often hear that ‘God is in control’ as a kind of self-soothing mechanism. It can be......
Faith Teaching – Pitfall or Paradise?
Duncan Pile | April 09, 2022
The Choices That Steer Your Life
Duncan Pile | April 06, 2022
How Do You Judge God?
Duncan Pile | March 22, 2022
The Sin of Self-Judgement
Duncan Pile | March 18, 2022
Faith Teaching - Pitfall or Paradise?
Duncan Pile | March 17, 2022
At the age of 21 I was first exposed to faith teaching, and boy did I like what I heard.......
Rethinking Judgement
Duncan Pile | March 08, 2022
Should Christians Be Pacifists?
Duncan Pile | February 27, 2022
Sex and Marriage
Duncan Pile | February 12, 2022
Re-thinking Judgement: Part 3 – Judging God
Duncan Pile | February 03, 2022
There is nothing more important that our understanding of God. ...
Why I’m (Almost) a Universalist
Duncan Pile | January 25, 2022
The Connectedness of All Things
Duncan Pile | January 23, 2022
The Mythology of Cancel Culture
Duncan Pile | January 18, 2022
Why I Believe: Duncan Pile
Duncan Pile | January 13, 2022
In all that time, and in many challenging circumstances, he has never let me down. When......
Does the Devil Exist?
Duncan Pile | January 12, 2022
Dig Your Own Well
Duncan Pile | January 07, 2022
Rethinking Judgement — Part 2
Duncan Pile | January 07, 2022
Jesus goes before us in everything. He is our perfect example – including in his......
Making Resolutions That Work
Duncan Pile | December 30, 2021
Duncan Pile | December 24, 2021
The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom
Duncan Pile | December 21, 2021
Rethinking Judgement — Part 1
Duncan Pile | December 18, 2021
This article in a short series about judgement reveals how judging is the foundation of......
The Most Important Lesson My Father Taught Me
Duncan Pile | November 26, 2021
For the Avoidance of Dishonour
Duncan Pile | November 25, 2021
The Prayer God Can't Answer
Duncan Pile | November 23, 2021
The Problem is Calvinism – Why This Matters
Duncan Pile | November 19, 2021
The Problem is Calvinism - Part 4
Duncan Pile | November 16, 2021
The Problem is Calvinism – Part 3
Duncan Pile | November 11, 2021
The Problem is Calvinism - Part 2
Duncan Pile | November 10, 2021
The Problem is Calvinism - Part 1
Duncan Pile | November 06, 2021
Here's to the Atheists!
Duncan Pile | November 02, 2021
Let Your Kids Enjoy Halloween
Duncan Pile | October 29, 2021
Hold Me Closer Cosmic Dancer
Duncan Pile | October 27, 2021
Is Grace Available After Death?
Duncan Pile | October 01, 2021
The Beauty of Meditation
Duncan Pile | July 13, 2021
A Glimpse of Grace
Duncan Pile | July 10, 2021