June 13, 2024

I have been looking forward to Inside Out 2 for weeks! My family loved Inside Out so much that my son had us watching it daily until I memorized large portions of it. I can still sing the Bing Bong song at the drop of a hat. And in the preview, when Anxiety asks where to put her things and holds up all that baggage? I laughed my head off because my anxiety comes with SO much baggage! But when... Read more

April 21, 2024

April 25th is National Take Your Kids To Work Day. When I was a kid, I got to go to work with my Dad a few times. He was a research food chemist before he retired. His education was in the food sciences. He worked at NutraSweet at the time. I loved seeing all the cool machines, and the labs. They had a sample food processing plant where they tested things before taking them to the full processing plant.  They... Read more

March 11, 2024

When I was a young mother, I was physically exhausted. I was sure that parenting would get easier as my son got older. But nobody told me that teens are way harder than babies to parent. You go from physically exhausted to emotionally exhausted. And there is so much drama! One kid is trying to make another look bad to make them look good. And as a parent, there is nothing you can do about the mess except try to... Read more

March 4, 2024

Grace is a concept that I have recently been studying. To be honest I have always struggled with it. Grace is defined as the spontaneous, unmerited gift of Divine favor in the salvation of sinners, and the divine influence operating in individuals for their sanctification. What? I always thought you had to get God’s attention to be blessed. Like with your parents, the good kids got extra rewards and affection. I saw grace as God’s version of affection. But since... Read more

December 30, 2023

I’ve recently started reading a book by Wendy Watson Nelson called “What Would a Holy Woman Do?”. At the beginning of her book, she talks about inviting some friends to do an experiment. She asked them to take three days and choose one area to focus on living as a holy woman would and report back. It was so moving reading about their experiences that I decided that I would accept her challenge and spend the next three days trying... Read more

December 12, 2023

Until I was twelve, we lived in the Bible Belt, in southern Illinois along the border of Kentucky. There were so many different religions that all felt like they were the only ones who were right. But kids don’t see barriers like that. We loved playing with some friends down the block. Their Dad was a Pastor and their church was literally in their backyard. It was well-manicured, and a beautiful place to play. One day, when I was 8,... Read more

December 3, 2023

This past weekend my son introduced my father-in-law to his favorite YouTuber- Mark Rober. My father-in-law is not an internet-savvy guy and had never heard of the epic backyard squirrel obstacle courses. And he had never heard of elephant toothpaste. My Mom was eager to tell him all about her favorite Mark Rober prank- the porch pirate-deterring glitter bombs. And as he watched, thanks to Mark Rober, he (and all of you too) got a great laugh and learned something... Read more

November 22, 2023

Christmas traditions are among the best memories I have of my childhood. And now that I am a mother, finding new traditions that our family enjoys has been fun. In the past, we did several traditions that just didn’t work for us. So this year I am on the hunt for new ones.  For the past couple of years, we have done a couple of failed traditions. First was an advent calendar with chocolates in it. But people forgot to... Read more

November 18, 2023

One of my favorite Christmas traditions is seeing all the Christmas lights. When my son was young we went to Temple Square often to see the incredible display of lights they always put on. It’s awe-inspiring! One year we found a new thing called Giving Machines at Temple Square. My son was really into goats at the time, and we got a kick out of gifting someone a baby goat.  Well, guess what?! Those Giving Machines that were a hit... Read more

November 12, 2023

All of us have been distracted from time to time. And there is nothing wrong with periodic distraction. But recently I have discovered I’ve been sucked into distraction with a capital D. The kind that becomes your whole reality and takes over your time, and you wake up wondering where all your day has gone and you’ve gotten nothing done. Several sources can be blamed for my distractions. YouTube Shorts is a big one. I will check it out while... Read more

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