What Does God Get Out of Worship?

What Does God Get Out of Worship? August 10, 2024

Does God demand that we worship him? Is it a requirement for a believer? Wouldn’t a God who seeks to be worshipped be somehow incomplete? Why would the perfect being need anything from us?

For me, the answer is simple; he doesn’t. Worship isn’t something God demands as an offering. He doesn’t sit around, sunning himself in the glow of our adoration. In fact, all my experiences of heartfelt, Spirit-led worship have demonstrated the opposite – rather than focusing on what we can give to him, the Lord actively gives to us. He pours out his love, heals, restores, and guides. Rather than demand service, our God always chooses to serve.

Once a month, Patheos publish and feature one of my pieces directly, which means it bypasses my usual blogspot. This short post is an introduction to the full article, which can be read here.

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