Trump Shot, Jehovah šālôm, And The RNC

Trump Shot, Jehovah šālôm, And The RNC July 17, 2024

This weekend, the world was shocked as news broke of Donald J Trump being shot during a campaign speech in Pennsylvania. And ever since conspiracy theories have flown from both sides of the political aisle.

Butler Fair Grounds
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Some feel that it was an inside job by our own government. While others feel criminal Trump staged the assassination attempt due to a dip in the polls or to build momentum before this week’s Republican national convention.

I prefer to focus on what I know instead of forming delusional conspiracy theories or whatever people want to believe.





  • History
  • Facts
  • Faith



Ironically, so many conservatives take a strong stance on defending the second amendment. Let me explain, if conservatives’ faith is truly in God, then why the need for automatic and semi-automatic guns?

Again I am not anti-gun, just pro-gun reform and it is foolish to say there is no need for reform. The day before Mr. Trump was shot, he spoke at a National Rifle Association convention in Texas where he boldly promised to defend gun rights along with Texas governor Abbott.

The right to bear arms isn’t a right to use them against people we don’t like or disagree with, no one has the right to murder, nor is anyone above the said law. Yet, less than four years ago Mr. Trump called on his followers to storm the capital because they didn’t get what they wanted in the 2020 election.

Nothing could be more anti-American or anti-Christian. Conservatives and Christians believe in a God of peace, not violence (Psalm 11:5, Proverbs 3:31, Matthew 5:38-39.)

What Is Peace?

Peace means different things to different people. The dictionary defines peace as, “Freedom from civil disturbance or a state of security; harmony.” Martin Luther King once said, “In spite of temporary victories, violence never brings permanent peace.”

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The natural man and the world use force and violence to accomplish man’s will (James 4:1-2.) God’s people cannot operate in the natural (Romans 6:1-23,1 Corinthians 2:13-14; 14:33.)

The Apostle Paul remembered his Jewish education about the peace of God and how it separates us from the world (Philippians 4:6-7, Colossians 3:15, 2 Thessalonians 3:16.)



I have already written about the importance of peace in Judaism and how God opposes violence (Genesis 6:11, Psalm 11:5, Isaiah 26:3.) Remember the Hebrew word for peace, šālôm means more than just the absence of violence; it is being restored to and like God.

Sistine Chapel ceiling
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What sets God’s people apart from the broken world is the peace of God, not earthly strength or weapons (Psalm 20:7; 118:8.) Like our Jewish stepfathers, we put our hope in God, not a man or a political party or weapons.

In Judaism there is a declaration and name given to God, Jehovah-Shalom, The Lord is our peace. Gideon built an altar to God to recognize God’s goodness and provision (Judges 6:22-24.) Judaism champions few ideals to achieve peace.




  1. Nonviolence
  2. Prayer
  3. Doing Good
  4. Loving others
  5. Study Scripture

Jesus rebuked His followers for abusing power and using violence (Matthew 26:52, Luke 9:54-55.) This was a basic Jewish teaching (Genesis 9:6, Exodus 21:12, Isaiah 2:4.) Since Jesus wasn’t the mighty military leader the Jewish people wanted, they rejected their Messiah.


This week the Republican national convention kicked off in Milwaukee to elect Mr. Trump as their presidential candidate just two days after Mr. Trump survived an assassination attempt by a member of his own party. I don’t feel one bit sorry for Mr. Trump or his cult following.

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For almost four years Mr. Trump and his followers have used violence or threatened violence to get their selfish way. Just a few weeks ago one of Mr. Trump’s closest allies went on his warroom podcast and promised Mr. Trump would release all hell against his political enemies once he is back in office.

Mr. Trump is a victim of his own anti-Christian and anti-American policies and now he and the RNC want to call for unity and peace just because they are reaping what they have sowed for almost 4 years.

It is public knowledge that the NRA is a major contributor to the RNC and Mr. Trump’s followers still bragging about their guns. The Bible is clear people reap what they sow.  God’s people cannot be more like the world than like the God we serve.



  • Prideful
  • Greedy
  • Violent

After the assassination attempt on Mr. Trump, he and other RNC speakers committed to changing their speeches. Whatever is said at the conference now isn’t what the convention originally wanted to impress on the delegates.

Jesus made it clear, that His followers cannot serve two masters, we will hate one and love the other (Matthew 6:24.) Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert have made it clear they love their guns and Mr. Trump where does that leave God in their lives? God’s people cannot be people of violence if they belong to and follow Jehovah shalom!

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