August 6, 2024

Tried discussing politics lately? It’s like stepping into a minefield covered with banana peels. We’ve all encountered them – the politically possessed. They’re armed with conspiracy theories, drenched in partisan rhetoric, and ready to strike at any hint of dissent. So what do you do? Welcome to the age where every conversation is a high-stakes game of sanity and survival. Here’s a list of ways to keep it together in the face of mouth-breathers. The Art of Patience Snarky Tip:... Read more

August 1, 2024

If you strip away the patriotic cosplay and ‘family values’ rhetoric, Christian conservatism reveals itself as a bizarre kink driven by repression and the infliction of pain on others, born from a deep well of self-hatred and shame. The political theater we witness today isn’t just about policy; it’s a masochistic display of power, control, and punishment. The 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee highlighted this in an unexpected way when the influx of attendees caused the gay dating app... Read more

July 23, 2024

If you’re a listener of Snarky Faith, you’d know Pastor Greg Locke from our “Christian Crazy” segment on the show. His preaching style is best summarized as Yosemite Sam on an auctioneer’s stage fueled by book burnings, conspiracies, and end-times paranoia. He also sees himself as a modern-day prophet and exorcist. Simply put, he thinks he’s a prophetic demon slayer, but he’s more prosperity grifter and less Tanjiro Kamado. So whether or not you’re familiar with the firebrand charlatan, let’s... Read more

July 19, 2024

Ever felt like your faith is a never-ending road trip? One filled with twists, wrong turns, and course corrections? If so, buckle up for a ride through Fowler’s stages of faith development via the lens of deconstruction. Let’s see how faith evolves—or in some cases, evaporates completely. Whether you’re in a spiritual crisis or simply questioning long-held beliefs, let’s navigate that messy, winding road of changing faith together. The theory was developed by James W. Fowler, a theologian and developmental... Read more

July 8, 2024

Let’s cut to the chase—Liz Cooledge Jenkins’s Nice Churchy Patriarchy: Reclaiming Women’s Humanity from Evangelicalism is a wrecking ball swinging at the fragility of the Evangelical patriarchy. It’s a book I wish my wife and I had 20 years ago in ministry. It’s easy to rage against the patriarchy, but this book is wrapped in scholarly research and personal experiences. This isn’t just a read; it’s a call to arms for anyone tangled up at the messy crossroads of faith... Read more

July 4, 2024

Happy Independence Day! It’s that time when we celebrate our freedoms while cooking meat, blowing things up, and conveniently ignoring the erosion of the very liberties we’re celebrating. So between the hotdogs and fireworks, let’s explore if we’re as free as our forefathers intended… or living in blissful ignorance. A Brief History Lesson Remember back in history class? When we all learned that the founding fathers risked everything to declare independence from British tyranny? They gave us the Declaration of... Read more

June 28, 2024

I don’t know about you, but it sure feels like America’s getting dangerously close to a boiling point. Regardless of your political persuasion, it seems like civility, decency, and compromise are off the table. We’re living in a time where everyone is angry and everyone else is to blame. Such is the way of polarization, that gift that keeps on giving—or perhaps, the curse that keeps on cursing. Something needs to change.  It seems like we’ve forgotten who we are... Read more

June 11, 2024

Have you ever felt like your religious upbringing left you more scarred than saved? Well, Karl and Laura Forehand get it. Their new book, Evolving from Religious Trauma, is like a warm, reassuring embrace for anyone who’s been chewed up and spit out by the church. It’s a beacon of hope for those who’ve stepped away from organized religion and are now wandering in a spiritual desert, trying to find their way. Spoiler alert: it’s okay not to have all... Read more

June 5, 2024

Lately, I’ve been feeling like a stranger in the place I once called home. The overwhelming bigotry, misogyny, and vitriol masquerading as Christianity are unbearable. It’s as if hate has put on a clerical collar and started preaching from the pulpit, all under the guise of faith. The insanity of hate is proliferating, grabbing for more power and authoritarian control. And you know what? Maybe this is exactly what Jesus was talking about when he said, “My kingdom is not... Read more

May 31, 2024

Don’t you love those sweet, reassuring platitudes of modern American Christianity? Nothing like a comforting phrase to sprinkle over the gaping wounds of life’s disappointments and trauma. Today, let’s skewer one of the classics: “When God closes a door, He opens a window.” The Reality Behind Closed Doors: No Windows in Sight It’s a saying that’s supposed to soothe the soul when life deals you a hard blow—lost your job? Don’t worry, God’s just locking up that door to your... Read more

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