August 6, 2024

In 2016, I finally decided to go to college. My two youngest children were in middle school, and it was time to further my education. When exploring what I wanted to do, I decided to start with human services and then psychology. I received my Bachelor’s degree in psychology in 2021. I loved learning about psychology, and it was easy to identify the hand of my Creator in the formation of the human brain. Psychology And Christianity As a Christian,... Read more

July 31, 2024

I  don’t have to convince you that bad things happen to good people or that injustice, sickness, and death exist. You believe in these things because you know they are true; you can see them with your own eyes.  It is easier to believe there is evil in this world than to think there is any good. Pain, suffering, and trials easily overshadow the beautiful moments in life and the good that can be found in people and all around... Read more

July 24, 2024

The Bible is very clear about the gift of friendship. You do not have to walk alone in this world, and godly friends will enhance your faith. However, finding friends is not always easy. In this article, I will share a friendship prayer and the qualities of a good friend. ​In my life, I have had seasons where I had many friends and seasons where I had no friends. But one thing has remained consistent: my desire to form lasting... Read more

July 16, 2024

There is so much depth to the role of being a parent. Lessons learned that you really can’t fully put into words. When I first became a mom, I had no idea what this new lifelong journey would entail. Parenthood was not easy for me, but I was fully invested in being a good mom. My everyday life was filled with learning new parenting skills and trying to create a space where my children could thrive. I was a stay-at-home... Read more

July 6, 2024

  Throughout the Bible, we can see that God values forgiveness. The story of forgiveness starts with God’s forgiveness of humanity and includes our need to forgive others. Recently, during my prayer time, I had to confess the unforgiveness I had in my heart toward others. I had to forgive again for something I had forgiven in the past. But somehow, the emotions were triggered, and I realized my heart towards these people was not filled with compassion but anger... Read more

June 27, 2024

The goal of a Christian is always to have a fruitful life. Jesus described how you can tell a true believer from a false prophet just by the fruit in their lives. Keep reading to learn the meaning of a fruitful life and the fruits of the Spirit. When I first became a Christian, I never really considered what my next steps would be. I never thought there would be more steps to walking with Jesus or that my life... Read more

June 17, 2024

Many of us, myself included, were never taught how to regulate our emotions. That’s why I love the Inside Out Movies. Pixar‘s creators take complex subjects like emotions, brain development, and mental health, making them easy to grasp and understand in Inside Out One and Two.  While there is still so much for us to learn about the human brain, I think it’s safe to say that no matter what, your emotions will not go away anytime soon—even if you... Read more

June 9, 2024

I will be completely honest: Some days, trusting God is a choice. I choose to trust God because all of my other options are much scarier and more depressing. However, trusting God has often brought me peace when I finally decide to make that choice. But why is it so difficult to choose to have faith and not doubt? Many fears and other emotions can surround your inability to “let go and let God.” So, how do you trust God... Read more

June 7, 2024

“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear.” ― Franklin D. Roosevelt The story of Esther is one of my favorite books in the Bible, so much so that I named my cat Esther. I can’t say the Book of Esther has been completely life-changing for me. However, the reminder of Esther’s courage and faith inspires me in my daily walk with God. Taking the time to study the... Read more

June 3, 2024

“You’ll understand when you become a parent.” – Dad’s Everywhere This year, I think we should start our Father’s Day Cards like this: Dad, you were right. I have kids now, and I am sorry for being a normal, rebellious teenager with a terrible attitude and inability to see that I was wrong and you were right. I’m sorry for thinking I was smarter than you when I was only 14 and for always being mad at you. I am... Read more

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