Patheos Featured Writers

Gary Gach

Gary Gach is the author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Buddhism (Nautilus Award) and editor of What Book!? Buddha Poems from Beat to Hiphop (American Book Award). His work has appeared in such magazines and anthologies as, BuddhaDharma, Harvard Divinity Bulletin, Inquiring Mind, Language for a New Century, The New Yorker, Shambhala Sun, Technicians of the Sacred, Tricycle, Veterans of War Veterans of Peace, Whole Earth Review, and Yoga Journal.

Works by Gary Gach
Mia Love Is Running Scared
Gary Gach | December 09, 2017
Elder Cook's Anti-Trump Smackdown
Gary Gach | September 30, 2017
Trump’s Pharisaical Flag Fetishizing
Gary Gach | September 24, 2017
Trump Disrespects the Flag More than Kaepernick
Gary Gach | September 24, 2017
"When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong". . . at Church
Gary Gach | September 22, 2017
Fahrenheit 2016
Gary Gach | September 15, 2017
Trump Cabinet Meeting: Rameumpton Edition
Gary Gach | September 14, 2017
Is Christianity a Violent Faith?
Gary Gach | September 10, 2017
Want to Defeat the Alt-Right? Embrace Cultural...
Gary Gach | September 01, 2017
“Men Will Be Punished for Their Own Sins”
Gary Gach | August 31, 2017
Trump Fiddles While Texas Floods
Gary Gach | August 27, 2017
Trump’s Middle Finger to a Mormon Judge
Gary Gach | August 23, 2017
Steve Bannon, Meet Amlici
Gary Gach | August 19, 2017
Confederate Treason is Not My Culture
Gary Gach | August 17, 2017
Wrestling with Hate in the Church
Gary Gach | August 16, 2017
People of the South, Tear Down Those Statues!
Gary Gach | August 13, 2017
The First Mormon(ish) Prime Minister?
Gary Gach | August 10, 2017
The One-Marshmallow Presidency
Gary Gach | July 07, 2017
America Needs Mitt Romney
Gary Gach | May 26, 2017
The Anti-Trump General Conference
Gary Gach | April 02, 2017
Mormons and Free Trade
Gary Gach | March 11, 2017
What Vox got wrong about Jon Huntsman
Gary Gach | March 11, 2017
If Thomas Friedman were Mormon . . .
Gary Gach | March 05, 2017
A Chastened Chaffetz Should Learn from Mo Udall
Gary Gach | February 12, 2017
Why I'm Fasting for Hillary Clinton
Gary Gach | November 05, 2016
Trump's Threat to Mormons
Gary Gach | August 13, 2016
A Future Is Possible: Buddhism in the West
Gary Gach | July 01, 2015
As Buddhism evolves in the West, we might consider how invested in the past the East has......
Quietude: 'Tis a Gift to Be Silent
Gary Gach | February 16, 2015
There's a slow, steady progression across the eight chapters — from noise to......
A Deep Bow and a Smile: for Thich Nhat Hanh
Gary Gach | December 02, 2014
From Thich Nhat Hanh I have learned that for there to be peace in the world, there must......
We need to back up to view gender beyond hierarchies or dualism, and thus consider......
A Zen Monk's Letter to Adam Lanza
Gary Gach | December 29, 2012
Updates to the Now
Gary Gach | April 12, 2011
Editor McLeod delineates Buddhism's uniqueness: nontheistic, concerned with mind rather......
Can Poetry Heal the Planet
Gary Gach | March 21, 2011
"As texts for spoken word, Stephen Levine's poems kindle higher consciousness. Aloud,......
The Morning Star
Gary Gach | December 23, 2010
At the moment of solstice, however it comes, with or without heavenly messenger, we hear......
Solstice : light in darkness
Gary Gach | December 22, 2010
Gary Gach | November 05, 2010
As preface or afterword, random notes from the editor of the Future of Buddhism....
Awakening from Violence
Gary Gach | June 17, 2010
Teachings of Vietnamese Buddhist pacifist Thich Nhat Hanh can awaken us to the nature of......
Mindfulness can furnish a trustworthy perspective on growing up, and a good tool for......
What role does ritual play in contemporary Western Buddhism? Might such understanding......
A Science of Body/Heart/Mind as One
Gary Gach | May 20, 2010
Cognitive science, like Buddhism, is an art of awakening to What Is....
Various Paths, One Dharma
Gary Gach | May 13, 2010
Here's a primer on some basic schools of practice popular in the West. Whether you drink......