Eternity in the Moment: Hope in Despair w/ Vwillz & Kushner

Eternity in the Moment: Hope in Despair w/ Vwillz & Kushner August 1, 2024

Eternity hope and despair looking to sunrise
Hope for Eternity in the Daylight (Photo by A. Laflamme)

Eternity is a crazy concept.

Feeling of Eternity

When people say, “Feels like an eternity?“ what do they mean? Honestly, I don’t think many people reflect regularly on the idea of eternity and they just use the phrase to mean “a pretty long time”.

For example, it feels like an eternity since I’ve had that overlap of inspiration, motivation, and time to write.

Choosing the Good

Initially, this lack was easily blamed on outside stressors such as moving (again), kids that won’t sleep, work and other responsibilities. While these are real factors, further reflection tells me that it is also caused by willingly allowing myself to be distracted by non-fulfilling content that is shallow, momentary, and lacking beauty. Allowing myself to escape into daily news headlines, algorithmic YouTube entertainment, or meme jokes feels satisfying at that instant but leaves me uninspired.

By consuming content that doesn’t provoke deeper thought, I end up feeling no motivation to create.

I wonder if that feeling un-fruitfulness and un-fulfillment for eternity must be one of the feelings of Hell if magnified.

Inspired to Reflect on Eternity

I always mention how, when I am stubborn and unaware, God will speak to me in repetition. Lately, I am feeling called to reflect deeper on eternity.

In the span of one day, I have heard two songs, heard two conversations, and read one reflection that all pointed to this idea, and now I will do my best to organize them all into a coherent thought.

In Suffering and Despair, Set Eyes on Eternity

If eternity was a shoelace, our lifetime wouldn’t even be an aglet on the end of it.

Therefore, in these moments of deciding between escapism or enduring frustrations, stress, or boredom, why is it so difficult to endure, pray, or offer up our trials?

This passage from Imitation of Christ is something I hope to return to in these moments where I could turn on TV or I could pray or read something more fulfilling.

“Son, let not your labors which you have under taken for My sake crush you, neither let tribulations, from whatever source, cast you down, but in every occurrence let My promise strengthen and console you. I am sufficient in recompense to you beyond all bounds and measures. It is not long you have to labor here, nor will you always be oppressed with sorrows. Wait a little while and you shall see a speedy end of suffering.”

Imitation of Christ, Kempis – Book 3, Chapter 47

Really, choosing the Good (God’s Will) in the moment should be an easy choice. Eternity with Him would be worth sacrificing every second I have ever wasted.

However, it doesn’t always feel that way. There are times where we get tired and lack strength.

On Despair

One of the songs I heard was called Panic Last by Vwillz. The chorus summarizes the author’s struggle that is so relatable today.

“How long does panic last? How bad is not that bad?
Does good whisky work when cold beer won’t?
I can’t take off my mask, cause right now thats all I have.
Do them hotlines work, when Jesus don’t?
I thought that dosage worked.
I thought my prayers got heard,
But just like you I have my doubts,
And if the scientist and god can’t help me out,
Then where do I go now?”

Vwillz – Panic Last

Struggling with the realities of life, the singer narrates his attempts to heal himself with medications and even faith. He sees he is struggling and is having a moment where he realizes he needs somewhere to turn for help.

What I find beautiful in this honesty, is the accuracy that as humans, we are physical, emotional, and spiritual.

Looking for Answers in Despair

In this next song, I hear a depiction of another human reaction to the struggle of immediate gratification that so many vices provide. This artist also realizes that he is struggling, yet rather than looking for help, he is almost giving in. The act of giving in is a real image of what despair, or rather hopelessness, is.

“There’s darkness in the distance,
From the way that I’ve been livin’,
But I know I can’t resist it.

Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time.
You and I drink the poison from the same vine.
Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time.
Hidin’ all of our sins from the daylight,
From the daylight, runnin’ from the daylight”

David Kushner – Daylight

There is a temptation when we feel that we aren’t living up to our highest potential, to give in. It is a lie from Evil when you hear “you’re already down, you might as well fall”.

This lie has been observed many times by those striving to follow Christ, but I found one article that lays it out very clearly. Basically, when tempting us to sin, Evil says “it’s no big deal.” Then after you’ve been tempted and sin, Evil flips the story saying “you’re awful, how could you do that?” All of this is in effort to put you in despair.

In a recent interview, Dr. Jordan Peterson said, “Where there’s a dragon, there’s a treasure.” The Devil and his demons tempting us are trying to keep us from the greatest treasure, Heaven.

By seeing these lies for what they are, we can start to look more realistically at solutions to get out of despair.

Hope for Eternity

The anecdote for despair is hope.

Now, I want to return to those two songs and how they handle their despair.

Hope for Vwillz

“You’re not dying Its a panic attack.
Just breathe and try to relax,
Cause that rock ford whisky might make it worse.
Go ahead and take off your mask,
Cause you’ll find out it’s not that bad.
You Don’t need a hotline, cause Jesus works.
Flush those prescriptions pills,
Cause in time you’ll be healed.
Don’t let the devil give you those doubts.
Let the scientist and god find middle ground,
Cause one day we’ll make it out.

Vwillz – Panic Last

Here there is hope. With time, and sight set on Jesus and eternity, you can stand back up. The author recognizes that whiskey can’t help you long term. It won’t get you to eternal happiness.

Although there is obviously a place for calling for help and medication, it is an openness to God that will save. Alcoholics Anonymous has known this for decades; when people submit to Higher Power, they can begin to heal.

Again, we are physical, emotional, and spiritual. To ignore one of those is to ignore part of our humanity.

Hope for Kushner

“Tellin’ myself it’s the last time.
Can you spare any mercy that you might find
If I’m down on my knees again?
Deep down, way down, Lord, I try,
Try to follow your light, but it’s night time.
Please, don’t leave me in the end.

There’s darkness in the distance.
I’m beggin’ for forgiveness (ooh),
But I know I might resist it.

David Kushner – Daylight

Although he ends the song still “running from the daylight”, Kushner at least sings of some hope. This hope is in a sincere plea of forgiveness. This is the first step to looking to the daylight and preparing for eternity.

Forgiveness is the Key

Forgiveness is the key to unlock the door out of despair and into hope.

The sacrament of reconciliation, or confession, is God’s merciful gift to us. Confession allows us to to be strong in our weakness, by dismissing the lies of Evil as trash, going to God, and accepting that gift, we have hope for an Eternity of pure joy.

Eternity is Worth It

So that was most of my thoughts this week on Eternity. By reflecting on Eternal peace, temporal suffering is allowed makes sense. In another part of Dr. Peterson’s interview, he described looking to the future as a sign of maturing in humans. Having the ability to sacrifice now for a better future is a uniquely mature human trait, and if that is true, looking to eternity and sacrificing in the moment would be our ultimate maturity.

I have often thought that this is one of the greatest perks of Catholicism, hope.

No matter what happens in politics, wars, sporting events, one apocalyptic prediction or another, you name it – we will all spend eternity in the destination we live for. The end result is the same and it is up to us and Jesus.

All we need to focus on is 1. Love God and 2. Love our neighbors.

“Seek first the Kingdom of God… and all these things will be given you besides.”

Matthew 6:33

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About Andrew Laflamme
Andrew is a husband and father with experience as a musician, engineer, and Catholic missionary. You can read more about the author here.
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