Must we reject our cherished causes to “save democracy”?

Must we reject our cherished causes to “save democracy”? July 29, 2024

It happens every four years: fringe-y voters are told to step in line. “We can’t afford to waste a single vote this time.” “Just vote for X. Endorse your third-party candidate next election cycle.” “This is not the time for making a statement – this is the time for unifying behind X.”

This year, the pressure is stronger than ever – because, perhaps, the stakes are higher than ever.

Pressure is mounting for Palestinian Americans and their allies – and anti-war voters of all stripes – to sideline Palestine. 

Palestinian Americans and their allies have worked long and hard to create a movement. We denounce the Biden administration’s policy of diplomatically and financially supporting Netanyahu’s genocide of Palestinian people. We condemn decision-makers’ refusal to entertain any approach to the issue that respects Palestinian lives.

We have put up with beatings, pepper spray, arrest, slander. We have sacrificed many hours, many friends, and in some cases, our reputations and jobs.We have endured all of this and more because our president is an active participant in a genocide, and we find that intolerable.

We are well aware that candidate Donald Trump is problematic, to say the least. The vast majority of Palestinian Americans and their allies do not want four more years under his “leadership.” We fully understand the threat that would pose.

Some progressive Americans are aware of the power the pro-Palestine constituency wields in the upcoming election, and they are beginning to pressure us to hold our noses and vote for the Democratic ticket – tainted as it is with the blood of our loved ones – in order to keep Trump out of office.

We are at a “crossroads,” they say. Don’t throw away votes on a third party for the sake of a fringe issue. As much as we sympathize with the Palestinian plight, our democracy is at stake.

A Big Question

Now that Genocide Joe Biden is out of the picture, the idea of voting blue is a little less repulsive – but still. 

After three generations of oppression and slow-motion genocide – and now a fast-motion, live-streamed genocide – I hope Palestinian Americans and their allies won’t give in to the pressure vote against all that is dear to their hearts in order to “save our country” from four more years of Trump.

We, citizens of the United States, ask: is a country that supports genocide worth saving?

I am not suggesting that the United States isn’t worth saving. I am suggesting that the United States should stop supporting genocide if it wants to survive.

This election is about more than fascism vs. democracy. It’s about the character of our country. 

The Big Ask

Democrats, instead of asking us to give up our cause for you, you must join us.

We – Palestinian Americans and their allies – we have created a movement for humanity, and you need to get on our bandwagon.

Palestine supporters don’t need to change for the sake of democracy. Politicians are the ones who need to change.

The Democratic party status quo is the problem – Democrats’ support for genocide is the problem. 

We have three months to make clear to Kamala Harris that we won’t tolerate genocide – and if she wants to be our president, she had better not tolerate it either.

The issue has never been as clear-cut as it is right now. The International Court of Justice ruled that Israel is plausibly committing genocide against the Palestinian people. The International Criminal Court is seeking an arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu for crimes against humanity. Israel’s military has been added to the ultimate list of shame – for its violence against children.

Why would anyone vote for a party that endorses this – unless we have lost our moral compass too? But we haven’t.

Ask your candidates (all of them, not just the presidential candidates): Do you support genocide? If no – you get my vote. If yes – you don’t get my vote. Period.

All the other issues will sort themselves out. None of the other issues are as urgent as genocide.

Well on our way

About half of all Democratic legislators boycotted Netanyahu’s speech last week. That’s a lot. We’re off to a good start. 

Most Americans, and especially most Democrats, are already leaning in our direction. According to a recent poll: 

  • 83% of Democrats support a US call for permanent ceasefire
  • 56% believe Israel is committing genocide
  • 55% say college campuses should allow students to protest freely against Israel

A little education would bring those numbers even higher.

If you are a Dem and you don’t know about what’s going on in Gaza and the West Bank (and how your tax dollars are subsidizing it), then take some time to learn about it – I mean really learn about it. 

