August 11, 2024

 Yes, Why is It So Hard to Forgive Sometimes? For those of us who were raised in the Christian religion, we know the importance of forgiveness.  The Bible is filled with verses on this very subject. Ephesians 4:32 says: “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” And Psalm 86:5 says: “For you, O Lord, are good and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love to all who call upon you.” And so we all... Read more

August 4, 2024

  Yes, What is the SPIRITUAL Meaning of Surrender? The SPIRITUAL meaning of Surrender could be considered the opposite of the WORLDLY meaning.  The Cambridge Dictionary defines Surrender as: “To stop fighting and admit defeat.”  Or “To give something that is yours to someone else because you have been forced to do so or because it is necessary to do so.” Both WORLDLY definitions have a negative connotation to most of us.  We bristle at the thought of admitting... Read more

July 28, 2024

  Yes, It’s Time to Escape from “Mass Mind Thinking”  “Mass Mind Thinking” simply means fearful thinking.  It means that you have given in to FEAR.  So many people live their lives in quiet desperation.  They hate their job, or their living arrangements, or their relationships, but honestly believe that it’s impossible to find anything better. Yet God’s Divine Design for His children includes Perfect Health, Loving Relationships, a Fulfilling Career, and Abundance.  II Corinthians 9:10 states: “He who provides... Read more

July 14, 2024

Yes, to Achieve Wealth, Learn to MANIFEST Your Desire! Lesson 12 explained the power of Creative Visualization.  This wonderful tool helps you understand that whatever you desire, IF YOU CAN SEE IT IN YOUR MIND, YOU CAN MANIFEST IT INTO REALITY.   The well-known author Gregg Braden said it best:  “You can manifest the life you truly want with clear intention, emotional intelligence and imagination…like it or not, your life is what you have chosen.” If you are struggling in your... Read more

July 7, 2024

Achieving Wealth Means Visualizing Your Dreams! One of the wonderful tools that I learned to use to manifest my dreams is Creative Visualization. It really works!  I’m a very visual person; others may be more into hearing than seeing.  So, this is probably why Creative Visualization is so successful for me. Your thoughts are very powerful!  Your words and thoughts can manifest your dreams.  But if you also close your eyes and VISUALIZE your desire, you could see it manifested... Read more

June 30, 2024

    Achieving Wealth Includes “Armoring” Yourself Against Adversity  Yes, to achieve true wealth, you must learn to armor yourself against adversity.  What does this mean?  The American Heritage Dictionary identifies the word “armor” to mean “a metallic protective covering against weapons.”  This is the definition most of us are familiar with.  But another definition is “A safeguard or protection.”  And Ephesians 6:11 tells us:  “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against... Read more

June 23, 2024

  Yes, to Achieve Wealth, Trust the Universe To achieve wealth, stop thinking of all the reasons you CAN’T RECEIVE what you want.  Instead, just open yourself to allowing the Universe to deal with HOW it will come to you. Consequently, once you open yourself to all possibilities, giving thanks to God for fulling your desires, it will amaze you how many ways it can happen!  I encourage you to read a wonderful article written by Nanice Ellis, Contributing Writer... Read more

June 16, 2024

Yes, Achieving Wealth Means Re-Programming Yourself Achieving Wealth is possible if you RE-PROGRAM YOUR NEGATIVE THOUGHTS. Why do you think that some people achieve wealth and always seem to have everything they desire, and others don’t?   In the words of Joe Dispenza, the guru of positive thinking: “We’ve in fact conditioned ourselves to believe all sorts of things that aren’t’ necessarily true — and many of these things are having a negative impact on our health and happiness.” – Dr.... Read more

June 9, 2024

  Achieving Wealth – Seek Inspiration From Others! Yes, to achieve wealth, you can seek inspiration from others! For instance, read something inspirational before completing your Gratitude Letter to God.  This could be a Daily Devotional, or whatever works for you. I’m always reading one spiritual book or another.  Plus, I constantly go online and read about other peoples’ miracles.  And I am so grateful for the internet!  It has opened a whole new world for all of us!  We... Read more

June 2, 2024

  Achieving Wealth – Release All Resistance – Allow Wealth to Flow Yes, if you wish to achieve wealth, it will happen faster if you learn to release all resistance and allow God’s unlimited wealth to flow into your life. 1 Peter 5:7 says: “Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.”   Learning to accept that the System is set up to meet your every need is very difficult.  I know. And I admit that it took... Read more

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