July 29, 2024

As I speak with more people and reflect upon the callous statement from JD Vance, “The Democrat ladies are a bunch of childless cat ladies with miserable lives,” I want you to know that I stand with you, not with JD Vance.  I can think of people I deeply love who fit this category, my own children, Catholics nuns, women who couldn’t have children, women who chose not to have children, and women who were capable of having less children... Read more

July 21, 2024

A 30th wedding anniversary tribute to the daily struggle of remaining in organized religion –no parent should have to choose between the lives and well-being of their family or the Church ———————————————————— Last night I watched a documentary film of a current-day Russian Orthodox family living under the leadership of Vladimir Putin in Russia. The father is a Russian Orthodox priest while the mother birthed, cares for 18 typical and healthy biological children (for the most part), the wife doesn’t... Read more

April 10, 2024

My life-long faith journey has shown me many truths.  The largest truth I’ve come to know is, Christianity is supposed to give life, not take it away–Dr. David Gushee.  Dr. David Gushee is a world-renowned Christian Ethicist who has written a number of books about the dangers of Christian Nationalism, or what he calls Authoritarian Reactionary Christianity. Gushee also came to an LGBTQ+ affirming position and wrote a book called Changing My Mind.  His reason is, our faith is not... Read more

March 27, 2024

As I woke up this morning to hear the latest on the news, Trump is now selling Bibles.  Yes, it is ridiculous.  The day in and day out drama and con artistry from this man are something to behold. Let’s take a little walk down memory lane to review Trump’s unholy mix of religion and politics convoluted with the Holy Word of God and how he cons Christians of a certain demographic. The first time Trump had a publicized encounter... Read more

March 20, 2024

Finally, I found a contemporary cross I can live with considering how it’s been used for political gain in recent years. This is the Sacred Heart of Jesus which is common in Latino Catholic culture just like Our Lady of Guadalupe. With the heart being bigger than the cross, it reminds me that God’s love is meant for everyone regardless of their skin color, their beliefs, their background, walk of life, sexual orientation, gender identity, or abilities. Since the cross... Read more

March 11, 2024

Yes, you read correctly; I am now a pro-choice Catholic.  I was against abortion for many years, identified as pro-life, and served very briefly outside of work in progressive pro-life circles until I discovered what the traditional, yet too-powerful pro-life movement was and is still doing. I’m sure many will agree with me when I say that the traditional “pro-life” movement in very recent years has turned into a cruel, racist, misogynistic, oppressive movement of political power, not a movement... Read more

March 4, 2024

I know I can’t force it, but I can certainly ask it.  I think pastors who harm LGBTQ+ people with their potentially-deadly rhetoric and bad treatment of LGBTQ+ people, while also unconditionally support Trump after everything that has happened, without question, should consider retiring. At this point, these ministers who refuse to listen to the dangers they impose on LGBTQ+ people by condemning them from the pulpit and in other ways should probably consider retirement.  These ministers refuse to care... Read more

February 29, 2024

Not long ago, I viewed a commencement speech from Jay Pritzker who is the Governor of Illinois.  His entire message was how we identify intelligent people and how we identify those who are not.  The central theme was kindness versus cruelty.  According to Pritzker, those who are the most kind are typically the most intelligent where the “idiots” are typically the cruel people. As a person who has spent her life in Christian ministry, service, and the Church, I can... Read more

February 28, 2024

Pay careful attention to the news these days. It can be both beneficial and harmful to thinking and mental health, so please take it in-stride.  As more news stories surface, I hope and think that many more can see the increasing threat of Donald Trump, his rhetoric, and the increasing danger of Christian Nationalism. Although Liz Cheney does not talk about Christian Nationalism in this video, she sternly warns how dangerous Donald Trump could be in a second term and... Read more

February 24, 2024

I think I’ve possibly figured out what we are facing when it comes to our constitutional democracy and liberty, justice, and freedom for all Americans without exception.  It’s not red versus blue, Christian versus non-Christian, rich versus poor, or any other group versus another group.  It’s those individuals who deliberately support American democracy versus those individuals who deliberately do not support American democracy; however, there is a range of misunderstanding and non-deliberation of gray in-between.  Minus the gray, those who... Read more

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