6 Biblically Sound Teachers To Help Kickstart Your Scripture

6 Biblically Sound Teachers To Help Kickstart Your Scripture July 31, 2024

6 Biblically Sound Teachers To Help Kickstart Your Scripture Study.


bible study
Photo by Tara Winstead/pexels.com

Knowing God’s Word is crucial, requiring more than just listening to a 30-minute sermon once a week— especially if it lacks depth or focuses on us and our wants rather than God. Understanding the Lord and his teachings encompasses far more than what most believers are exposed to nowadays, with teachings often emphasizing miracles, blessings, and human-made doctrines and severely lacking instruction on God’s Word and his principles.

Many believers, particularly new ones, depend on experienced preachers and teachers to instruct them in God’s Word, fully trusting them to do so. Therefore, many are unaware that they’re missing a substantial part of that Word, as some neglect to teach from the actual Scriptures. I’m thankful, however, because by God’s grace, some stumble upon the truth and hunger for more of it. 

The cloud of ignorance begins to dissipate, as they now yearn for further enlightenment, which is a desire implanted by the Lord. He doesn’t wish for us to linger in ignorance or be trapped in a continuous cycle of unproductive teachings that yield no fruit and don’t bring us closer to him or to fulfilling our purpose. He wants more both for, and from, those who trust in him.

If you feel like there’s a void in your spiritual journey or you’re seeking to deepen your understanding of God’s Word, here are six reliable Bible teachers to enhance your study experience. The order isn’t significant, and while I may not endorse all their teachings, I find them to be solid instructors with a passion for God and a commitment to guiding others towards a more profound understanding of his truth.

Even if I have disagreements with their stance on some topics, their teachings are generally solid, and typically promote critical thinking, urging me to explore deeper to uncover more truths, and to challenge conventional beliefs if necessary, in order to approach an authentic understanding of God’s revelations. This, in my opinion, is the essence of good Bible instruction, acknowledging that we’re all constantly learning and no one is infallible. 

The teaching of the Word should be administered after thorough study and research. It should be easy to understand, led by the Holy Spirit, and biblically sound. I believe the teaching of these men and women meet these criteria. So, without further ado, here is my compilation of 6 Biblically Sound Teachers to Help Kickstart Your Scripture Study, including living and transitioned figures. 

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David Pawson

John David Pawson, an English evangelical minister, author, and Bible teacher, was born February 25, 1930 and died May 21, 2020. He began his career as a farmer, but soon discovered that God had other plans for him. With a degree in Agriculture and a new farm, Mr. Pawson was led to become a Christian minister. Through his over 80 books and enlightening talks, he dedicated his life to teaching the Bible. 

Per his website, “David was passionate about teaching the Bible and believed every teacher has a responsibility to expound the truth and expose error. He encourages everyone to read the Bible for themselves, not verse by verse but to read each verse in the context in which they were written. Too many people misquote Bible verses by taking them out of context. David teaches that a ‘text out of context becomes a pretext’ to a whole new and wrong meaning to that for which the verse was written.”

It has been a true blessing to learn from Mr. Pawson’s easy-to-understand biblical teachings and light-hearted personality. If you aren’t familiar with his work, I highly recommend it. There is a website dedicated to him and a YouTube channel where you can learn more about him and explore his plethora of teachings. Both sites are listed below.

Website: https://www.davidpawson.co.uk/about/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHcMzsUck5hwRHE77AOTNSA

Tim Mackie

In his teens, in Portland, Tim Mackie’s spiritual journey began with skateboarding, drawing him into faith through the teachings about Jesus at a ministry called Skatechurch. After that, Multnomah University was his first stop before pursuing a theology degree at Western Seminary in Portland and a Ph.D. in Hebrew Bible and Jewish Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Mr. Mackie now holds the positions of lead research scholar and creative director at BibleProject, following his time as a pastor and also as a professor at Western Seminary.

Past installments of Mackie’s Exploring My Strange Bible podcast can be accessed online, along with the latest episodes of The Bible Project podcast, a beloved educational series for many. The Bible Project provides concise video teachings enriched with engaging visuals, catering to individuals with limited attention spans like myself. 

Whenever I require a quick yet thorough explanation, The Bible Project is usually my first choice. Despite their short length, these videos, like small coins, accumulate into a treasure trove of wisdom through their cumulative effect.

Below are websites where you can learn more about Tim Mackie and access his teachings.

Website: https://bibleproject.com/tim-mackie/ https://bibleproject.com/explore/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVfwlh9XpX2Y_tQfjeln9QA

Paul Leboutillier (Calvary Chapel Ontario)

Paul Leboutillier is the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Ontario. He takes believers on a journey through Scripture in his Through The Bible series, explaining it verse-by-verse and in context in a way that is easy to understand. Visit the Calvary Chapel Ontario website below or their YouTube channel to listen to his teachings.

