God’s Words As You Receive Them

God’s Words As You Receive Them July 24, 2024

The scriptures bring us God's words and help us understand them.

This past year I have been working on a new book. After writing and publishing 18 books, I have  learned that God’s words will come to me as I prepare to write.

My Writing Process

My specific process consists of  taking an idea to God, mapping out chapters, and wrestling to find the words to communicate my thoughts. What I have learned after 10 years of writing is that God has always expressed something in His book before I write about it.

The first step, as  a writer of  inspirational non-fiction, is  to take a manuscript idea and check what is said about it in God’s book. God says it best.

Idea Processing

Even if you aren’t planning to write, God’s book is filled with words that matter. I believe scripture study is about daily showing up to see what God has said about what you are talking about. When we spend time in scripture, God’s words can become our words. The words God has inspired for prophets, seers, and revelators can become our words as well.

Just like I do when planning and prepping a book, you can turn to God for ideas and answers. Needing to help a child struggling at school? Hurting when a friend that has betrayed you? Going through chronic illness or chronic unemployment? All of these everyday real life issues under your stewardship  are things God cares about. You can find God’s words about your burdens and questions in the words God teaches in His books.

Spiritual Sensitivity

Mark L. Pace,  serving as Sunday School General President, wrote of receiving inspiration from God’s words. “Sometimes a passage of scripture will seem to jump off the page to my attention. At other times, I feel like my mind is enlightened with a broader understanding of a gospel principle.”

The secret to becoming familiar and integrated with something is consistent connection. If you want to have God’s words become your words, daily immersion is essential.

Brother Pace assured us, “When we study the scriptures, there is no spiritual famine in the land.” It is in the daily nibbling, not necessarily Thanksgiving feasting, that keeps the hunger pains of the spirit quiet. As you turn to God’s words to learn what He has said about your everyday worries, don’t be surprised when His words will be the words you speak in moments of need.

While working on my new book, I was reminded again to fill up my well with the words of Jesus. When you need the living water, it will be there. Make sure you fill up your personal well daily, and you will never thirst. God’s words matter—to everyone.

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