Christians on Fire

Christians on Fire February 28, 2024

Anyone who has glanced at religious news in the past few years can see that religious discrimination has increased heavily. Specifically, attacks on those of Christian based faiths have become a growing human rights problem.  In America, we are supposed to have our freedom of religion. There are other countries around the world that are supposed do as well. However, Christians are the main religious group attacked in our country and around the world consistently. It is more unsafe than ever to openly be a Christian person. Not only have there been verbal, physical and sexual attacks on Christians, but there has also been workplace discrimination. If one can consider Hollywood a workplace, actors Jim Caviezel, Mark Walberg and several others have reported being shunned in their profession due to their Christian beliefs. These actors have reported being disinvited in award nominations, auditions, and major industry events.

The Savagery is Real.

Global Christian Relief group CEO David Curry recently discussed with Fox News that his group has created a database tracking intentional violence and hate crimes against Christians. CEO Curry concurs that religious violence towards Christians, and Jewish people as well is on a very steady incline. Many of these attacks often seem politically inspired. Due to conflicts in other countries, the overturn of Roe v. Wade and other issues in our current political climate, passions are growing more intense. A recent shooting occurred in Texas at the famed Lakewood Church known for celebrity Pastor Joel Osteen. The shooting, which had one casualty, appeared to be conflict motivated as the shooter was a pro-Palestinian supporter.

Where is Safe?

Also, Christian schools are not safe either, as we recall the horrible 2023 attack in Tennessee. The Covenant School of Nashville, TN was attacked by an active shooter for no apparent reason other than a potential hatred for the Chrisitan School. Several innocent people, both children and adults were killed during the attack. This is all somewhat reminiscent of the shooting that occurred in 2018 at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. During a bible study, an unsuspecting shooter, Dylann Storm Roof entered and killed nine people for hatred reasons. Was this the beginning of the trend that is okay to hate Christians so savagely? Or are the current political strife blinding people all over the world to where they do not have any regard for life or a person who believes differently than themselves?

What’s our resolutions as Christians? Do we hide from those who mean to harm us for our beliefs or do we raise our voices even louder. In contemplating this, we should think of Psalms 3:1-4 O Lord, how many are my foes! Many are rising against me; many are saying of my soul, there is no salvation for in God. But you, O Lord, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head.

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