August 8, 2024

Might a future Vice President Tim Walz benefit from deliberating out of a Lutheran Public Theology? Read more

August 6, 2024

Dancing the Lutheran Walz will put a smile on our face and a chuckle in our voice as well as a swing in our step. Thanks to Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. Read more

August 3, 2024

Anti-Anti-Christian Nationalism does not support Christian Nationalism, to be sure. But it critiques Anti-Christian Nationalism for missing the real target, namely, MAGA Trumpism. Read more

July 31, 2024

Anti-Christian Nationalism warns us against Christian Nationalism. This is a waste of energy. The real target is MAGAism. Read more

July 28, 2024

If you can find an actual American Christian Nationalist to interrogate, you'll hear something like this: the Christian church should take control of the government and rule society according to biblical laws. I wonder: what does the Anti-Christian Nationalist think? We'll ask in the next post in this series. Read more

July 24, 2024

Democrats defend women's health. Republicans defend the unborn child from conception onward. What about those between these extremes who care for both the woman and the child? Might Democrats add to their supporters those who support early term pregnancy termination but procribe late term abortion? Read more

July 21, 2024

Does Project 2025 pave the road toward an American Christian Nationalist theocracy? Not in the least. Rather, it promotes religious freedom. So, why are anti-evangelicals still fighting? Read more

July 19, 2024

Despite Christians against Christian nationalism warning us to fight the heretical and unpatriotic dragon, we did not see the dragon raise its ugly visage at the Republican National Convention. Whew! That was a close call. Read more

July 15, 2024

The near death experience of presidential candidate Donald Trump places him at the vortex of the scapegoat mechanism, wherein Trump becomes the sacred center around which a spirit of national unity could coalesce. Satan casts out Satan by casting out acrimony, division, and violence. In its place we are rewarded with order, unity, and Satan's glee. Read more

July 11, 2024

Even with the revival of the Cryptoterrestrial Hypothesis (CTH) to explain UAP, it appears that the traditional Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (ETH) remains stronger. Read more

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