June 20, 2024

The constant hum of the fan weaves with the dramatic gongs of the most recent telenovela my grandmother is watching. The carcass of a mosquito, bloated with my blood, lies over the edge of the bed. My own stomach is bloated from the remnants of my grandmother’s birthday dinner a couple hours ago. It’s a peaceful, quiet existence and I reflect on the waves of nostalgia that come every time I visit my family in Mexico. Nostalgia for the life... Read more

May 31, 2024

There are some days when God whispers in a still small voice…And there are some days when he smacks you upside the head. God has been whispering to me for the past few days. Well, actually he’s been whispering for months. The past few days however, he’s been stage whispering. On my drive home from capoeira every night, my attention was drawn noticeably to that one turn that leads to a 24 hour chapel. But that chapel is scary at... Read more

December 11, 2023

Wishes, our deepest desires, our longing for more… This is what makes us human. It’s what connects us to one another. And it is what connects us to God. It is the longing for eternity. The desire to create something to inspire generations. The desire to fly, to touch the stars…These are wishes that must be pursued, even at the risk of heartbreak, even if they may never come true. Because in pursuing them we find our truest selves and we... Read more

October 13, 2023

I love the universality of Catholicism. On my trip to Korea, I found familiarity and rest inside any Catholic church. This trip, I was surprised to find that this universality wasn’t limited to the Church. I found God’s presence in something else: capoeira martial arts.     Unfamiliar words I can’t make out fill the church, but I don’t feel out of place. Everyone’s hands go to their foreheads, then their chest, then to each shoulder. I follow the gesture... Read more

September 7, 2023

“Misa…misa…misa…” I muttered to myself under my breath as I scrolled through a pageful of unfamiliar characters. As someone who travels out-of-state often, I am accustomed to the struggle of deciphering church websites (when there is a website at all). Mass times are hidden on the third or fourth menu option, and often confession times aren’t on the same page at all! Now, imagine all of these problems in a different language…and a different alphabet. This was my experience finding... Read more

July 18, 2023

This past Sunday, I was sitting in Mass, daydreaming. The calming music, the repetitive responses, the often boring homilies…it’s natural and human to get distracted. Usually, I dismiss the distractions and direct my attention back to the Mass. This time though, the daydream caught my attention. It caught my attention, because it seemed like a pious daydream. What could be wrong about that? I was daydreaming about martyrdom. Of how my heroic death would lead to the conversion of thousands,... Read more

July 9, 2023

Recently, I wrote a post on why God might ask us to do something we don’t want to do. After all, our desires are important to God and even play a key role in discernment. But the truth of the matter is that our desires are not the most primordial thing in life and God sometimes asks us to give them. In a society where we are unlikely to be subjected to martyrdom in its strictest sense, giving up your... Read more

June 20, 2023

Recently, I was at a pool party with several non-Catholic friends. I was having a lot of fun, but needed to leave early to go to Confession. As I left, everyone asked me “where are you going?” And I answered, to meet my sister. Even though these are people I trust and love, the lie slipped out immediately. As I walked to my car, I couldn’t believe myself. After years of working on courage in witnessing my faith, I had... Read more

June 17, 2023

The most innocent soul I have ever met. This is what one of my friends said about me at a pool party recently. The most innocent soul I have ever met. It’s one of the best compliments I have ever been given. Especially at a time when I am struggling with a sin that makes me feel decidedly not innocent. But what is innocence exactly? And why is it so good? What is innocence? Innocence is one of those things that... Read more

June 13, 2023

The new live-action Little Mermaid is amazing. I’ve slipped back in time to when I was five years old, ejecting the VCR only to rewind it and start the movie all over again. Halle Bailey did such a great job and the entire movie was magical (for my full review of the movie click here). Not only that, but the movie teaches us important truths about our desires! I’ve watched the movie 3 times and the joyful, dance-filled scenes of... Read more

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