It’s Time to Escape from “Mass Mind Thinking”

It’s Time to Escape from “Mass Mind Thinking” July 28, 2024

It’s Time to Escape from “Mass Mind Thinking”/image courtesy of Bing Copyright-Free Images


Yes, It’s Time to Escape from “Mass Mind Thinking”

 “Mass Mind Thinking” simply means fearful thinking.  It means that you have given in to FEAR.  So many people live their lives in quiet desperation.  They hate their job, or their living arrangements, or their relationships, but honestly believe that it’s impossible to find anything better.

Yet God’s Divine Design for His children includes Perfect Health, Loving Relationships, a Fulfilling Career, and Abundance.  II Corinthians 9:10 states: “He who provides seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness.”

Unfortunately, too many people just don’t believe that these Divine Gifts are possible for them.  This typically happens when, during their formative years, they observe their parents settling for less, or are told that they just need to keep their head down and forget that impossible dream of theirs that couldn’t possibly manifest.

My Friend Karen was Part of This “Mass Mind Thinking”

I was having lunch with a friend of mine when she threw her napkin on the table and said, “Well, it’s time to go back to that boring, frustrating, life-sucking job I have.”

I laughed and said, “So when are you going to quit it and find something you REALLY want to do?”

She replied, “I would love to, but good jobs are hard to find right now.  And this job pays well and has good benefits, so  I just need to hang on until the economy gets better.”

My friends make statements like this all the time.  They hate their jobs but won’t even look for another one they would love.  This negative programming from their formative years holds them back from going for their dreams.

It’s Time to Release This “Mass Mind Thinking”

I asked my friend Karen what she would really like to do.  And, as usual, she made the whining statement, “Well, I don’t know!”  I hear this all the time. Most people I know have buried their true desires so deeply into their subconscious that it’s almost impossible to get them to tell you what they REALLY want to do.

So, I asked Karen to describe the duties she performs at her current job.  And she began relating that, as Administrative Assistant to the CEO, she answers his phone, schedules his appointments, does his filing, types up his correspondence…all the time talking in a monosyllable voice.

“Is there anything else you do that you enjoy doing?”  I asked.  She thought about it and remarked, “Gee, I’m trying to think about that.  Well, there is one thing I really enjoy.  Every year we hold a conference for all the offices around the country, and I’m the one who plans it out.”

Suddenly Her Whole Face Lit Up!

The more Karen talked about her role in setting up that annual conference, the more her face lit up with joy.  “I select a theme each year, and I plan the whole conference around that theme.  We have so much fun with the games I create, and the gifts the winners receive, and we do team building and…”

I watched her transformation in amazement and asked her if she ever thought about becoming an Event Planner.  She replied, “When I was in college, I planned all our activities in my sorority and thought about becoming an Event Planner.  But my parents told me I couldn’t make a living doing that.  They told me to stick to a job that pays the bills.”

Karen was a Victim of Her Parents’ “Mass Mind Thinking”

Aha!  Now I understood.  Karen was a victim of her parents’ own “Mass Mind Thinking.”  They told her to forget her dream of Event Planning because she would never make a living doing it.  And Karen’s dream died. Yet II Timothy 1:7 says:  “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”

I knew how difficult it would be to help Karen release that negative programming, so I suggested this: “Karen, it’s obvious how much you love event planning.  So here is what I suggest.  Why not look up Event Planning Companies around here and look up activities they have planned.

“Devote one day a week to visiting these events and talking to the people running them.  Let them know how much you love to plan your annual conference on your current job, and that you would love to do that job full-time.  Who knows? They may have an opening.  What do you have to lose?”

So, Karen Decided to Go for Her Dream!

Karen liked that idea and agreed to give it a try.  And, sure enough, at one of those gatherings the owner of the company happened to be the person she talked to.  And this woman was willing to hire her on the spot!

So, Karen left her boring, dead-end job and accepted this new career.  And she loves it!  She stayed with that company for a year, learning everything she could about it, and then she opened her own business.  And it is thriving, despite her belief that the economy was bad!

And You, Too, Can Go for Your Dream!

Yes, you can!  Just close your eyes and think about that perfect career that you really want.  You will know what it is by the way it makes you FEEL. If you can’t think of what it is, just make this statement, “I KNOW the perfect career is here for me RIGHT NOW, and I THANK YOU, DEAR GOD for showing me.”

Back in the ‘80s I was making $100,000 a year as a Loan Officer for a mortgage company, but I was miserable. The job was very stressful and was beginning to affect my health.  Yet I had NO IDEA what other job I wanted to do.  So, I made the statement I mentioned earlier.

Within the week I received a call to teach a class on a subject I knew very well.  I wasn’t sure if it was the right move for me, so I asked God to show me if I could make as much money teaching as I made originating mortgage loans.  I figured I netted $5,000 a month after taxes, so that was what I was looking for.

Once Again, God Led Me to the Perfect Career!

So, I created a flyer advertising a one-day class on this topic I knew so well. And had it distributed to the companies I knew would be interested.  I was shocked and overjoyed when OVER 100 PEOPLE SIGNED UP FOR THE COURSE!  I was charging $50 for the class, and I netted $5,000 IN A SINGLE DAY!  WOW!  THANK YOU, DEAR GOD!  I quit my job and ended up opening Capstone Institute of Mortgage Finance.  And after 40 years I’m still running it!

And so it can be for you!  You just need to open your heart and have faith that God wants you to have the desires of your heart!

About Kathy Lewis
Kathy Lewis is called The Miracle Queen by her friends and family, as she has personally experienced over 40 miracles in her life, beginning at the age of 4. Her greatest joy comes from sharing ways that others can also create miracles in their life, by simply learning how to awaken God’s spiritual principles. She established the first mortgage finance training institute in the US, Capstone Institute of Mortgage Finance, and has spent close to 40 years helping mortgage professionals become successful, not only by learning the mortgage finance business, but also how to utilize spiritual principles to prosper and grow their business. You can read more about the author here.

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