Mainstream media has been pathetically unreliable (read  this, this, this, this, for example), so you’ll have to turn to alternative media for your education. (Alternative media tend to be very fact-based and heavily annotated – because if they screw up, they won’t last. Mainstream media isn’t under that kind of pressure.) I recommend If Americans Knew as a highly reliable and credible source (disclaimer: I am a writer and editor for the site).

What have the Dems done for us lately?

The Biden administration, with no visible opposition from VP Harris, has systematically lied to the American public about elements of Israel’s war on Gaza. A few of many examples:

Blinken Says Israeli Units Accused of Serious Violations Have Done Enough to Avoid Sanctions. Experts and Insiders Disagree.

The State Department says Israel isn’t blocking aid. Videos show the opposite.

New report shows Biden is going to extraordinary lengths to continue arming Israel

The Biden administration, with no visible opposition from VP Harris, has systematically ignored the will of the American people throughout the nearly ten months of this war. A few of many examples:

Biden is dramatically out of touch with voters on Gaza. He may lose because of it

Biden Takes Political Risk by Ignoring Public Clamor for Gaza Cease-Fire

Inside the Democratic rebellion against Biden over the Gaza war

‘The Phone Doesn’t Stop’: Overwhelming Demands For A Cease-Fire Catch Democrats Off Guard

The Biden administration, with no visible opposition from VP Harris, has systematically insulted the very character of those who protest against America’s foreign policy, calling us without justification “antisemitic,” and ignoring the testimony of Jews who say he’s wrong. A few of many examples:

Biden warns of a ‘ferocious’ surge in antisemitism in the U.S. and across the globe

Biden condemns “antisemitic protests” and “those who don’t understand what’s going on with the Palestinians”

Biden’s antisemitism speech leaves no doubt he’s standing by Israel despite tension with Netanyahu

Jewish student protesters say antisemitism is being weaponized against them

The Biden administration, with no visible opposition from VP Harris, has systematically wasted huge amounts of taxpayer money on Israel, instead of withholding aid in order to compel a ceasefire. A few examples:

2024 spending bill disburses over $20 million per day to or because of Israel

Biden administration approves emergency weapons sale to Israel, bypassing Congress

US Passes $26 Billion Aid Package for Israel

What would you do with an extra $320 million?

I don’t want to choose between two deeply corrupt, treacherous, elitist parties with agendas that run counter to everything I believe in. Neither do you.

We must collectively demand better of our leaders. Palestinian-Americans and their allies have been doing this for a long time.

Instead of asking us to abandon this effort at the height of its success, you must join us.

We have time, but we have to get busy. Learn from the people who have done this work. Embrace the radical justice and peace we demand.

Remember, it’s not just Palestinians we’re talking about here. Today it’s Palestinians. Previously, we have massacred millions in North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. Which people group will be next? At what point should we say “no more genocide”? What better time than the present to save our democracy?

As I recently wrote, I have for the time being washed my hands of Christians who refuse to engage with the issue of Palestine, and for now (at least until the end of this horrific war) I will be writing about the significance of what is going on “over there” from a global and historic perspective.

I’m here for anyone who cares to have an intelligent conversation about reality, instead of living in a silo of confirmation bias.

I invite you to subscribe to my newsletter. I write about the Palestine-Israel issue regularly, and other issues relevant to progressives or those considering becoming progressive. If you would like to comment on this post, please pop over to my Facebook page. All of my posts are there and open to constructive comment. I welcome your thoughts.

I also commend to you If Americans Knew (full disclosure: I am a writer and editor there), where you can get factual reporting on the Palestine-Israel issue. I can personally vouch for its accuracy.

If you are interested, here are some of my earlier posts on the Palestine issue:

Further reading on the Palestine-Israel issue:

Posts about my family in Gaza (in chronological order):

FEATURED IMAGE: by Evergreens and Dandelions via Unsplash

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