The Trip of a Lifetime // An Epic Adventure with Eyes to See

The Trip of a Lifetime // An Epic Adventure with Eyes to See June 1, 2024

My husband Kelly and I on the plane. Photo by my Husband.

There are trips, vacations, adventures and tours, but then, on the rarest of occasions, there are the trips of a lifetime. I just experienced one of these with my husband and another couple. It was a two-week trip to England and Scotland, an inexplicable gift from our friends for my husband Kelly completing his 100th reading of the Bible. The four of us discussed and planned this amazing trip for over a year, and in May, it finally arrived. Turns out, this trip was, indeed, the trip of a lifetime.

Prayer for the Path

My prayer leading up to then throughout our epic journey was, “Lord, give me eyes to see what You want me to see.” And He did give me these eyes, oh yes, He did. I got enough fuel from this trip to be fodder for a lifetime.

In the coming days, probably weeks and – who knows? – maybe even months, I want to tell you about what I saw. First, I want to tell you what my physical eyes saw. Our generous friends lavished us with opportunities and experiences that we would not have otherwise had. Amongst a thousand things, we meandered Windsor Castle, enjoyed a play in London, climbed the heights of St. Paul’s Cathedral and hung out by the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh. (For real, that happened!) I want to bring you alongside me and share with you some of the things we saw, so that you might be able to see them in your mind’s eye, too.

However, what I was most interested in on this trip was not just what my physical eyes could see, but what my spiritual eyes could see. “God, show me what You want to show me. Help me not to miss a thing.” He answered this oft-repeated prayer over and over again. And really, this is the essence of what I want to share with you, because everything points to Him, if we’ll but look and see with the eyes of our hearts.

Eyes of Our Hearts

The Bible says, “I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened…” (Ephesians 1:17-18a). I prayed this prayer all along the way, and God sure answered it.

As I look back and remember all the many things He showed me, I am putting some of this into the record here so that maybe, via my experience, you can see with the eyes of your heart, too.

An Invitation to Come With Me

So, will you walk alongside me? I’d be honored to have you as a travel companion. If you’ll be joining me, might I encourage you to take a moment and start by praying this prayer with me:  “Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long” (Psalm 25:4-5). I have things to tell you about, for sure, but He is the One waiting to show us who He is and draw each of us closer to Himself.

That’s really the best adventure there is.

And, thing is, when our eyes look to Him, we are guaranteed the trip of a lifetime, no matter where He takes us on that journey.

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