Getting Your Church Involved On World Population Day

Getting Your Church Involved On World Population Day July 11, 2024

World Population Day

Today is July 11th, World Population Day. This day is a yearly event, which seeks to raise awareness of global population issues. World Population Day was established by the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme in 1989.


Why is World Population Day Important?

It was inspired by the public interest in Five Billion Day on July 11, 1987, the approximate date the world’s population reached five billion people.

World Population Day aims to increase people’s awareness of various population issues; the importance of family planninggender equality, poverty, maternal health, and human rights.


How can You & Your Church Contribute to WPD?

Here are 7 creative ideas to commemorate the occasion in a meaningful and engaging manner.

  • Community Education Workshops: Host workshops or webinars in your church community to educate others about population-related issues, such as family planning, reproductive health, and sustainable development.


  • Virtual Film Screening: Organize a virtual screening at your church of documentaries or films related to population dynamics and their impact on society and the environment, followed by a discussion session.


  • Interactive Art Project: Create an interactive art project that explores population, diversity, and sustainability, inviting participation from your church members (young and old) to contribute their ideas and perspectives. The following Sunday preach a sermon surrounding the project.


  • Participate in Hashtag Campaigns: Join relevant hashtag campaigns on social media platforms related to World Population Day, amplifying the message and engaging with a broader audience.


  • Create Personal Stories: Have your Church family share personal stories or experiences related to population issues, such as access to family planning services or the impact of population growth on communities, to humanize the conversation and inspire empathy within your congregation.


  • Host a Live Q&A Session: Host a live question and answer session on your church’s social media channels, invite experts or advocates to discuss population-related topics, and answer audience questions in real time. Not only is it informative, it is a great way to get new members.


  • Share Actionable Tips: Offer practical tips and suggestions for individuals to take action on World Population Day, such as supporting organizations, reducing their carbon footprint, advocating for reproductive rights, empower your congregation to make a difference.

Hashtags To Use Today:

If you make a social media post about World Population Day today, be sure to use 1-7 of these hashtags so your post can reach more people.

  • #GlobalFamily
  • #PopulationMatters
  • #FamilyPlanning
  • #SustainableGrowth
  • #EmpowerCommunities
  • #HealthForAll
  • #FutureGenerations
  • #EqualityForAll
  • #InvestInPeople
  • #BetterTogether

Dear God,

Please continue to help us guide others on such an important day. Help us to live confidently and in alignment with Your will. -Amen


This Flourless Chocolate Cake Recipe is always a treat. It is great for big family functions and church gatherings. All the delicious flavor, minus the guilt.

Flourless Chocolate Cake Recipe

Prep Time: 20 min

Total Time: 2 Hours (Including cooling time)

Serves 10


  • 1 Cup (2 sticks) Unsalted butter, cut into pieces, plus more for the pan
  • 1/4 Cup unsweetened cocoa powder, plus more for dusting
  • 1 1/4 Cup heavy cream
  • 8 oz. bittersweet chocolate, chopped
  • 5 large eggs
  • 1 Cup granulated Sugar
  • 1/2 Cup Creme Fraiche or sour cream
  • 1/4 Cup Confectioner’s Sugar


Cooking Instructions

  1. Heat the oven to 350F. Butter a 9-inch pan, heat the butter with 1/4 cup heavy cream over medium-low heat until butter is melted.
  2. Add the chocolate and stir until melted and smooth; remove from heat.
  3. In a medium bowl; whisk together the eggs, granulated sugar, and cocoa powder. Whisk in the chocolate mixture.
  4. Transfer the batter to the prepared pan and bake until puffed and set, 35-40 minutes.
  5. Let cool in the pan for 1 hour.
  6. Run a knife around the edge of the cake before unmolding.
  7. Using an electric mixer, beat the remaining 1 cup of heavy cream with the creme fraiche and confectioner’s sugar until soft peaks form.
  8. Dust the cake with Cocoa (Or confectioner’s sugar), and serve with the whipped cream mixture.
  9. Enjoy!





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