What is the SPIRITUAL Meaning of Surrender?

What is the SPIRITUAL Meaning of Surrender? August 4, 2024

What is the SPIRITUAL Meaning of Surrender?/ Image courtesy of Bing Copyright-Free Images


Yes, What is the SPIRITUAL Meaning of Surrender?

The SPIRITUAL meaning of Surrender could be considered the opposite of the WORLDLY meaning.  The Cambridge Dictionary defines Surrender as: “To stop fighting and admit defeat.”  Or “To give something that is yours to someone else because you have been forced to do so or because it is necessary to do so.”  https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/surrender

Both WORLDLY definitions have a negative connotation to most of us.  We bristle at the thought of admitting defeat or giving something of ours away.  It either makes us feel weak or victimized.

Yet the SPIRITUAL meaning is just the opposite.  Proverbs 3:5-6 says: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” And Proverbs 16:3 says, “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.”  https://bibleinsideout.com/bible-verses-about-surrender/

Spiritual Surrender Means Unconditional Acceptance

You are a perfect soul, an exact reflection of God. You chose to come into this 3D world we know as Earth, to experience being human. From stories I have read of people who had a Near Death Experience, souls write the script for the lessons they wish to learn for their soul growth.  And Earth, with all its negativity, apparently provides an accelerated opportunity for our soul growth.

Choosing this “imperfect human experience” means accepting your human imperfections.  Both aspects of the perfect spiritual soul and imperfect human soul need to work together to learn the lessons you wrote in your script.

Accepting your human imperfections allows you to accept yourself unconditionally, with all your human imperfections and weird and quirky ways.  This acceptance allows you to open your heart to love yourself.  And loving your imperfect self allows you to love all imperfect souls, releasing all judgment.  This is what Jesus taught.

This self-love means releasing the hold that your EGO has on you. EGO (Easing God Out) is playing the role of supporting you and protecting you from the harsh realities of the physical 3D world.  If you understand this role that EGO is performing, you can then acknowledge the times when you need to bless it and thank it for protecting you.  However, you must rise above the EGO to learn the spiritual meaning of a negative situation.

Spiritual Surrender Means Releasing All Self-Judgment

So many souls find their imperfect and quirky selves unacceptable. This leads to judging themselves harshly.  And this also results in judging others harshly as well.  You must wake up to the truth that people reflect back to you your imperfections in yourself.  So, when you judge them. you are really judging yourself.  And facing this self-judgment can be embarrassing!

I admit that I used to be a Drama Queen.  I’m not proud of it, but there you have it.  I’m still one to a certain extent, but I’ve gotten so much better at it.

An employee of mine took the Academy Award of Drama Queen.  Every day was a major crisis for her, from losing her car keys and being late for work almost every day, to falling down at least once a week, always being sick, and driving everyone crazy.  When I contemplated whether to fire her, I went into my office, shut the door, got quiet, and asked for Guidance.

I Accepted the Truth and Surrendered My Self-Judgment

Guidance reminded me that the people who irritate us the most are simply REFLECTING BACK TO US the negative trait in ourselves that we refuse to face.  Gulp!  That was an eye opener!  Guidance was saying that this woman was simply showing me a side of myself as a Drama Queen that I didn’t want to admit!

In asking Guidance what I should do about her, now that I understood her purpose for being in my company, I was told to silently thank her for bringing this shortcoming to my attention, then bless her, and release her.  Guidance said that in all likelihood, since her task was complete, she would be leaving my employ on her own.

Sure enough, she left within the month!  And I became aware that I needed to work on my Drama Queen ways.  Remember this, my friends, the next time your parent, sibling, co-worker or friend drives you nuts.  See if they are here to help reflect to you an unattractive characteristic in yourself that you need to eliminate.

A Friend of Mine Decided to Surrender Her Self-Judgment

My friend Ann was involved in a lawsuit that could be devastating if she lost.  For weeks before her hearing date she constantly bemoaned how she would be ruined if she lost this lawsuit.  This was pretty much our entire conversation whenever we got together.

Finally, I asked her this question: “What outcome to you WANT to happen?”  She thought about it for a minute and said, “Well, of course I want to win this lawsuit, but I’m just not sure that I will.”

I persisted: “Give me all the reasons you feel you should WIN.” And she clearly and concisely related many substantial facts that should result in her victory.  And then I asked, “So, give me every reason you feel you may LOSE this lawsuit.”

That stopped her in her tracks!  She finally sighed and said, “Well, I’m not sure why I feel I’ll lose.  Maybe it’s because I don’t ever seem to get a break.  I’m no mastermind, you know.  I can’t compete with their high-priced attorneys.”

Ann Surrendered Her Fears to God

After verbalizing every reason she SHOULD win this lawsuit, Ann realized that she had every right to a fair and positive outcome, I suggested that she surrender those negative thoughts to God and instead THANK GOD for that perfect outcome.  She agreed this was a good idea, and she made this affirmation: “I THANK YOU GOD for a fair and positive outcome of this lawsuit.  I surrender all doubts and fears, and my belief that I don’t deserve this outcome, and I release it into Your hands.”

Ann surrendered all her doubts and fears, and felt as if a ton of bricks had been lifted off her. And she WON THE LAWSUIT!

Here’s Another Example of Surrendering to God

I once spent hours trying to recover a file on my computer that had just disappeared.  Finally, I stood up and declared, “I’m surrendering this whole situation to You, dear God.  If there is a way to recover this file, I KNOW You will show me the way.”

I then left the office and visited the local bookstore, just trying to release all my fears and doubts.  It was out of my hands.  When I returned to the office and sat down at my computer, I received an idea on how to recover the file and sure enough, I WAS ABLE TO RECOVER IT!

You, Too, Can Learn the Value of Surrendering

  • Surrender your belief that you’re not good enough. You are perfect in the sight of God.
  • Surrender your belief that you don’t deserve good things. God’s Divine Design for you includes giving you the Desires of Your Heart.
  • Surrender your belief that you can never measure up to other peoples’ accomplishments. Just being WHO YOU ARE, emanating love and compassion to others, far exceeds other peoples’ accomplishments.  YOU ARE SO LOVED!

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