What Kind of People are Followers of Jesus?

What Kind of People are Followers of Jesus? August 5, 2024

“I am what I am, and that’s all that I am. I’m Popeye the Sailor Man.” – Popeye


Argh! I wonder if I can ever be a better person. This week was bruising, both literally and figuratively. We all think we’re good until things start going wrong. Then lookout.

“I tell you, in this world, being a little crazy helps to keep you sane.” – Zsa Zsa Gabor on BrainyQuote.com

From Pixabay, free for use: Bucket, Yellow, Multicoloured image by Leuchtturn81. Woman, Silhouette, Yoga image by RelaxSpere. Rock chick, Metal, Female image by Sherie Beazly.
From Pixabay, free for use: Bucket, Yellow, Multicoloured image by Leuchtturn81. Woman, Silhouette, Yoga image by RelaxSpere. Rock chick, Metal, Female image by Sherie Beazly.

Bible reference:

“… if the power of sin within me keeps sabotaging my best intentions, I obviously need help! I realize that I don’t have what it takes. I can will it, but I can’t do it. I decide to do good, but I don’t really do it; I decide not to do bad, but then I do it anyway. My decisions, such as they are, don’t result in actions. Something has gone wrong deep within me and gets the better of me every time.

It happens so regularly that it’s predictable. The moment I decide to do good, sin is there to trip me up. I truly delight in God’s commands, but it’s pretty obvious that not all of me joins in that delight. Parts of me covertly rebel, and just when I least expect it, they take charge.

 I’ve tried everything and nothing helps. I’m at the end of my rope. Is there no one who can do anything for me? Isn’t that the real question? ….

The answer, thank God, is that Jesus Christ can and does.”

    • Apostle Paul in Romans 7 (MSG)

Smoke detectors are evil

The week started out with the smoke detector battery low alarm at 11:30 PM. Every 30 seconds: shrill beep. I had choices:

  1. Ignore the smoke detector low battery shrill cry like some sensory assault on a prisoner awaiting interrogation.
  2. Rise, get my big hammer, and beat the thing to pieces for attacking me when I’m really tired and needing sleep. Very tempting.
  3. Get up and replace the battery. But if I’m awake at 1 AM, I will be awake until 3 AM. I don’t do tired well.

I’m not a little child who throws temper tantrums, so I decided against number 2. It probably would have started an electrical fire anyway.

What about number 3. I know the responsible thing to do is get up and replace the battery. I’m stubborn. I’m not going to be forced to do the responsible thing by a piece of electronics that can’t be courteous and adapt to my schedule.

Ignoring the beeping is difficult. Smoke detectors are made to not be ignored. Fire is dangerous. But I opted to ignore the impetuous little monster. I’m going to teach it patience.

The next morning, I replaced all the smoke detector batteries so they couldn’t do this again. In doing so I got the feeling the blasted thing won. Drat!

Music: Crazy Train by Ozzy Osborne performed by Lexington Lab Band. Seal Crazy. Billy Currington – People Are Crazy. Billy Joel – You May Be Right.

Stubbornness is good, isn’t it?

My wife found a meme that said, I’m young enough to know I can, old enough to know I shouldn’t, and stubborn enough to do it anyway. Stubborn is one of her middle names.

Everything happens all at once, then goes berserk

I had much to do this week, so there was the usual onslaught of other things that demanded my attention every time I’m busy. I summarily executed them. That sounds bad, but I did them with a smile.


The week ended with medical surgery for my wife. We’re both couldn’t get to sleep until after midnight. We got up at three, with 2+ hours sleep, and headed for the hospital. As I said, I don’t do tired well. I was too tired and sleepy to complain. We both suffered through the day until I could get her home at 5:30 PM and did all the mandatory things and called a dozen people with updates.

I couldn’t make this amusing for you, but joked with all the hospital personnel and those I called. It helps to keep things light because somehow, when you’re busy and swimming upstream, the river floods.

Speaking of going upstream

I remember fishing as a child with my dad on the river. His motors were always used and often wouldn’t start. I would end up rowing the boat half a mile up the river against the current.

