7 Fun Family Traditions to Focus Your Hearts This Christmas

7 Fun Family Traditions to Focus Your Hearts This Christmas December 14, 2023

family of four wearing red sitting and smiling holding Christmas presents
AllaSerebrina / Depositphotos

Does your family have any fun holiday traditions? 

With all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it’s easy to get so caught up in all the shopping and to-do lists that you forget to leave time for what really matters: celebrating Jesus’s birth with friends and family.

And while there’s nothing wrong with doing fun Elf on the Shelf activities (or a Christian Elf on the Shelf alternative) or buying your children way more presents than they need, it’s also important to make time this holiday season to reflect on what really matters.

If you’re looking for a way to add a little extra meaning to your holiday season, here are seven Christian Christmas traditions you may want to consider starting this year. 


See Also: Why Do Christians Celebrate Christmas?


1. Read the Christmas Story

Chances are, you’re familiar with the Christmas story, but when was the last time you read it out of the Bible in its entirety? Whether you read a little each day leading up until Christmas or you set time aside on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day to read the entire story, Christmas is a wonderful time to read and reread this portion of Scripture again and again.

As you do, be sure to think and reflect on the experiences of everyone involved (Jesus, Mary and Elizabeth, Joseph, their families, the wisemen, the angels…) and what their actions mean for us today.


2. Go Christmas Caroling

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a fantastic singer or you tend to be a little off-key… Christmas caroling is a fun family activity that’s sure to bring everyone together. Reflect on the meaning of Christ’s birth as you sing all your favorite carols. Carol around your neighborhood or arrange a time to carol at a hospital, assisted living facility, or recovery home to share God’s love with those you might need a little extra cheer this holiday season.


See Also: Mary, Did You Know? An Investigation


3. Attend a Children’s Christmas Play

Even if you don’t have a child participating in a school play, it’s hard not to get a bit teary-eyed at how adorable little children look on stage while sweetly singing about Jesus’s birth. Attend a Christmas play for a grandchild, niece, nephew, or neighbor, or simply call your local religious schools or churches to see what events they have available to the public.


4. Donate Time or Money to a Good Cause

Whether you’d like to get in the habit of volunteering more regularly or you’re simply looking for a one-time way to give back to those in need, there are always plenty of opportunities to donate your time or money to a good cause around Christmas. Ask around your local church, library, school, or community center, and you’re sure to find plenty of ways to give back.

Popular options include canned food drives, Angel Tree events, Toys for Tots events, Stuff a Bus events, and many more.


5. Build Anticipation with an Advent Calendar

When was the last time you used an Advent calendar to build anticipation and count down the days until Christmas? A fun family tradition, advent calendars come in a variety of sizes, prices, and themes. Choose a simple calendar to mark the days, or choose a calendar that offers little chocolates, gifts, or Scripture verses each day leading up to Christmas for a special treat.


See Also: Is Christmas Jesus’ Birthday?


6. Bake Bible-Story-Themed Christmas Cookies

Speaking of treats, who doesn’t love holiday baking? Many cookie cutter sets come with angels, shepherds, stars, and more. Why not see if you can tell the whole Christmas story as you bake, decorate, and enjoy delicious Christmas sugar cookies this year?


7. Play a Christmas-Themed Bible Trivia Game

What was the name of the town Jesus was born in? How many wise men visited him, and what were their names? Do you know? Does the Bible actually say? Test your Bible knowledge (and the knowledge of your friends and family!) with a fun Christmas-themed Bible trivia game that’s sure to bring about some friendly competition.

Whether you play this game before or after you read the Christmas story is up to you!


What Christmas traditions does your family do each year to help you focus your hearts on Jesus this holiday season?

About Brittany Ann
Brittany Ann is an ECPA bestselling author and founder of Equipping Godly Women and Monetize My Ministry. She’s also a Christian speaker, podcaster, and conference host. Her work has been featured on numerous TV, radio, and online ministries, including CBN, MSN, Christianity Today, Evangelical Alliance, Patheos, Crosswalk, and more. You can read more about the author here.

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