4 Things to Pray for This Fall

4 Things to Pray for This Fall August 26, 2023

With Fall right around the corner, it’s easy to prepare ourselves for the shift in weather. I have been lighting my “Apple Pecan Turnover” candle almost daily to submerse our apartment in the fall scent. Decorating our home with orange and green, tiny pumpkins, and baking Apple Crisp are some of my favorite ways to equip my home for the new season.

What if we look at our prayer life the same way that we prepare our home for a new season? I want to equip you with four areas in your life that could use some intentional prayer this fall. While your Pumpkin Spice Latte is brewing, take a seat and think of these areas.

Local Schools

As a teacher, back to school season starts the last week of July in Wisconsin. September may be when the kids arrive but my preparation starts way before they even step foot in the school.

The back to school signs may be an exciting time for you, or may be they incite stress in your heart as you try not to buy the super cute Papermate pens for the fourth year in a row. Either way, we see our schools preparing for a shift and we should be in prayer for that area in our communities.

Even if you no longer have school aged children or grandchildren in your family, praying for the lives of those who attend your local school district is helpful and a blessing. The next generation of believers attends school– either homeschooling or public or private– and therefore they need the prayers of their elders.

Here is a list of things you can chose from if you’re stuck on what to pray for this fall:

  • New School Year (general)
  • Safety of the School
  • Teachers
  • Fall Sports starting up
  • AWANA or other Church Youth Group programs
  • New students find friends
  • Students who need new friend groups to make good choices
  • Students who need help from adults get the help they need

I know that as a teacher I will appreciate any prayer you do over my school and students.

Lord, I pray for our schools today. You know what is happening within those buildings, and I pray your guiding hand is over them. I lift up to you the safety of our students in our community. They need you, Lord. Please give them adults they can trust to reach out to. Please give them friends who are helpful and not harmful. Amen.


As a teacher, I do not get a paycheck during the summer so starting to work again in the fall means there will be an influx of money in my family. But I also feel like the Fall is really the start of where we spend a majority of our money for the year.

Once the back to school lists are out, families are spending money on school supplies. Then, it’s Halloween (if you celebrate) and Thanksgiving within a month of each other. And finally, the big one: Christmas.

Now, I may be overexaggerating slightly but the last months of the year always seem to fly by. Taking special care of your money during the fall can help you be a good steward to what God has given you.

I highly recommend that you take some time to look over your budget. With all of these large holidays coming up, where can you put some money aside to set yourself up for success?

Here is a list of things you can chose from if you’re stuck on what to pray for this fall:

  • Stewardship of what you have been given
  • Gratitude for the Lord providing for you this far
  • Ask God to help you analyze your tithing
  • Examine you heart and ask God to help you reflect on your spending
  • Cry out to God to make it clear in your heart areas you can do without for a season
  • If you need help, ask God for it. He will aid those who come to him

Lord, I bring my finances before you. It is only because of your grace and mercy that I am where I am at today and for that I am thankful. Thank you for the abundance in my life. I ask that you reveal areas of my heart that are prideful or selfish when it comes to the money I make. I want to be a good steward and follow your calling. So give me conviction where I need it. Amen.

Your community

Growing up in my small town, my community really showed up for the Football team. Granted, my Dad was also a coach on the team so we made it a Friday Night tradition to go and watch the game. It was on those nights that I truly felt like I was part of my hometown.

Your town may be different. Maybe there is a annual fall harvest party where the Farmers share what they had grown. Parades that you might be able to attend. A community festival that encourages everyone to come and join.

Or perhaps, your city is still recovering from a local travesty. The town over had a family’s home burn down, or your community is angry with those in power not listening to the townsfolk.

There are so many things you can pray for in your communities:

  • Healing of those who are hurting
  • Peace among the inhabitants
  • Those who feel lonely find community
  • Compassion
  • Safety in the changing times
  • A new business that has opened finds abundance
  • Government officials and their leadership

Lord, I pray for those who are hurting in our community. We may never forget the tragic thing that happened this time last year. But through you, I pray that we can come together as a community and love those affected. I pray that you are softening the hearts of our leaders and give them wisdom to continue what they are doing for us. Amen.

The Changes Themselves

The Fall is easily one of the most beautiful times of year. In the Midwest, there is a specific week that researchers say is the most beautiful depending on how far north you are. It’s easy to be in awe of how the world around us is changing.

A simple way to pray for the fall is out of that awe we have. When we see our favorite tree starting to turn colors, thank God for the imagination He has shown on earth. The chill in the air making you excited for warm apple cider? Show your appreciation by tipping the waitress or barista more than you typically would as a way to honor God.

Honor the change of the fall by praying for:

  • A new heart to come with the change of the season
  • An excitement for God to move
  • The Harvest
  • Gratitude in the season specific foods we eat
  • Beauty of creation being seen

Glory to heaven! Lord, the beauty of this season clearly shows you are an artist. I am forever thankful for the small ways we celebrate the changes in season. May my heart always praise you for the Fall! Amen.

My prayer for you:

I hope that you find yourself praying and communicating more with God this fall. I know that my excitement for the season can easily drown out my excitement for how God is moving. While in this season, look for new ways to honor God!

Interested in finding more ways for spiritual rest? Read my thoughts here.

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