Beyond The Headline: The Impact of Giving A False Report

Beyond The Headline: The Impact of Giving A False Report June 17, 2024

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A Walmart shopper was wrongly labeled a thief when a video showed him loading up his shopping cart without scanning items at the self-checkout. However, the man, Bill Astle, was actually a Walmart Spark delivery driver who was following the proper procedure for his job.

The video, which was recorded at a Walmart in Belleville, Illinois on May 12, showed Astle packing numerous items into his cart without scanning them at the self-checkout kiosk. A woman recording the video can be heard accusing Astle of “literally just stealing everything” since “he ain’t scanning s–t.”

The 14-second clip quickly went viral, racking up over 15.6 million views on social media. This led to intense online scrutiny and harassment for Astle, with some even reaching out to the St. Louis Battlehawks football team, to complain about him, because he was wearing a shirt with their name on it—-that is absolutely ignorant.

However, Astle explained that as a Spark delivery driver, he’s not required to scan each individual item at the register. Instead, he scans a code from the Spark app on his phone, which allows him to simply bag the pre-scanned items after scanning his phone at the kiosk. The only item he did physically scan was a bouquet of roses he purchased for his wife, which our scrupulous filmer conveniently missed.

Astle is now trying to clear his name, as he continues to face accusations of theft from concerned shoppers who recognize him from the viral video. To help with this, he has provided receipts to show he was properly fulfilling his Spark delivery duties—not stealing. For Mr. Astle, who was just doing his job honestly, this has been a very distressing and unpleasant experience.

The above information was taken from an article from the New York Post. You can read their full story here. I don’t typically post reactions to news stories, but this one stood out to me as it emphasizes the importance of understanding the full context before jumping to conclusions, both online and offline. It also reveals the ignorance, the unhealthy craving for attention, and the absence of common courtesy and respect for others in our society, and it’s maddening.

First, how much is one’s life lacking, that they don’t have anything better to do than film someone else at a check-out? If they were truly worried about him stealing, (had they actually confirmed that he was stealing), I imagine if they had enough time to get out their phone and take a video complete with commentary, that a Walmart employee could have been alerted in the same timeframe.

Additionally, judging from the number of articles returned by Google regarding Walmart falsely accusing people of stealing, it can be safely said that Walmart doesn’t play around. Even when you think they’re not watching, they are. Even my friend and I were falsely accused of stealing from Walmart in Shreveport, La, years ago. As we were on our way out, Asset Protection stopped us and interrogated us for about an hour in a little room, threatening to call the police—and it was over nose rings! But they found nothing on us and let us go. I think we were getting on their nerves as well. I made light of it back then, being young—-but today I promise someone would get sued. Over time, it seems my tolerance for nonsense has dwindled. 

But the point is, Walmart isn’t letting anyone walk out of that store with a basket full of unpaid items, and If they do, it’s extremely rare. If there’s an issue, it’s their job to investigate it thoroughly. But sharing a video and spreading false accusations in it is completely unjustified—particularly when lacking all (or any) of the facts. This scenario serves as a clear illustration of why God included in the Ten Commandments the mandate, “Do not give false testimony against your neighbor.” As those of us who’ve been through it are aware, being wrongly accused isn’t pleasant. However, certain allegations can severely damage a person’s reputation and result in harassment, as seen in Mr. Astle’s case. 

In more severe situations, false accusations can result in unjust punishment, or even the death of innocent and righteous individuals. In 1 Kgs. 21, Naboth from Jezreel was wrongly accused of blaspheming God and the king by wicked and worthless men sent by Jezebel, leading to his death by stoning. Needless to say, God was enraged. In addition, Potiphar’s wife accused Joseph of trying to violate her which resulted in his wrongful imprisonment (Gen. 39:11-18), and Stephen was murdered after being falsely accused of blasphemy (Acts 6-7).

Though in a different time and setting, this same conduct is prevalent in today’s society and as believers, we can easily get caught up in the hype and start participating with the crowd. The sad part is that this happens a lot in the Christian community and most don’t even recognize it as a problem. However, accusing someone of something without witnessing it yourself or having the facts, or any proof for that matter, is a sin. It’s wicked and it’s evil as it often leads to harm of an innocent person. In some cases, it’s also illegal.

Even if we’re not the ones making the accusations, joining in and adding to the problem makes us equally responsible. Exodus 23:1-2 teaches, “You are not to repeat false rumors; do not join hands with the wicked by offering perjured testimony. Do not follow the crowd when it does what is wrong;…”(Ex. 23:1-2; CJB).  Likewise, if someone is clearly guilty, Scripture teaches us not to bear false testimony so that they may escape punishment. Basically, if you didn’t see it, hear it, taste it, smell it, or feel it, then you’re not a witness to it, and if you make a claim about it, whether in favor or disfavor—you’re a false witness.

It’s crucial for us to study God’s Word and make every effort to follow its principles, instead of naively assuming that we have no further obligations, because Jesus’ blood has covered everything. We have much learning to do, and by applying Scripture to our everyday lives, we continually transform our natural thinking patterns. It can be tempting to go along with the world’s ways, and we may falter at times, but it’s vital that we persist in applying God’s Word. While his grace ultimately saves us, every believer is accountable for obeying God’s commandments, which guide us in loving him and our neighbors, which are the most important commands of God.

About Miranda Turner
Miranda Turner is an author, blogger, and podcaster. In her writings, she discusses God, the Bible, and anything else related to glorifying the Lord. Find out more at You can read more about the author here.

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