He never changed. When he moved to Florida, he would take us out on the Gulf. Inevitably, I would end up rowing against the tide back to the shore. The Coast Guard knew him and passed by.

“If you aren’t humble, whatever empathy you claim is false and probably results from some arrogance or the desire to control. But true empathy is rooted in humility and the understanding that there are many people with as much to contribute in life as you.” – Anand Mahindra on brainyquote.com

Coping with the inevitable strains of life

The Apostle Paul said that he learned to be content in whatever condition he faced. Yeah, I get it. I can do that. I accept and do enormous challenges in life without getting all out of sorts. It’s the rotten daily obstacles that jump in front of me and demand attention when I’m doing something huge that bother me. I refuse to learn to be content.

“Pride makes us artificial and humility makes us real.” – Thomas Merton on brainyquote.com

I’ve learned that life goes on regardless of what you’re doing. You can’t stop the mundane needs, things breaking, people calling with important needs, and other things that come up in daily life. Somehow you have to eat, sleep, and do all things big and small while you face enormous challenges. I hate it. But in some ways it shows that I’m no more important than some daily task. Humbling.

“Life is a long lesson in humility.”- James M. Barrie on brainyquote.com

Recipe for happiness

The Apostle Paul gave his recipe for happiness in Romans 7 (MSG):

“I don’t have a sense of needing anything personally. I’ve learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances. I’m just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I’ve found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am.”

I’m happy when I have the tools to do my work, my wife and family is happy, I have some variety in my life, the aesthetics of my life are pleasing, I’m learning and loving, helping others, contributing to society at the level I’m capable of, growing, and little things aren’t frustrating the life out of me. That’s my recipe. Wow, things seem a lot more complicated than in the Apostle Paul’s day. I wonder if that’s by design. What’s your recipe?

“Just knowing you don’t have the answers is a recipe for humility, openness, acceptance, forgiveness, and an eagerness to learn – and those are all good things.
– Dick Van Dyke on brainyquote.com


Followers of Jesus, even if they were apostles appointed by Jesus, are just like everyone else. The only difference is that we try to improve.

Life kicks us around every chance it gets. We can think that we’re great, above it all, self-important doing some important work. The more we think so, the more life strives to make us humble. It especially likes to kick me around.

My wife has always had the important task of busting my ego balloon. She does it exceptionally well. And if I think I know more about the Bible than anyone, I go to church and become aware of others’ knowledge. When these things aren’t happening, life reduces my brainy role to brawn and toilet cleaner. I get it. Life can quit kicking me now. I suspect she won’t.

My good friend, David Ketcherside, former Christian broadcaster, has written a book series that I gave feedback on. It’s for men, written from his experience, thoughtful analysis, and heart. Gen Z and X would find it very helpful. It’s available in print, on Kindle, and as an audiobook on Audible. Check out The Whole Dude. His description: “My hope is to remind readers what being whole looks like, and help them recognize the distortions that stop us from feeling totally awesome all the time.” He’s also excellent at marketing.

Probability Space

What probability spaces can we open in our minds to keep our egos in check, such as working with others who are less capable with a smile?

Potential Space

If you think creatively and allow your mind to wander and explore, how can we be more human to others around us?


–  Dorian

Our answer is God. God’s answer is us. Together we make the world better.

Restore and recreate. Take time to celebrate life. Laugh, sing, and dance regularly, even every day. Happy.

Bible scripture verses are New American Standard Version (NASB), unless noted.

Author and books

Appease the Volcano: What does God require from people? The voices of the ancients from many religions echo much of the same things: It starts with law, then mercy and forgiveness, then love.

The Prophetic Pattern: Ancient and Modern Prophecy: How to distinguish the intent of various types of prophecies and oracles, both ancient and modern.

Preparing For the Future Of Work and Education: Analysis of the kinds of jobs that AI and Robotics will displace, and the educational requirements for them. AI will replace or augment thirty percent of jobs. This is an in-depth analysis citing many authoritative sources.

Author Website: Dorian Scott Cole

About Dorian Scott Cole
Additional information about the author is at the bottom of the page and on the About tab. You can read more about the author here.

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