August 8, 2024

St. Rose of Lima, the first Saint born of the Americas, is an example of a life of sacrifice and service to those around her and to the world. As we celebrate her feast this month on August 23rd (or August 30th), how can we see her life and learn to live like her 400 years later? The Life of St. Rose It is written that Isabel Flores de Oliva was born beautiful. This is one of the reasons attributed... Read more

August 1, 2024

Eternity is a crazy concept. Feeling of Eternity When people say, “Feels like an eternity?“ what do they mean? Honestly, I don’t think many people reflect regularly on the idea of eternity and they just use the phrase to mean “a pretty long time”. For example, it feels like an eternity since I’ve had that overlap of inspiration, motivation, and time to write. Choosing the Good Initially, this lack was easily blamed on outside stressors such as moving (again), kids... Read more

May 23, 2024

Lawrence, the band, just put out a new song last month called “Guy I Used To Be”. If you haven’t heard this brother-sister duo sing with their group of best friends, then this song is a great introduction to their soulful, high-energy, musical talent. As they have been doing with several singles, they released the song followed by a creative live-ish version that shows off the real skills of their band of friends. “Guy I Used To Be” – A... Read more

March 18, 2024

Happy Solemnity of St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary! Or St. Joseph’s Day or Feast of St. Joseph! Whichever you’d like to call it! In addition to Sundays and the Annunciation later this month, March 19th is a reason to celebrate in the midst of lent! St. Joseph Novena Study Recap The last 9 days in our St. Joseph Novena Study, we reflected on the virtues, roles, and characteristics of this great saint under some of his many... Read more

March 17, 2024

Welcome to Day 9 of the St. Joseph Novena Study! For the last day of our novena, it is fitting that we will reflect on one of the four last things, death. We look to St. Joseph as an example of dying well. Traditionally, Joseph is the patron saint of a happy death because he was able to die with Jesus and Mary at his side. The list today comes from this day 9 novena reading: DAY 9: PATRON OF... Read more

March 16, 2024

Welcome to Day 8 of the St. Joseph Novena Study! If you’ve been following along each day, thank you. I am getting a lot out of writing these reflections and I hope they are beneficial for anyone patient enough to be reading them. With that, todays list and reflection are about St. Joseph, Friend in Suffering, based on Day 8 of the EWTN Novena found here: DAY 8: FRIEND IN SUFFERING Day 8 St. Joseph List Closer Union with divine... Read more

March 15, 2024

Welcome to Day 7 of the St. Joseph Novena Study! Although the feast of St. Joseph the Worker is celebrated May 1st, we get to learn about his traits today as we approach his feast. The reading that today’s list comes from can be found here: DAY 7: PATRON OF WORKERS Day 7 St. Joseph List Work of a carpenter Manual laborer Occupied with work Content Humility Hands occupied with work Mind turned to God Work in the presence of... Read more

March 14, 2024

Welcome to Day 6 of the St. Joseph Novena Study! Yesterday was about the Patron of the Church, and today is about Joseph, Patron of Families. Our reading from EWTN that inspired this post can be found here: DAY 6: PATRON OF FAMILIES. Day 6 St. Joseph List Gentle Head of Family Divine charity Union of heart and mind Deepest love Respect True fatherly love Admiration for Mary Holy love Peaceful Happy Fatherly rule Protector Counselor Consolation Model of piety... Read more

March 13, 2024

Welcome to Day 5 of the St. Joseph Novena Study! Today we reflect on St. Joseph as Patron of the Church. St. Joseph Patron of the Church It makes sense that Joseph, who is Head of the Holy Family including the child Jesus who is Head of the Church, would have some authority that is respected in the Church. Yet, until recently, I haven’t heard too much about St. Joseph outside of Christmas season. In reality, the Church has always... Read more

March 12, 2024

Welcome to Day 4 of the St. Joseph Novena Study! Today is all about Joseph’s faithfulness as a servant to God, family, and also to us who ask for his intercession. The reading that inspired today’s list and reflection can be found here: DAY 4: FAITHFUL SERVANT Day 4 St. Joseph List ◦ personal servant of Jesus Christ ◦ Good and faithful ◦ Cared for the House of God ◦ Perfect obedience ◦ Commanding ◦ Father ◦ Disciple ◦ Submitted... Read more

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