March 27, 2024

I have a real love hate relationship with Social Media. There are things that I see on Social Media that make me smile, make me literally laugh out loud, and truly inspire me. However, there are also things on Social Media that make me want to throw my phone away and never look at it ever again. There can be no debate, everyone on Social Media has influence. Good or not so good, everyone influences someone else on Social Media.... Read more

March 1, 2024

Growing up I didn’t know much about John Wesley, being baptist we didn’t talk much about him.  I didn’t hear much about him, his theology, his writings, or his spiritual disciplines. However, over the years I have learned more and more about John Wesley and have found that he was extremely dedicated to the things of God. I want to share a couple things about John Wesley that I have learned over the years, and who knows, maybe like me... Read more

January 31, 2024

Well, it’s the last day of January. How are you doing on those resolutions? Still, hitting the gym? Still, cutting those carbs? Still, putting some money in savings? Made it to church every Sunday? Seriously, how’s it going? I hope and pray you’re doing great with those resolutions. Obviously, the most popular resolutions have to do with losing weight and getting in better shape. I have talked to many people who are doing great with their resolutions, even in the... Read more

December 8, 2023

Christmas is so awesome! I love seeing all the homes decorated with millions of lights and decorations. Who could argue Christmas has the greatest movies of all time? Home Alone, Elf, and A Charlie Brown Christmas. Have you noticed, Christmas is the only time of year you can be walking through Old Navy and hear, Mary Did You Know, O Come All Ye Faithful, and Silent night? What about all the food everywhere you go? Dips, chips, cookies, pies, and... Read more

November 6, 2023

The holiday of Thanksgiving is deeply rooted in Christian traditions. It’s a time when families, friends, and entire communities come together to express gratitude for the blessings they have received. Thanksgiving serves as a reminder to be thankful for God’s provision and grace, which are great things to celebrate.    Stop Complaining And Start Thanking… I have been told that I have a “Thankful Spirit.” I guess I never realized that characteristic in myself until I started to notice how... Read more

September 6, 2023

Breaking News… We live in an overwhelming world. We’re all busy. It seems we’re surrounded by trouble, pain, and suffering. Constantly, we get bombarded by messages that tell us we need to be hotter, smarter, healthier, wealthier, and happier. At times, life can be overwhelming. I do my best to overcome being overwhelmed. From a majority of the conversations that I have with people, I believe they are doing their best to overcome being overwhelmed as well. In order for... Read more

August 24, 2023

The High School season kicked off last Friday night all over the state of Ohio. In my opinion, there’s nothing more fun to be a part of than High School football. The communities all come together to cheer on their hometown team. The bands march into the stadium with perfect cadence. The cheerleaders are cheering. The stands are jammed packed with family and friends. The concession stands are loaded up with delicious favorites. The crowd jumps to their feet as... Read more

August 21, 2023

As I sit here in North Central Ohio looking out my window I can’t overlook the two massive oak trees that stand 60-80 feet high in our front yard. They are so majestic and seem to be prehistoric, these trees are a high end squirrel resort with plenty of squirrel amenities. Filled with plenty of acorns for food, branches, carve-outs and leaves for great shelter, hiding places and entertainment.   Last week I noticed tons of squirrels on the ground and... Read more

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