Communication With Revelation

Communication With Revelation July 17, 2024

Communication with revelation enhances the revelatory experience.

In a lifetime of callings that require the Lord’s guidance, we have learned the value of communication with revelation, helping us know what to ask for and how to receive and interpret it.

Settings and Situations

Our most beautiful and inspirational experiences have been in the service of God. We have had the privilege of serving God and his children in many capacities. In what might be considered informal callings, we enjoy serving as husband,  wife, father, mother,  grandfather, or  grandmother. We were privileged to be called as mission leaders in Chile. Also Larry has served as bishop and stake president, and is currently on the Young Men’s General Advisory Council.

We have found that when we combine communication with revelation—learning  as much as we can about individuals we are serving, their circumstances, and their concerns—we are more able to understand pure revelation.

We have experienced this with a wide range of settings and situations. As husband and wife, when we counsel together and listen carefully to each others’ insights and concerns, God’s will becomes clear to both of us. As parents and grandparents, when we listen fully to our children and grandchildren God whispers to us through the Holy Ghost, and we are able to understand His will for our family much more clearly. As a bishop, stake president, and mission president, Larry learned that when he listened very carefully to the concerns, thoughts, and feelings of those with whom he served, a window to heaven seemed to open before his mind, and he could see and understand God’s will for individuals, for our ward, for our stake, and/or for our mission.

Willingness and Trust

We always appreciate when someone we desire to bless is willing and able to express to us their concerns, thoughts, and feelings. We are especially concerned when Larry has had  an opportunity to extend a calling to someone for the Lord. As flawed disciples (which we all are), being human means there are many things we just don’t know. But the Spirit knows all things. When an individual who is receiving a call is willing to discuss concerns with the person issuing the call, both are blessed to discern the Lord’s will more clearly.

Many feel embarrassed or weak to tell a priesthood leader their personal concerns. But from our experience, we testify that true revelation comes to our priesthood leaders as we honestly express our concerns and then cheerfully accept the Lord’s will as we are blessed to receive it.

We saw this often in our mission service. When our missionaries expressed their concerns to us over a new assignment, we could then advise and counsel them with more clarity and love.

When our children and grandchildren are willing to discuss their concerns with us, we are always able to understand God’s will for them with more clarity, peace, and understanding.

Communication with Inspiration—Interactive Blessings

Late Apostle Richard G. Scott explained,

The Holy Ghost communicates important information that we need to guide us in our mortal journey. When it is crisp and clear and essential, it warrants the title of revelation. When it is a series of promptings, we often have to [be guided] step by step to a worthy objective . . . It is important that our daily activities do not distract us from listening to the Spirit.

Elder Scott cautioned,

 Sometimes we unwisely try to face life by depending on our own experience and capacity. It is much wiser for us to seek through prayer and divine inspiration to know what to do. Our obedience assures that when required, we can qualify for divine power to accomplish an inspired objective.

Asking for the Spirit is not enough. Unless we listen carefully and apply its instruction purposefully, we are requesting only a one-way communication. More is offered. And Elder Scott added a new perspective: “In the process of helping others, the Lord can piggyback directions for our own benefit.”

Wise earthly parents do not give their children everything they want immediately when they ask for it because they asked for it. Simple routine requests are part of routine. But we know that our children would not develop properly physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually if they did not participate in discussing, selecting, planning, and preparing for things that will be important to them.

Passing everything out automatically, with no involvement or thought, is not the way life (or eternal life) works. In our experience,  discerning and acting on the revelation and promptings from the Holy Ghost takes divine work and diligent spiritual preparation.

 Prayer and conversation put us in the spirit to receive divine guidance. Listening to the answers that come to us through the Spirit and/or our communications with others always enlightens our path and reveals the way for us to serve and help others.

We love the words of the Lord in D&C 9:7-9, revealed to Oliver Cowdery when he begged to translate some of the golden plates and was told that he would be able to do so. So he sat down in front of the plates and waited for the translation to come—and it didn’t. The Lord explained,

Behold, ye have not understood; you have supposed that I would give it unto you, when you took no thought save it was to ask me.

But, behold, I say unto you, that you must study it out in your mind; then you must ask me if it be right, and if it is right, I will cause that your bosom shall burn within you; therefore, ye shall feel that it is right.

But if it be not right, you shall have no such feelings, but you shall have a stupor of thought that shall cause you to forget the thing which is wrong.

The stupor of thought is a learning opportunity—though sometimes a rather unpleasant one.

Elder Scott indicated that emotions like anger, hurt, or defensiveness “drive away the Holy Ghost.” He included other practical advice: “a good sense of humor helps revelation; loud laughter does not.” Loud voices and exaggeration do not invite the Spirit, but “careful, quiet speech” opens communication. Elder Scott mentioned exercise, sleep, and wise eating to “increase our capacity to receive and understand revelation.”

We receive communication with revelation in various forms that can bless many lives as we serve the Lord and our fellow men. Communication provides information that leads to better inspiration. We are responsible for communicating: to obtain beneficial information, to prepare ourselves spiritually to receive it, and then to listen carefully to the answers from the Lord through the Holy Ghost.

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