August 12, 2024

The "vibes" election.  Google is an illegal monopoly.  And Hindu nationalists court American conservatives.

August 9, 2024

After World War II and during the Cold War, it was said that America is not a nation based on ethnicity, as in the European nations, nor on race, as in the recently defeated Fascist nations.  Rather, America is based on ideas as articulated in the Declaration of Independence and embodied in the Constitution with its Bill of Rights. Today, a counter-movement insists that America is a culture and a people. Which is it?

August 9, 2024

How does Christianity apply to the controversy over "America as an Idea" vs. "America as a People"? 

August 8, 2024

What will happen to American political parties after one of them wins and the other one loses the upcoming presidential election? An ideological reset of the losing party that could lead to long-term success? One party dominance? A new secularist political consensus? And where will this leave Christians in their vocations of citizenship?

August 7, 2024

We have become so used to scams--on the phone, email, and social media--that we hardly pay attention to them any more. But who are the scammers? Criminals to be sure.  But in some cases, they are also trafficking victims--slave labor bought, sold, and abused.  Law enforcement calls it "forced criminality."

August 6, 2024

Adrian Warnock has devised a set of criteria for Christian blogs and has asked the Artificial Intelligence application ChatGPT to apply them and to rank the blogs accordingly. Cranach came in at #8! (Other Patheos blogs also did well.) He has also designed a widget that gives brief summaries of what the top blogs are posting about.

August 5, 2024

A trial for the 9/11 terrorists.   Abortion makes men "more free."  And good news on the environment.

August 2, 2024

Our military technology has gotten so advanced that, paradoxically, in Ukraine it is bringing back the conditions of World War I.

August 2, 2024

With all of the wild twists of the last few weeks, what are you thoughts about the election now? Who are you for?  What do you think will happen?

August 1, 2024

Christians around the world have been offended by the opening ceremony at the Paris Olympics, which included drag queens and voguing gays in a tableau that appeared to be a mockery of Leonardo Da Vinci's depiction of Christ at His Last Supper.  Defenders claim it's just a scene from Greek mythology.  But the very title of the performance refers to Holy Communion!

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