Website: https://www.ccontario.com/through-the-bible

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@CalvaryChapelOntario

Tom Bradford

Up next is an instructor of the Bible whose teachings I believe aren’t getting the attention they deserve. I stumbled upon his YouTube channel while exploring the Torah, and I have truly appreciated the depth of knowledge and the time and effort he generously provides for the spiritual growth of God’s people. 

Tom Bradford is a former Fortune 500 corporate senior executive, who went into early retirement when the Lord ignited in him, a passion for Israel and the Holy Scriptures. His extensive study of Scripture, mentored by Jewish Torah scholars and Christian academics, has led him to read many volumes of works by great Hebrew sages, Rabbis, and Christians (ancient and modern). During his formal university education, he studied archeology and Egyptology before becoming a Business major, which sparked his former career in hi-tech.

Today, Mr. Bradford is, in my view, one of the most exceptional Bible educators around. He conducts Torah Class, one of the most informative online courses I have come across (and it’s free!). His thorough explanations, extensive research, and friendly conversational  tone contribute to a fruitful and stimulating Bible study. For more information about Tom Bradford, visit the torahclass.com website or its YouTube channel both shown below.

Website:  https://www.torahclass.com/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TorahClass

Jackie Hill Perry

Jackie Hill Perry is a well-known author, Bible teacher, and poet. Additionally, she is a hip-hop artist who creates music focused on faith. Mrs. Perry is the author of various books, including Gay Girl, Good God: The Story of Who I Was, and Who God Has Always Been, and a Bible study called Jude: Contending for the Faith in Today’s Culture. Through her public speaking, literary works, and podcasts like With the Perry’s, which she co-hosts with her husband Preston Perry, Jackie imparts truth to those who are searching for it.

I admire Perry not only for her knowledge of Scripture but also for her knack in presenting the teachings of God’s Word in a manner that’s easily comprehensible to believers at many intellectual capacities. She also assists believers in applying that Word practically, ensuring they go beyond just listening to it and actually put it into action—becoming doers, not merely hearers of the Word. Her authoritative tone, relatable demeanor, and exceptional biblical instruction resonate with diverse audiences.

From my perspective, the faithful at any level can greatly benefit from her realness, humility, and knowledge of both the Scriptures and practical wisdom. Visit the websites below to learn more about Mrs. Perry and to explore her many teachings.

Website: https://jackiehillperry.com/


Dr. Michael S. Heiser

Dr. Michael S. Heiser was and still is, a valuable gem within the Christian community, shining brightly for some while remaining hidden to others, waiting to be discovered. Although I initially encountered him in a sermon I heard years ago, it wasn’t until I delved deeper into Scripture, that his name resurfaced, leading me to explore more of his insights. Learning from him has been a true gift. 

In my Bible study, there are times when I come away with unconventional interpretations, and it seems almost as if a relevant video from Heiser appears in my YouTube recommendation list, confirming my insights with his profound knowledge, encouraging me to delve further for the truth and a better understanding, or simply reassuring me that I’m not alone in my unconventional views. 

I’ve recently made it a habit to turn to Heiser’s teachings whenever I seek answers beyond conventional Christian beliefs. Michael was a man of God who spoke truth without relying on mere traditions and established practices, and for that I greatly admire him.

Sadly, Dr. Heiser passed away in 2023 at the young age of 60, but through the grace of God, he’s left us with a wealth of knowledge through his books, videos, and podcasts. Below are links to websites where you can read about Mr. Heiser’s work and access his teachings.

Website:   https://drmsh.com/  

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@DRMSH

There is a reason why God raises up teachers for his people—it’s because they should be utilized. While it’s easy to advise individuals to “Read your Bible,” not everyone is called to dedicate extensive hours to studying it—that responsibility falls on the teachers. 

I used to shout this same ignorance, but now, I couldn’t imagine telling a believer in a profession like medicine or another role crucial to humanity, to prioritize Bible study. God has given them the gift of healing, etc, and he has appointed others to teach them his Word.

Currently, the challenge is finding teachers who are actually sent by God, who revere his Word and teach his principles directly from Scripture instead of simply teaching from their own lives, opinions, and ideas.

I believe those mentioned here fit the bill, and hopefully, some may find this list useful. It isn’t an exhaustive list, as there are other excellent teachers out there, some of whom are lesser known or waiting to be found. If you need help discovering and understanding God’s truth, they are well worth seeking out!

About Miranda Turner
Miranda Turner is an author, blogger, and podcaster. In her writings, she discusses God, the Bible, and anything else related to glorifying the Lord. Find out more at https://truthtrumpstradition.wordpress.com/. You can read more about the author here.

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