August 9, 2024

Like  many of you, I’ve been watching the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris and the other night I saw this interview with Gold Medalist Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone that I can’t get out of my head. After talking to her about her previous Olympics experiences and winning the Gold Medal in the Women’s 400 Meter Hurdles (and breaking the World Record while doing it), the interviewer asked her what set her apart from all the other athletes in her field and this... Read more

August 9, 2024

Unveiling the Hidden Self of God “The Father reveals his bosom, and his bosom is the Holy Spirit. He reveals what’s hidden of himself; what’s hidden of himself is his Son – so that through the mercies of the Father, the generations may know him

August 1, 2024

In spite of my attempts to argue for the illogical nature of the claim in the Gospel of Truth that “those who are ignorant until the end are creatures of forgetfulness [who] will dissolve with it,” it seems that Valentinus (or whoever wrote this text)

July 31, 2024

I’ve written an entire book about the origins of the doctrine of Hell, Jesus Undefeated: Condemning the False Doctrine of Eternal Torment, but the other day I found myself in a conversation about the topic that gave me another perspective. We were talking about how the fire metaphor took hold of the early Christian imagination as the concept was introduced from pagan sources, and how the Hebrew Scriptures never breathe a word about the idea of an eternal state of... Read more

July 26, 2024

  A Few Thoughts About Oneness Reading through the Gospel of Truth, one may discern a mixed message of Oneness and Connection with the Divine on the one hand, and Separation from the Father on the other. This bears further study and reflection before we

July 22, 2024

America was founded on the foundation of an unrealized promise: The idea that everyone is endowed by their creator with the inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The Founding Fathers originally meant that “all MEN were created equal” and specifically that “all white land-owning men” (and not women, or people of color) were created equal. However, the nature of that language left open the tantalizing possibility that a nation could be founded on the promise that... Read more

July 19, 2024

In modern American Evangelical Christianity, the death of Jesus is interpreted as a sacrificial death where the Son of God suffers and dies in our place as our substitute, taking on the punishment we so rightly deserve for rejecting the Father’s love But, in the

July 14, 2024

Yesterday, Wendy and I took our son Dylan to see a film together. As the credits rolled at the end, we grabbed our phones to check messages and discovered that there had just been an assassination attempt on Donald Trump. By the time we got home, the conspiracy theories were already in full swing. Had he faked it? Who was the shooter? Why didn’t the Secret Service react differently? Would this lead to more violence? This morning, the media storm... Read more

July 12, 2024

  I want to say a few things about the language found in Chapter 4 of the Gospel of Truth (GoT) regarding the interaction between Christ and those who “discover him in themselves” even as he “discovered them in himself.” This language speaks to the

July 6, 2024

As we’ve seen, the author of the Gospel of Truth says that error is mankind’s inability to comprehend the incomprehensible God. That error is what drove mankind away from God, and God’s response to this was to send the Christ to reveal the Truth to

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