Top Christian Organisation Blogs: Ranked by an AI Tool

Top Christian Organisation Blogs: Ranked by an AI Tool July 31, 2024

St Pauls Cathedral surrounded by hungry people
Worship should spill out of the church into the community Image: Adrian Warnock

I recently shared a list of the top 40 Christian Personal Blogs, and a page where you can find fresh new content from all of them.  In this post I now share the top 40 Christian organisation blogs.  Once again I inputed a large list of working Christian blogs, and then I asked ChatGPT to rank them in exactly the same way we did for the personal ones.  I am hoping that this will mean the higher ranking sites will be more personal in their feel with vulnerability on offer at least to some degree.  These sites then are ranked by how much they are similar to personal Christian blogs.  You can also find out more about the ranking system used.  Crucially a list like this may allow you to look for content that is outside your normal comfort zone.  Lets break out of our bubbles and learn from even churches or organisations we think are imperfect.

Top 40 Christian Blogs ranked by an AI algorithm.

The descriptions of each blog are written by ChatGPT.

  1. Christianity Today – Score: 88
  2. Desiring God – Score: 88
    • “Features articles, sermons, and resources centered on the teachings of John Piper, emphasizing the joy found in God.”
  3. Women of Faith Blog – 87
    • “Shares numerous personal stories from women, showing great vulnerability.”
  4. Purposeful Faith – Score: 87
  5. She Reads Truth – Score: 87
  6. Focus on the Family Score: 87
    • “Focus on the Family offers practical advice and biblical insights on marriage, parenting, and faith. The blog aims to support and encourage families, with a strong emphasis on Christian values and building healthy relationships.”
  7. He Reads Truth – Score: 86
  8. BioLogos – Sore: 85
    • “Promotes the harmony between science and biblical faith, providing resources like articles, podcasts, and educational materials to explore this relationship. Encourages dialogue and understanding that faith and science can coexist and complement each other.”
  9. Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry (CARM) – Score: 85
    • “Provides apologetics resources and answers to theological questions.”
  10. Acts 29 – Score: 85
  11. Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry (CARM) – 85
    • “Provides apologetics resources and answers to challenging questions about Christianity.”
  12. The Gospel Coalition – Score: 84
  13. Crossway – Score: 84
    • “A publisher with a blog covering various topics related to faith and Christian living.”
  14. Ligonier Ministries – Score: 84
  15. AOMin (Alpha and Omega Ministries) – Score: 84
  16. Red Letter Christians – Score: 84
  17. The Barna Group – Score: 84
    • “Provides research and analysis on faith and culture, offering insights into trends affecting the church and society.”
  18. Modern Reformation – Score: 84
  19. Grace to You – Score: 83
    • “The ministry of John MacArthur, providing biblical teaching and sermons.”
  20. Reformation – Score: 83
    • “Focuses on Reformed theology and its application to contemporary issues, offering articles, sermons, and book reviews.”
  21. Relevant Magazine – Score: 83
    • “Covers faith, culture, and intentional living, targeting a younger Christian audience with articles on current events and lifestyle.”
  22. Evangelical Alliance – Score: 83
    • “Features personal stories and insightful biblical reflections, fostering a strong sense of community and addressing contemporary societal issues.”
  23. The Christian Century – Score: 82
  24. Church Leaders – Score: 82
  25. Mere Orthodoxy – Score: 82
    • “Engages with contemporary culture and theology from a classical Christian perspective, offering essays and reviews.”
  26. Gospel Relevance – Score: 82
    • “Focuses on making the gospel relevant to everyday life, with articles on theology, culture, and practical Christian living.”
  27. The Christian Post – Score: 82
  28. The Cripplegate – Score: 82
    • “Offers theological articles and pastoral insights, often addressing contemporary issues in the church.”
  29. Christian Research Institute (CRI) – Score: 82
    • “Focuses on apologetics and providing answers to questions about the Christian faith.”
  30. Bible Gateway Blog – Score: 80
  31. Christian Today – Score: 80
  32. Think Theology – Score: 80
    • “Features articles on theology, church practice, and cultural engagement from a group of UK-based theologians.”
  33. iBelieve – Score: 80
    • “Offers articles and resources aimed at encouraging and equipping Christian women in their faith.”
  34. Credo Magazine – Score: 80
    • “Focuses on Reformed theology and its application to contemporary issues, with articles and book reviews.”
  35. Boundless – Score: 80
  36. The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals – Score: 80
  37. Evangelism Explosion Blog – Score: 80
    • “Shares personal testimonies and evangelistic experiences with solid biblical teachings and strong community support.”
  38. Logos Blog – Score: 79
    • “Features articles on biblical studies, theology, and practical ministry, often highlighting tools and resources from Logos Bible Software.”
  39. The Catholic Herald – Score: 79
  40. The Institute for Creation Research (ICR) – Score: 79
    • “Promotes young-earth creationism through articles, research, and educational resources.”
  41. The Center for Biblical Counseling & Discipleship (CBCD) – Score: 79
  42. Evangelicals Now – Score: 79
    • “Features personal stories and testimonies, with insightful biblical teachings and reflections relevant to contemporary Christian life.”
  43. Faith on View – Score: 79
    • “Shares personal reflections and insightful biblical teachings relevant to contemporary Christian issues.”
  44. Thoughts About God – Score: 78
  45. Church Times – Score: 78
  46. Redeeming God – Score: 77
  47. Thinking Anglicans – Score: 76
  48. CBMW (Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood) – Score: 75
    • “Focuses on promoting complementarian views on gender roles in the church and family.”
  49. BuildFaith – Score: 75
    • “Focuses on educational resources and solid biblical teachings aimed at educators and leaders.”
  50. Flowing Faith – 75
    • “Offers personal reflections and insightful biblical teachings, connecting scripture to personal life.”
  51. Beliefnet – Score: 75
    • “Includes a wide range of personal stories and biblical insights, fostering a sense of community across various faith traditions.”
  52. Evangelical Times – Score: 73



Top Personal Christian Blogs: Ranked by AI Composite Score

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About Adrian Warnock
Adrian Warnock is a medical doctor. He worked as a psychiatrist and in the pharmaceutical industry on clinical trials. He has been a Christian writer since 2003 and is a published author. Alongside his career Adrian also served on a church leadership team. He was diagnosed with blood cancer in May 2017 and is the founder of Blood Cancer Uncensored an online patient support group. Adrian is passionate about helping people learn to approach suffering with hope and compassion. Adrian qualified in 1995 with an MB BS medical degree from London University (in the USA this would be called an MD). Adrian also has post graduate qualifications in both Psychiatry (MRCPsych) and Pharmaceutical Medicine (MFFM and DipPharmMed). He studied theology through courses organised by Newfrontiers. You can read more about the author here.
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