December 25, 2023

During the month of December, three major festivals are celebrated. While Christmas is the most well known, other traditions may not be as well known to readers. These popular holiday traditions are Hannukah, Kwanzaa, and Christmas. Each is celebrated within days of each other and often, because of our cultural and religious differences, we sometimes miss finding out the details about what each tradition means to its celebrants. Hannukah, Kwanzaa, and Christmas are all meant to be festive celebrations, which... Read more

December 1, 2023

According to research, more than half of Americans are single. About twenty percent of those single Americans are Christians. Yet, in some faith communities, singleness continues to be seen as a stigma and viewed as an unfavorable position reflecting on the personality and character of the one who remains unmarried. Is singleness a sign of disfavor from God? The bible does not teach this. The Apostle Paul remained single. Jesus Christ espoused the virtues of singleness. There are also examples... Read more

November 24, 2023

Feeling alone during the holiday season is something experienced by many.  Some reports indicate that up to half of Americans report holiday blues. When those feelings are due to estranged family relationships or the death of loved ones, it can add to the feeling that life is to be endured rather than enjoyed. What comfort can we find from the word of God? It may be surprising to know that God is especially interested in the orphan, widow, and those... Read more

November 17, 2023

Its that time of the year when family and friends gather to give thanks. Yet thankfulness and expressions of gratitude should be a part of our lives throughout the year. Despite hardships, there are many things to be thankful for and expressions of praise and thankfulness to God garner His appreciation and blessing. What have you found are the barriers to your expressing thankfulness? Some things cited often are feeling that our life is not turning out how we wanted... Read more

November 10, 2023

Have you ever heard the expression “the real life”?  What would you consider that to be? While some may equate “the real life” with success in material things and prominence, the bible describes the real life as the one to come – the eternal life. What might be appealing about this real life as opposed to our current existence? It might be worth it to find out. Many believe that at death they are spirited away to heaven in a... Read more

November 3, 2023

One of the universal questions that humans ask is if God is all powerful, why does he allow suffering?  Understanding the root cause of suffering can help us put into perspective this common human experience. Knowing that there will be an anecdote to all human suffering soon, gives us a reason to endure. While there are many reasons for suffering, the human condition is impacted by the lie told by Satan to Eve.  Jesus identifies him as the evil one... Read more

October 27, 2023

Research shows that there is a decline in church goers. The current gallup poll indicates that only thirty percent of respondents reported attending church, synagogue or temple. In regards to Christianity is this something that Pastors and Christians should worry about? For centuries there have been those who have tried to discourage faith in Jesus Christ or keep the word of God oppressed. According to God’s word, they have been unable to succeed because of the originator of Christianity. Its... Read more

October 20, 2023

Discovering the purpose of one’s life is one of the great existential pursuits. It is also thought of as one of the universal questions that every person faces when trying to manage their life. Whether Christian or non believer, we all want to know why we are here.  There is no shortage of philosophies, religions, and organizations which seek to help us find the answer. The bible is one source for finding out the answer to purpose that you may... Read more

October 13, 2023

Recent predictions concerning a rapture in September have failed again. It is a claim made every few years by those who say they have heard from God or calculated its timing.  It often serves as popular fodder on social media where those ‘left behind’ banter about how foolish the claim makes Christians look. But is the rapture a biblical teaching? The word rapture is not found in the bible. The meaning of the word, however, is.  ‘To be caught up’... Read more

October 2, 2023

What is Mental Health? Most would say that mental health is a sense of overall well-being that is free from chronic debilitating symptoms like depression, anxiety and insomnia. It is a knowledge of self and the possession of skills to cope with life and manage distressing circumstances and feelings. It is also the ability to be aware of when one needs to seek assistance to gain tools to better ground one in reality and towards ones goals. Mental health like... Read more

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