A 5-Step Form Prayer

A 5-Step Form Prayer August 1, 2024

JVI | sundown today | 03.14.24

There are various ways to pray effectively. One need not choose only one. Prayer never needs to become a monotonous chore.

I have prayed a five part prayer for a couple decades now, among other types of prayers.

5-Step Form Prayer

  1. Invoke a name of God. There are many names given to God in the Bible. What name fits the prayer you are about to pray? For instance, do you need healing? Is He not Jehovah Rapha?
  2. Thank Him for an attribute of God relating to His name. For instance, you can thank Him that He is your healer.
  3. Make your request. In this case, ask Him specifically for the healing you are seeking.
  4. So that… State the purpose behind your request. “Please grant me healing for my arm so that I may have a testimony to share with Your people of Your goodness.”
  5. End by invoking the Holy Trinity. “Thank you, Son of God for Your healing power shared with me by Your Holy Spirit.”

We need not be afraid of form prayers. We can pray these prayers until they become second nature in our prayer life. For instance, I have prayed this prayer in the past so often that I no longer had to think about the form. I could simply pray through the five steps spontaneously.

We need not think that form prayers are too religious. No matter the Christian background, there are a couple of prayers that people pray on a daily basis. One prayer is a blessing for the food. The other is a blessing over our children when we put them to bed. If we are honest, these are form prayers. They are prayers we pray ritualistically. There’s nothing wrong with such prayers.

Why not allow ourselves to learn other forms of prayer?

pic: JVI | sundown today | 03.14.24

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