In 2024, Do Catholics Still Believe In Exorcisms?

In 2024, Do Catholics Still Believe In Exorcisms? April 7, 2024

Exorcisms are often portrayed in film and in the media to be freak events. There are differing opinions as to whether the act may or may not be real. The narrative often appears horrifying to witness in film, nonetheless. From the films The Exorcism of Emily Rose, The Exorcist, and Constantine, exorcisms have been interpreted in very gruesome ways. As a result, it is possible that the narrative of exorcisms may prevent people from taking it seriously.

To be clear, an exorcism is the religious practice of exorcising those who are believed to be possessed by either a demon or any malevolent spirit. Though there is mention of exorcism in the Holy Bible, in the Gospel of Mark, continual acts of exorcism became more prevalent in the 15th century. Exorcisms during this time were largely executed in European Catholic countries. It was believed that with the spiritual praying and blessing of a priest, one could have any evil spirits removed from their person.



There are various signs, according to the church, of demonic possession. Some of the signs include using a language that is unknown to the individual, having extreme physical strength, and adverse reactions to holy objects or places. The possessed person may also engage in self-harm, and experience hallucinations. Additionally, they may have ailments that cannot be resolved by modern medicine. The practices of exorcising have become increasingly sanctioned as the centuries have gone by.


From the Horse’s Mouth.

In the present day, Exorcisms are still practiced all over the world, with Pope Francis’s sanction. Pope Francis stated in 2023 that the devil tries to attack and influence everyone. The Holy Father has also referred to exorcism as a prayer, and that the devil can never win in the face of prayers. The sentiment of forcing out evil entities is reasonable, but are the Hollywood interpretations accurate? Is the nature of a real-life modern-day exorcism a grotesque bloodbath? In a recent interview with Michael Knowles of the Daily Wire, The Very Reverend Daniel Reehil detailed what a modern exorcism experience is like. Fr. Reehil says the act can feel extraordinary and miraculous.

Safety is also a concern during the process as well. Patients are often restrained during the process to prevent them from harming themselves or others while being exorcised. Family members, friends and other church members may attend to provide support for the individual. Like a wedding or a baptism, congregates will attend to be supportive of the sacrament. Fr. Reehil also mentioned that contrary to movie images they do not go alone in the woods during a thunderstorm to perform an exorcism. In reality, several or more clergy will assist in performing the sacrament while other participants may look on. It is important to never rely on Hollywood for a true interpretation of anything.

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