To the Christian Teachers

To the Christian Teachers September 2, 2023

To the Christian Teacher at the Beginning of a New School year, please hear me when I say that I see you.

As a teacher in public education, I often feel that Christians in this field are overlooked. Public Education has an image for many Americans that displays a very left-leaning stereotype of educators. This can leave many Christians in education feeling unseen.

I want to leave a list of prayers you can pray over your staff, students, or fellow teachers this year as they enter a new year.

To Any Teacher Starting a New Year

 If you work in a school that has decent communication between grade levels, you are likely to experience some nerves. You have heard of the troubles some students have, or maybe it’s the parents who are difficult. Either way, there is a whole new group of students you must get to know, accommodate, and teach which is exhausting.

If you need prayer for those new beginnings, start here:

Heavenly Father,

I come before you, seeking your guidance and strength as I face the challenges of teaching in a new school year. The complexities of the educational system and the uncertainties of transitioning to a new group of students weigh on my heart.

Lord, I trust in your divine purpose for me in this role. Grant me the resilience to address the difficulties that may arise, whether with students facing challenges or challenging parents. Help me see each person through your eyes, with love and compassion.

I pray for the wisdom and patience to understand each student’s unique needs and to impart not only academic knowledge but also life lessons rooted in your truth and love. In moments of exhaustion, remind me of your presence, providing the strength and guidance I require.

Lord, please foster positive communication and collaboration among grade levels, creating a nurturing environment for our students. As I embark on this new journey, I place my trust in you. May I be a beacon of encouragement and inspiration, making a positive impact on their educational journey.

In your holy name, I offer this prayer, knowing you are the ultimate source of wisdom, strength, and guidance. Amen.

To the Teacher Who is in a New School

Starting at a new school can feel overwhelming. You’re creating brand new work relationships and student relationships. Whether it be setting up a new classroom or learning a new curriculum, starting in a new work environment can feel similar to starting all over again.

If you need prayer in this area, start here: 

Heavenly Father,

We come before you with gratitude for the dedicated school teacher embarking on a new journey in a different school. We seek your blessings and guidance for them as they navigate this new chapter.

In the excitement and uncertainty of a new school year and environment, grant this teacher confidence and assurance. May your divine light shine on their path, helping them build connections with colleagues, administrators, and students.

Grant them wisdom to adapt to the unique culture, fostering an environment of learning, growth, and compassion. Surround them with a supportive community of mentors and allies who offer encouragement in times of doubt or challenge.

Remind them of their calling to shape young minds and nurture the next generation. Grant resilience and determination to overcome obstacles. Let them feel your presence every step of the way, filled with your love, grace, and peace.

Bless their classroom with love, respect, and joy in learning, and may their teaching have a lasting impact. We offer this prayer in faith, trusting your unfailing love. In your holy name, we pray. Amen.


To the teacher who isn’t sure they’ll last the year:

There are those who teach who weren’t sure they were going to this year. Whether it be that you’re unsure whether teaching is for you or if you’re a couple of years from retirement, a school year can be a trying time.

If you are not sure you’ll last the year, start here:

Heavenly Father,

I come before you with a heavy heart, burdened by doubts and uncertainties that cloud my path as a dedicated school teacher. In this noble calling to nurture young minds, I seek your divine guidance and wisdom.

Grant me the strength to conquer these doubts, reminding me of your purpose in calling me to this vocation. Help me see that I hold the power to shape my students into responsible and compassionate individuals, making a positive impact on their lives.

May I find patience and perseverance to weather the challenges that come with this profession, finding solace in your constant guidance. Fill me with your Holy Spirit, allowing me to be a beacon of light and love, teaching not only with knowledge but also with kindness and empathy.

Lord, grant me discernment to recognize opportunities for growth and improvement, and surround me with inspiring colleagues who uplift and inspire. Above all, reassure me that I am following your calling, and that my doubts are a natural part of this journey.

Let your love and grace flow through me, touching the lives of the students I teach. In your name, I pray, trusting in your divine wisdom and love. Amen.

Find a community

Every teacher has their own struggles each year. I want to remind you that you aren’t alone in your work. There are other Christian teachers out there who want to come alongside you. If you want to join a group on Facebook, I encourage you to look here at a group I have created.


Praying for blessings over your year.

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