August 12, 2024

Last Time on HOARATS And now we enter into the 1860’s Long Citations are taken from Dr. Wikipedia unless otherwise stated. In the bloody Civil War that split our nation, American bishops worked for the success of the Union . . . and of the Confederacy! As Catholics slaughtered Catholics, pious priests on both sides prayed God to give success in battle. . . to their own side. Men in blue and men in gray flinched at the Consecration as cannonballs (fired by... Read more

August 7, 2024

   Written on October 7th 2005             “There is a painstaking search for a better material world, without a parallel spiritual advancement.” (GS 4) There has been more advancement in almost every area of human development in the last 100 years then in the history of recorded time.  We have advanced in technology, medicine, social sciences, biology and psychology.   We have sent a man to the moon.  We can communicate with someone half way around the world by either picking up... Read more

August 5, 2024

Last Time on HOARATS As we enter into the 1850’s 1850 Picture This In (1849–50)Artist John Everett Millais painted Christ in the House of His Parents which depicts the Holy Family in Saint Joseph’s carpentry workshop. This marvelous painting of a scene in the life of Jesus when first exhibited generated some harsh criticism from some people including the creator of A Christmas Carol. Mr. Charles Dickens remarked that the blessed mother was portrayed as an alcoholic who looks so hideous in... Read more

August 1, 2024

Thursday August 1, 2024 Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, bishop and doctor of the Church – Memorial National Girlfriend Day Day 213: The Redeemer — The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) – YouTube Day 213: Bishops and the Episcopacy — The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) – YouTube 1498 – Christopher Columbus becomes the first European to visit what is now Venezuela. 1834 – Slavery is abolished in the British Empire as the Slavery Abolition Act 1833 comes into force, although it remains... Read more

July 30, 2024

‘Our first duty is to spread the name and reign of Christ more widely every day, and to call back the mutinous and the wandering to the bosom of the Church.’ -Pope Leo XIII The above quote is the attitude that is expressed throughout the Vatican 2 documents.   This ecumenical synod wished to build bridges to those outside the mainstream of faith instead of building up walls with anathemas, like they had  in previous councils. “Vatican 2 is a major... Read more

July 25, 2024

Back in 2005 when some friends of mine learned that I was going to be attending a Catholic university I was asked if I was going to be a priest. There is a common misconception among certain people that anyone who takes their faith seriously must either be a member of the clergy or at least considering entering religious life. Mark Wahlberg has shown us that not all devout Catholics are priests or nuns. Marky Mark is a regular lay... Read more

July 22, 2024

And so the Catholic Bard proudly presents to you the…. Doctors of the 2nd Millenium Church 1054 The Great Schism July 16, 1054 – East-West Schism: Humbert of Silva Candida, representative of the newly deceased Leo IX, breaks the relations between Western and Eastern Churches, through the act of placing an invalidly-issued Papal Bull of excommunication during the celebration of the Divine Liturgy. There is not pope on the throne of Peter at this time. Their won’t be another pope until non-saint Pope # 153 Victor... Read more

July 18, 2024

There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. Matthew 10:26 Truman Burbank is an ordinary guy. He goes to work, spends time with his wife Meryl , drinks beer and hits golf balls with his best friend Marlin and dreams of going away to Fiji. But there is a secret about Truman that everyone around him knows that he doesn’t. His whole life is a TV Show. Truman thinks he lives... Read more

July 15, 2024

I started to write this post on July 13th. In less then a month My Catholic Bard co-writer and partner and wife in life will be going to Ireland for the 2nd time together. We last went in 2018 while living in Massachusetts. This time we will depart while living in R.I. U.S.A.  When we left I still had this computer I am writing this post on. My daughters boyfriend had just moved into our house while our daughter had... Read more

July 12, 2024

For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews 4:12 Some people retreat to the world inside books in order to escape the ordinary and sometimes depressing world in which they live. Bastian Balthazar Bux escapes into a antique bookstore in order to escape three bullies who want to throw him in a trash... Read more

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