Happy Father’s Day Dads!

Happy Father’s Day Dads! June 15, 2024

Photo by Lawrence Crayton
Photo by Lawrence Crayton on Unsplash

Dear Patheos Friends, this weekend, we celebrate our incredible fathers! For many, this weekend can be a tough one, just like Mother’s Day. Despite the toughness, we can intentionally pursue the Father’s heart and find the sweetness of Abba Father, that heals, restores and makes whole. I pray that this oldie but goodie re-post below on the heart of the Creator, His Kingdom purposes and fathers imprint on identity encourages you.

Heart of the Creator

These worldly patriarchy systems are not similar to the heart of the Creator- the One Who made man in His own image. The Bible is very clear on the intent and motivation of God’s heart for His creation. John 3:16 states, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him, should not perish but have eternal life.” This is the heart of a Father- one of love, deep care that is aligned with His actions. As we look to celebrate Father’s Day, we have this model of God the Father exemplified here on earth by men everywhere who have come to know this heavenly Father’s love and grace in their own lives and expressly live Him out to their families, workplace, churches, communities, state, nation and globally.

Who Is on His Side

In a time where there is hot debate on God’s plan for His creation, and people are asked to pick a side, it is important to know what pleases God and what doesn’t. This is not about sitting on the fence. When it comes to God, His plans and His kingdom, it is a matter of total allegiance to God, His Word, His heart, His ways and His plans. God doesn’t want any distractions in our commitment to Him. Despite any earthly experiences we may have had, God says, fathers are important to His Kingdom purposes and mothers are important to His Kingdom purposes. Let’s choose to be on God’s side. The last we checked, God was the One that made the sun rise in the morning all over the world; and He did not forget to make the sun set in the evening in like manner.

Image Bearers of God

Fathers have a uniqueness that is unmatched about imparting identity to their children. They do this well through their constant guidance, mentorship, and coaching. This is exactly who God made them to be. From their love to see their children thrive in life, to their deep care of providing for their families; fathers have the big responsibilities as image bearers of God. So, not only on this Father’s Day, we celebrate our fathers as image bearers of God. Happy Father’s Day!

Check out the entire post here by clicking on this hyperlink.

About Dr. Feyi Obamehinti
Dr. Feyi Obamehinti is a wife, mother, an ordained minister of the gospel, Bible Teacher, speaker, life educator, author, co-founder of nonprofits Oasis Connection Ministries and Oasis Focus Inc. Dr. Feyi as she's known professionally, co-host Oasis Connection TV and Oasis of Hope Podcast with her husband-Dr. Johnson Obamehinti- from their home in Texas. As a life educator, Dr. Feyi loves to equip people with Biblical principles to thrive in every area of life. A dynamic international and national trainer/speaker, she is passionate about helping people "see life" from God's perspective - only one that truly matters. A national syndicated commentator, Dr. Feyi equips leaders on maximizing their leadership for the people they lead. She is an encourager extraordinaire of the Wellness Project, ambassador of hope, community leader and advocate. You can read more about the author here.

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