Food, Fat & Family – An Interview with Rabia Chaudry

Food, Fat & Family – An Interview with Rabia Chaudry June 10, 2023

Food, Fat & Family - An Interview with Rabia Chaudry
Food, Fat & Family – An Interview with Rabia Chaudry


Rabia Chaudry is well known for her work as an attorney and in advocating for the freedom of Adnan Syed, but what you may not know is that she is also 100% a bonafide foodie. Tune in for our full interview with Rabia about her new memoir “Fatty Fatty Boom Boom”. Not only do we talk about food, family, and her lifelong relationship with her weight, but we also get to the meat of matters including a family recipe for Shaami Kababs, and a passionate debate on whether Sarson da Saag (Punjabi Saag) is literal heaven on a plate, or actually just a bitter stew of plants!

You can listen to the full interview on YouTube here:


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