This Week’s Energy

This Week’s Energy June 17, 2024
This Week’s Energy: on the cusp of solstice and a full moon, this week is about gaining clarity in your life. The past couple months have been eye-opening to many. We are asked to focus on what needs to be created. Begin building your next with anticipation of positivity.
Look through your posts, your journals, and even your thoughts to see what you are putting out into the Universe. Our intuition is being tested, so stay on the side of fair and balanced in lieu of reacting. If you can, take a break from social media today. Turn off the computer, even. Turn down the news. Re-ground yourself. Pause. Make practical decisions. See the cracks in the foundation of your life and instead of dramatizing them, look at ways to fix it. And seek out help. Cleaning up messes often go quicker with assistance. I believe in you.


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