Kindness Conquers!

Kindness Conquers! June 27, 2024

Author Faith E Richardson with Mountain View
God can use your bad attitude! Photo by Faith E. Richardson

Continued from last week…

Over the next few days, weeks, and months, Faith worked hard at sneaking into the building before anyone else arrived so she could secretly place “love notes” on Maria’s desk. She discovered Maria’s favorite candy, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, and might have left a few with each note. Every note left gave Faith a boost of confidence and an attitude adjustment. But was she making a difference?

“Okay, God. Am I mistaken or did you call me to love on Maria?”

You’re on the right path.

“Whew. I thought maybe I had it wrong since I was not hearing from you and not making any progress with Maria.”

You’re making progress.

“Really? Cause I don’t see it, God. I’m exhausted. I have no idea when the next verbal attack will come and if I will be able to stay calm through the next one.”

Trust me. Continue what you’re doing.

Trust God

“Okay. I trust you.” The notes continued.

Some notes were compliments of the outfits she wore the day before, or how her shirt matched her eyes. Some notes admired how she sweetly spoke with a coworker and made them smile. Other notes admired her teaching style in staff meetings and among other staff members. Each note came with praise, an uplifting scripture, and a mention that “I” was praying for her – never mentioning who the “I” was. We’d just keep that between us, God, until you’re ready to reveal.

Faith was always the first to arrive at work and today would be no different. Sleeping was harder for her these days with all the emotions she was experiencing. Trying to decipher through them all, she tossed and turned until she just got up. She had a daily devotional and coffee with God like she did every morning. Then headed for the shower.  The morning at work was no different from any other workday. She was the first to arrive just like she predicted. She unlocked the front office door and entered the building.

Daily Work Routine

After unpacking her work bag at her desk, Faith headed for the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. The fresh warm aroma of buttery caramel pumpkin spice filled the air. It was a delight to her senses, and she breathed it in. She could feel her insides warm and her lips curl upward into a bright smile. Her whole body responded with pure pleasure.  How can a simple smell do all that? “Feelings! They can be a great thing!” She heard herself speak out loud as if to an imaginary human.  Perhaps Maria?

Faith headed back to her desk to collect her next love note and Reece’s Cup before anyone arrived and headed for Maria’s office. She pulled out her staff keys that hung on a lanyard and dropped them over her head. With the lanyard secured around her neck, the keys fell with a jingle to her belly. She hurried down the hall, turned right, and stopped at Maria’s door. She fumbled with the keys until she found the right one, placed it in the keyhole, and twisted. She grabbed hold of the doorknob fully expecting this action to be like every other one before it, when she stopped short as the door came fully open.

What was God Thinking?

“Maria! Hi! I didn’t know you were here already. Sorry to bother you.” She started to step out and close the door.

“Faith?” Faith froze. “Can you come in here for a minute?”

Oh no. I’ve been caught. Fear and dread filled her head.

Faith peered through the crack of the nearly closed door, pushed it open further, and stuck her head in the room. Maria waved for her to come in. Faith moved forward and Maria motioned for her to shut the door behind her. What is happening, God? Faith swallowed the lump in her throat hoping Maria wouldn’t notice.

“Are you the one who’s been leaving these notes on my desk the past few months?”

Caught in the Act

Faith wasn’t sure how to respond because she wasn’t sure how Maria would respond.

I’m stepping out in faith here, God. Please be with me. “Yes,” Faith spoke so softly it came out like a whisper.

“I’m so sorry, Faith. I’ve been so mean to you. And you’ve returned nothing but kindness to me.” A tear ran down Maria’s cheek.

Faith stood still. She let out a breath she didn’t even know she was holding. Wait, are these feelings I see in Maria? “Careful, someone might see emotions running down your cheeks.” Faith joked, hoping to lighten the mood.

Maria laughed, this time dabbing her eyes and nose with a tissue, “I see you in the halls all happy and I was jealous.”

“Of me?” Faith dramatically gestured placing the tips of her fingers on her chest, eyes fully open.

“Of how happy you are. I thought if I could make you as miserable as I was, I’d be happier. If I stifled all my feelings, then it would be easier to cope. I’m so sorry I hurt you.” She took deep breaths as the tears continued.

Kindness Matters

Now, feeling a bit more confident, Faith moved closer to Maria who was sitting at her desk. She placed a hand around Maria’s shoulder, leaned in with a side hug, placed her head on Maria’s head, and held her while she shared. She spoke of her daughter who was diagnosed with breast cancer, of how she lived in California so far from Maria. She spoke of her own, not-so-great marriage and how all this was taking its toll on their relationship. She was feeling overwhelmed, and her job was suffering from it all.

“It’s okay to not be okay. You do not have to walk this out alone.” All anger, frustration, bitterness, dread, and fear melted away from Faith as she held her coworker, her new friend. Wow, how you work miracles, God. Here I thought I was “loving” on Maria and the whole time you were LOVING on me. Not only have you changed my attitude toward Maria, but you gave me a love for her. A true love.

New Found Friendship

From then on, the two ladies met each morning, this time to pray before work and to fellowship with one another. Never again during their time working together was an ill word spoken between them. Never again did Maria make Faith feel as if she had no value. To this day, when they see each other out around town, they greet one another with a hug and an unspoken love that will forever remain between them.

Wow! How a small act of kindness can change a situation. Maybe even a life.

(God used me with my bad attitude!)

About Faith E. Richardson
Faith E. Richardson was born in Traverse City, Michigan. She lived there nine short years before moving with her mom to Fort Worth, Texas where she would remain for another eighteen years. After meeting Trent, the love of her life, they married and moved to Colorado where they raised their two children. Currently retired from decades of human resource work, Faith renewed her passion for writing. Her life experiences and dramatic flair for storytelling draw the reader in with thought-provoking material on the wonder and truth of spiritual encounters. It's her desire to get her readers as excited about the Holy Spirit as she is. You can read more about the author here.
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