A Former Adult Film Star’s Path to Food & Faith

A Former Adult Film Star’s Path to Food & Faith July 10, 2024

From Actress To Chef & Lifestyle Food Blogger


girl on bridge
Photo courtesy of T.C. Burton Photos

Transitioning From A Career as A Popular Adult Film Actress To Becoming A Chef & Food Lifestyle Blogger, is a journey filled with transformation, challenges, and profound lessons.  I decided to pursue my passion for cooking and sharing my culinary adventures with the world. This transition culminated in the incredible opportunity to participate in the 2023 and 2024 Favorite Chef cooking competitions, hosted by the renowned chef Carla Hall and sponsored by the prestigious James Beard Foundation.

Leaving behind the adult film industry was a carefully thought out decision. I was often depressed, burnt out, and felt empty. I was driven by a deep desire to explore a new career that aligned with my authentic passions.

A career that would bring me inner joy and happiness that I could share with the world. Cooking has always been a solace for me—a creative outlet that allowed me to express myself and connect with others in a meaningful way. Both my mother and grandmother are seasoned Chefs in the kitchen. From a young age they taught me everything I know about cooking.

A woman walking away

I am proud to be under their guidance and mentorship. These women taught me the true value of a good meal. They also taught me that no matter the situation, food can bring people together. 

I do not belive in luck. I do believe in God’s timing though. As I honed my skills in the kitchen and shared my culinary creations on my blog, Good Thyme Gal . I decided to release it to the world in May 1, 2023. In June, 2023, I was selected to participate in the 2023 Favorite Chef Cooking Competition (June 2023). 

Participicating in the 2023 & 2024 Favorite Chef Competition


With great apprehension and many cheers from my biggest supporters, I decided to participate in the 2023 Favorite Chef Competition. I ended up shocking everyone and placed 5th  within my group. It felt so validating. I was more than just a good cook. I was a Chef. To celebrate I released a cookbook, called, Good Thyme Gal Cookbook: Recipes For The Family and Friends.  

This cookbook is available via Amazon

In 2024, I was asked by the Favorite Chef competition to once more participate. I felt honored that they had once more considered me. I feel that I gave it my best. This time, however I only made it to 9th place. I had formidable opponents. I am very grateful to have made it as far as I had.

 Both of these experiences were exhilarating and challenging. Each time I was pushed to showcase my culinary talents on a national stage. I was heavily scrutinized under the watchful eye of Chef Carla Hall and judges.

I learned invaluable lessons that helped shape my approach to food. One of the biggest lessons I  have learned from these experiences is how import it is for me to have faith in God, and in myself. Once I was able to do that in the competitions, I noticed I was able to have much more patience, resilience, and perseverance.


Lessons Learned From Cooking Competitively

Cooking is and always will be what brings me closer to my faith

In the competitive world of cooking, setbacks and failures are inevitable. During the intense pressure of the competition, I faced moments of doubt and uncertainty. I discovered that real growth comes from letting go of control.

By allowing the Divine to take over, I am able to embrace my challenges. I have learned from every experience, whether positive or negative. Each dish I prepared. Each critique I received, taught me to adapt, improve, and never lose sight of my passion for cooking.

Another profound lesson I gained from participating in the 2023 and 2024 Favorite Chef competitions is the power of community and support. Despite it being a cooking competition with a cash prize of $25,000 and The cover of Taste Of Home Magazine, I was still able to find camaraderie among my fellow chefs and encouragement from viewers and followers rooting for me from all over the world.


Finding Faith

Throughout this journey—from transitioning careers to navigating the challenges of competitive cooking—I have found strength in my belief in a higher power. God has been a constant source of comfort and wisdom, guiding me through moments of uncertainty and celebrating my achievements with me. Through prayer and reflection, I have learned to trust in God’s plan for my life and embrace the new opportunities He has placed before me.

My faith has taught me humility in success, resilience in those tough times, and gratitude for every blessing along the way.

food from cooking competition
Dishes Christy Presented in the 2024 Favorite Chef Competition

My transition from a popular adult film actress to a Chef/food lifestyle blogger has been a  journey of self-discovery, growth, and faith. The opportunity to participate in a Food competition that showcased my skills to the world, has been a highlight of my personal and professional life. This experience has taught me invaluable lessons about resilience, community, and the importance of trusting in God’s guidance.

In the future I will continue to pursue my passion for cooking and sharing my love of food with the world. I am grateful for the experiences, as well as God’s grace that has helped shape me into the person and chef I am today. Hope and Joy in life is a gift from my heart. With each blog post I write I hope you can see God using me to touch your heart one meal at a time.


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