Achieving Wealth – “Armor” Yourself – Lesson 11

Achieving Wealth – “Armor” Yourself – Lesson 11 June 30, 2024


Achieving Wealth – “Armor” Yourself Against Adversity – Lesson 11/Image Courtesy of Bing Copyright-Free Images


Achieving Wealth Includes “Armoring” Yourself Against Adversity

 Yes, to achieve true wealth, you must learn to armor yourself against adversity.  What does this mean?  The American Heritage Dictionary identifies the word “armor” to mean “a metallic protective covering against weapons.”  This is the definition most of us are familiar with.  But another definition is “A safeguard or protection.”  And Ephesians 6:11 tells us:  “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”

You need to remember that, as a Child of God, you have the power to “safeguard or protect” yourself against negative thoughts when adversity hits.  Everyone faces adversity at one time or another.  Yet God has given you the power to overcome any challenge easily, if you rebuke, or “armor” yourself, against the fearful thoughts bombarding you.

Achieving Wealth Means You “Armor” Yourself Against Negative Thoughts

Negative thinking is a bad habit.  If you truly understood how powerful your thoughts are that every thought or word you express MANIFESTS that very thing, you would do everything in your power to break this bad habit.

So, you must learn to say “STOP” when a negative thought occurs.  And then you take a deep breath and say, “I KNOW there is a solution to this challenge, and I THANK YOU GOD for showing me the way.”  1 Timothy 1:7 states: “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

Your “Armor” Will Block the Fear Bombarding You

 For example, what happens if you lose your job?  Most people fly into a panic. And FEARFUL thoughts bombard them as they think of all the reasons they can’t get another job:

  • The economy is really bad right now and there aren’t many good jobs out there.
  • There are ten people for every one job available. I’m not going to have any luck.
  • I’m too old to get another job. Companies want younger people today.
  • I don’t have the skills needed to get a really good job.

The list of reasons you WON’T find a job goes on and on.  And since THOUGHTS ARE THINGS, this typically ends up with you remaining unemployed month after month.

This Man Shows You How He “Armored” Himself

A man in our church revealed that he was laid off from his job right before Christmas. He immediately went into a state of panic and fear!  He wondered, “How will I pay my bills?  How will I meet my mortgage payment?  How will I take care of my family?  It’s Christmas!  How will I be able to provide gifts for my children?

As these fear-based thoughts flooded his mind, he said out loud “NO!  I will NOT give in to fear!  I know that I am God’s child and will be taken care of.  For me to be unemployed would be for God to be unexpressed, and this is impossible! I know there is an even better job for me, and I thank you God for it right now!”

He went home and told his wife and kids what happened, but explained that he knew God was in control, and they would all give thanks for that better paying job.  Sure enough, he had a better paying job within the month.  His conviction that he would be provided for allowed the Universe to provide.

Another Man Gave in to Fear

About one year after this man shared his story, I turned on the news one evening and listened with sadness as the newscaster relayed a story about a man who had just shot and killed his wife while in a drunken stupor.

Apparently, this man had been LAID OFF FROM WORK AT CHRISTMAS one year ago, about the same time as the man I discussed earlier.  This man chose to fall into victimhood.  When he was unable to find another job, he began drinking heavily and subsequently began physically abusing his wife and kids.  When she threatened to leave and take the kids, this horrible tragedy happened.

One Man Chose the High Road, Another Chose the Low Road

I was struck by the fact that both men had the same identical problem, getting laid off from their job at Christmas.  One chose the HIGH ROAD, trusting that God would provide, and had a job within a month, the other chose the LOW ROAD, falling into victimhood, with a disastrous end.

These different points of view are a result of our negative programming and mindset that so many have embraced.  If I were to share the truth with this victim, he would probably shoot me as well!  The truth is that this victim believed in lack and limitation, not abundance and God’s blessings.

Another Man Chose the High Road

So many people verbally express gratitude for their blessings, while secretly BELIEVING that they won’t last.  I know a man who heard rumors at the factory where he worked that lay-offs were coming.  All the men he worked with walked around saying, “I wonder when we’re gonna get our pink slip!” 

This man chose to take the HIGH ROAD and trust that God was taking care of him.  Every time he heard these negative comments, he armored himself against negative thoughts and silently said, “NO!  I will not accept this!  I know as Your Child, dear God, that You always take care of me and I THANK YOU for providing.  I am blessed.”

Sure enough, later that month his co-workers began receiving their pink slips.  When the lay-offs ended, this man still had a job.

What will you do when your next crisis hits?  Will you take the HIGH ROAD or the LOW ROAD?

This Week’s Course of Action

I suggest you do a little “armoring.”  This involves anticipating the very worst things that can happen to you, and how you will handle them.  For example, you may ask:

QUESTION:  What if I get laid off?  How will I handle this?


I armor myself against negative thoughts.  I know as a Child of God that, for me to be unemployed would be for God to                               be unexpressed, and this is impossible.  I will THANK GOD for taking care of me and insuring that new job                                                 immediately.

QUESTION:  What if I get sick?


I armor myself against negative thoughts. As a Child of God, I know that my Birthright is perfect health.  I will THANK                           GOD for my perfect health, knowing that I will be just fine.


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