If You Are Catholic, Be Weary Of The FBI

If You Are Catholic, Be Weary Of The FBI July 20, 2024

There are large amounts of conspiracy theories going on currently in our society. It seems various mistrust in government entities, and a supposed ‘Deep State’ came to an increase during the COVID Pandemic. Since then, there has been more rhetoric than ever on suspicions over the moon landing, the 9/11 attacks, and World War II etc. So, have you heard the one about Catholics being watched by the FBI? Initially, this too may sound like only a theory. Unfortunately for Catholics however, it is true. The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) came under scrutiny recently for a leaked document which revealed that Catholics pose a threat to society.

Fears of Catholics on the Rise.

Thanks to former FBI agent turned whistleblower, Kyle Seraphin, the anti-Catholic agenda has become apparent. The documents that were revealed indicate that the FBI should watch ‘far-right’ Catholics as they may be extremist and thus a threat in some way to society. Also, in the documents it was revealed that the Southern Poverty Law Center considers various Catholic organization to be hate groups.

Any Explanation?

As for a response from the FBI, upon the publics knowledge of these documents the FBI rushed to remove them from their systems. Various public personalities and politicians have come forward about the FBI’s attempt to spy on Catholics. Texas GOP representative Ronny Jackson expressed that our current President Joe Biden is a devout Catholic. He pointed out the hypothetical scenario of our President also being on an FBI watch list for his religious beliefs. Georgia congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene stated that this form of surveillance is religious persecution. 

Religious Persecution is the new Black.

So, what can we make of all this? Does the FBI have the right to spy on whatever group they feel is a threat? Or is it overkill and infringement to spy on a certain religious group solely based on their beliefs. The idea that has been discussed about Catholics is that they are a threat to pro-abortionists and the LGBTQIA+ population. This is probably assumed largely due to Catholics being known to not generally agree with these lifestyles.

Even if this is true of every Catholic, does that make them all menaces to society? Does that mean every Catholic is going to hurt, discriminate or even possibly kill individuals from these groups? Is it possible that Catholics may have beliefs that differ from others, but why does that make them the target for surveillance? Why not hypothetically the other way around? A pro-abortionist could easily choose to attack a Catholic and vice versa. It is not a problem for the FBI to watch for domestic terrorism and other threats. It is a problem when they decide a certain religious group is a threat just because their ideals may not be popular at the moment.

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