Things You Hear at Mystic South, 2024 Edition

Things You Hear at Mystic South, 2024 Edition July 30, 2024

In the leather community, we call it kennel cough. But since I picked it up at Mystic South after Thorn Mooney allegedly put a hex on me, I’m just going to call it The Crud, which kept me out of commission most of this past Sunday.

Fortunately, Mystic South is a three-day event, so I was able to hit a ton of awesome lectures and workshops on Friday and Saturday (Frater Aaron’s paper The Ecstatic Craft Hidden Within Grimm’s Fairy Tales being my personal favorite). My own presentation on Discordian Cosmogony was well-received, and I got my laptop hooked up to the projector without outside assistance or a panic attack, which totally felt like a win.

As did baptizing John Beckett into Discordianism. He’s going to be an epic pope. I can tell.

I’m not sure what the little ribbons that attach to name badges are called, but my friends Ivy and Bev decided I needed all of them and went on a mission. They were accurate in their assessment.

I even managed to be productive while recovering from Thorn’s baneful sorcery (thanks, Thorn), compiling all of the random conversational snippets I’d overheard and recorded throughout the weekend. And it is that Great Work which I humbly present below.

My Loyal Clutterbuckaroos, I give you the highly anticipated, 2024 master compendium of…

Things You Hear at Mystic South

Millennial Gaia is the queer icon we all wanted.”

“It’s not actually traditional witchcraft unless you’re publicly suffering.”

“No wonder you’re worried about the hipster infestation.”

“I am 100% convinced that if I didn’t find Wicca when I did, I would be a furry today.”

“You are not burying any of those in my yard.”

“I killed a drifter. I’m such a Virgo.”

“The first time I met him, I fangirled all over him. And now I just yell ‘HAIL SATAN’ whenever I see him.”

The gays formed a coven. Or possibly a British synth-pop band. (From left to right: Vini Higginbotham, Thumper Forge, Kelden Mercury.)

“I’m a sweet potato filled with razor blades and trick’r treats.”

“You can absolutely pet my cow.”

“Festive maiming.”

“I’m pretty sure the secret to witchcraft is tea lights.” [collected by Laura Tempest Zakroff]

“Imagine the 4H kids from last night, but on horses. Which… I guess would also work for 4H.”

“If you have an entourage, and they’re all wearing the same T-shirt, that’s a waste of money.”

“Did they just, like, run out of Irish names?”

“Don’t think I won’t murder you. We talked about how to do it on the way here.”

“You can open the path to spooky, if that’s your thing.”

“It’s not that I’m a liar so much as I’m a weaver of tales and teller of dreams.”

“I’m emotionally vulnerable, so I’mma go talk to my editor.”

“She opened up about dolphins. Dolphins are a problem.”

“Two glasses of water: one for me, and one for the spirit of Gary Busey.”

Someone who probably wasn’t me left a stack of pope cards on the table reserved for handouts and flyers. Someone who definitely was me couldn’t have been more pleased at how quickly they got snatched up fnord.

“They are not your crows. They are your chaos goblins.”

“I’m just going to sit here and pretend I said yes.”

“Fire marshal? Have I got a scoop for you.”

“We’re in the Llewellyn Mafia. I invented the Llewellyn Mafia.”

“Listen, we all know that my UPG is the UPG.”

“I don’t think we’re baby witches. I think we’re just remembering who we are.”

“My pants saved me.”

And finally, in response to a very nice server who found herself smiling blankly at a table of Pagan authors, one of whom (Kelden, natch) had just said something so blasphemous that I can’t repeat it on Patheos:

“Buckle up, sister. It’s gonna get worse.”

Surprising no one except the server, it did. But we tipped really well, so it all worked out in the end.

Like what you’ve read? You can buy me a coffee about it. (CashApp and Venmo are always options as well.)

Oh, more discord, you say? But of course! Follow Thumper Forge on Amazon, Bluesky, Etsy, Facebook, Instagram, Threads, and TikTok.

The exit is right through the gift shop.

About Thumper
Thumper (Horkos) Marjorie Splitfoot Forge is a Gardnerian High Priest, an initiate of the Minoan Brotherhood, an Episkopos of the Dorothy Clutterbuck Memorial Cabal of Laverna Discordia, a recovering alcoholic, and a notary public from Houston, TX. His first book, VIRGO WITCH, co-authored with Ivo Dominguez, Jr., is currently available at open-minded bookstores everywhere. You can read more about the author here.

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