More Than Conquerors

More Than Conquerors January 30, 2024

“More Than Conquerors” image by Sherry Kelly

“In all these things, we are more than conquerors through him who loved us,” (Romans 8:37). This powerful declaration resonates with a profound truth that extends beyond the realms of spirituality. As we embark on our journey through life, facing challenges and overcoming obstacles, we discover the extraordinary strength within. From a Pentecostal perspective, this strength is not just a mere force; it is an embodiment of divine power. As we consider this scripture,  we will discover the power that comes from faith, resilience, and unwavering trust.

The Shield of Faith, Image Credit: Diana Leagh Matthews

More Than Conquerors Through Faith

In the tapestry of our lives, faith serves as the golden thread that weaves through every triumph and tribulation. Being “More Than Conquerors” requires an unwavering belief in the divine providence that guides our steps. Just as the apostles received heavenly gifts at Pentecost, our faith empowers us with the ability to articulate our desires, dreams, and aspirations to the Father. It is in this sacred communication with the divine that we find the strength to triumph over adversity. Through prayer, praise, and trust, we yield to the author and finisher of our faith, navigating life with courage and conviction.

Thriving in the Face of Adversity, Image Credit: SEMS Foundation

Resilience in the Face of Adversity

Life’s journey is a marathon, not a sprint, and it is the resilient spirit that propels us forward. Every setback, every trial becomes an opportunity for spiritual growth and transformation. Drawing inspiration from the power of Pentecost, we learn that our trials are not meant to break us but to make us instruments of victory. By embracing challenges with a spirit of resilience, we embody what it means to be “More Than Conquerors.” Like the apostles who faced persecution with unyielding determination, we too can rise above our circumstances, strengthened by Through power of the Holy Spirit.

Overcoming Through Worship, Image Credit: RACHEL MORELAND, Relevant Magazine

More Than Conquerors Through Worship

In the Pentecostal tradition, worship is not just a ritual; it is a dynamic encounter with the God. Through songs of praise, heartfelt prayers, and the manifestation of spiritual gifts, we are ushered into a sacred space where we become aware of our divine inheritance. The key to being “More Than Conquerors” lies in surrendering ourselves in worship, allowing the transformative power of God’s presence to mold us into vessels of strength and resilience. As we lift our voices in praise, we tap into a source of supernatural energy that empowers us to conquer the challenges that lay before us.

Divine Favor Image Credit: RCCG City of David

Walking in Divine Favor

The concept of being “More Than Conquerors” extends beyond personal victories; it encompasses a life lived under the umbrella of divine favor. The Word of God emphasizes the idea that, as children of God, we are recipients of His unmerited favor. This favor is not a result of our efforts but of God’s love for us. By aligning our lives with His purpose and living in obedience to His Word, we position ourselves to experience the overflow of divine blessings. Walking in divine favor is not about a trouble-free life but about navigating challenges with the assurance that we are conquerors in every situation.

“Overcoming Through Love, Image Credit & copyright Misha – Fotolia

More Than Conquerors Through Love

Perfect love casts out fear, and in our journey of being “More Than Conquerors,” love stands as the cornerstone. The Holy Spirit teaches us that God’s love is the antidote to fear. By immersing ourselves in the unconditional love of the God, we break free from the chains of anxiety and doubt. The love that conquered the grave empowers us to face life’s uncertainties with a spirit of boldness and assurance. It is through love that we conquer not only external challenges but the internal battles that threaten to hinder our progress.

Image Credit: LavenderVines.Com

Unveiling Our Inheritance

Being “More Than Conquerors” is part of our divine inheritance. In Christ, we inherit not only victory but also joy, peace, and find our identity. The Holy Spirit invites us to embrace our identity as sons and daughters of the Most High. As we tap into the fullness of our inheritance, we discover the authority and power bestowed upon us. This revelation transforms our outlook on life, enabling us to face each day with the confidence that we are victors in Christ Jesus.

Triumphant Journey – More Than Conquerors, Image Credit: CrAIzyCreations

 A Triumphant Journey

”In all these things, we are more than conquerors through him who loved us,” (Romans 8:37). The Pentecostal perspective on being “More Than Conquerors” is not a mere theological concept; it is a call to live a triumphant life. Through faith, resilience, worship, divine favor, and love, we unveil the extraordinary strength that lies within us. As we navigate the complexities of life, let us walk with the assurance that we are not just survivors; we are conquerors, empowered by the divine grace that transcends all understanding. May this revelation guide us on a journey of triumph, purpose, and unwavering faith.

 by Ken Shelton
CLICK to visit and listen to my latest album, “Legacy – Songs For My Family.” I composed all 13 songs for this album. You can also find it on all streaming platforms.


About Ken Shelton
Ken Shelton is a writer, songwriter, and recording artist. His latest album, 'Legacy-Songs For My Family' is his eighth studio album and is available on all music streaming services. In addition, he is an ordained bishop with Evangel Association of Churches and Ministries, and with the Church of God (Cleveland, TN). Ken attended Lee University, Trinity Theological Seminary, and Destiny Christian University and holds a Doctor of Divinity Degree. In 2001, he founded Shelton Covenant Ministries, a church ministry committed to planting churches, and mentoring pastors and church leaders with emphasis on five-fold ministry. He is a frequent conference speaker, worship leader, and soloist. Bishop Shelton has written two books: Covenant Talk - Words That Set Us Free (Author House, 2005) and Discover Your Worship Learning Style (SCM, 2010). In 1974, Ken married the former Kitty Patterson, who since 1997 has been a public-school English and history teacher. They have three daughters and ten grandchildren and reside in Brighton, Michigan. You can read more about the author here.
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