The Top 20-11 Most Holy Places On Earth

The Top 20-11 Most Holy Places On Earth August 7, 2023

Garden Tomb

The very place believed to cradle Jesus’ birth. The tomb that echoes with the possibility of his resurrection. A Hindu shrine of such sanctity that it’s said to mirror celestial abodes.

These are just a glimpse of what’s in store in our countdown of the Top 20-11 Sacred Spaces: The 100 Most Holy Places On Earth.

As we inch closer to the coveted Top 10, the resonance of these sites grows more profound, echoing across the lives of millions who uphold these diverse faiths.

The process of cherry-picking these hallowed sites was no haphazard task. A ranking algorithm used insights from Patheos’ editorial team, and the consideration of writers who tread the diverse spiritual terrain. Moreover, the algorithm considered the weight these locations carry across multiple faiths, alongside current cyberspace quests and real-world pilgrimages, refining the initial 1,000 possibilities to the Top 100 — the definitive list.

Stay tuned: Next week Patheos will pull back the curtain on the crème de la crème: the Top 10 Most Holy Places On Earth. This odyssey of revelations culminates in identifying The Most Holy Place on Earth.

But hold on, before that revelation, explore the rankings that have guided us to this juncture.

These are the stories that shape faith, forge connections, and beckon seekers from around the globe. Venture forth and immerse yourself in their awe-inspiring narratives.

Prepare yourself: begin your journey here, or leap directly into this week’s unveiled standings here.

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