My Way of Business

My Way of Business June 29, 2024
“Never befriend your clients.”
“Never get close to your clients.”
“Keep it business.”
This was just some of the advice I was given when I began my business several decades ago. In the corporate world, I could tell you the backstories of the employees and the customers/clients. It wasn’t because I was psychic or because I was a gossip, but because I tried to be a listener. It peeled over to my relationship with my medical professionals who would tell me all their personal business and always end it with – “I have no idea why I’m telling you this!” I did (and do), though. I care. Maybe that is why I couldn’t just “keep it business”. So, who interprets what “keep it business” truly is?
In my many years of being in “business”, I’ve attended weddings of clients. I’ve been a bridesmaid, a matron of honor, and I’ve officiated weddings. I’ve attended funerals, birthday celebrations, graduation parties, business open houses, book releases, baptisms, and even a birth. I’ve held the hand of clients as they prepared to cross over, and I’ve held the hand of a client who was about to give birth. I’ve hugged the mom who just lost her baby. I’ve held close the company executive who had to lay off several dozen employees. I’ve celebrated promotions and grieved job loss. I’ve been the first person to know of a pregnancy (had a couple people name their baby after me). I’ve been the first call after a client got engaged, and the first call after a client was served with divorce papers. I’ve had to call police on clients for wellbeing checks, and I’ve assisted law enforcement as they trauma dumped their most horrifying haunting cases that kept them up at night and kept them from retirement. I’ve seen relationships end and relationship be repaired. I’ve read for clients and now read for their grown children too.
I’ve just kept it business, you know. Well, business my way.
Thank you for allowing me on your journey of life. I believe in you.
Kristy Robinett –


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