September 6, 2017

With tension growing about North Korea, it’s clear that if we feel fear, we’re simply adding to the conflict. That’s why it’s important for each of us individually to maintain a sense of peace and ask for spiritual support to flood the situation with loving energy. Here are five things you can do: 1. Ask for your own fear-based thoughts about North Korea and international tensions to be healed. You could say the prayer something like this: “Please heal my... Read more

May 17, 2017

I’ve recently been teaching an online program based on A Course in Miracles, and I want to share the first lesson because it’s so central to the way we experience our lives. It introduces the principle of Self love, because the quality of all your relationships depends on the quality of the relationship you have with yourself. Here’s a quote from the Course that sums up the point perfectly…. “Every decision you make stems from what you think you are,... Read more

March 30, 2017

Dear President Trump: We haven’t met, but I feel like I know you. I’ve seen you many times before when I’ve looked in the mirror. I’ve seen greed, love for family, divisiveness, acceptance, belligerence, humor, unwillingness to accept responsibility, ambition, prejudice, and unbounded belief in what’s possible in life. In other words, all the flaws I see in you—the ones that anger me—are attributes that I recognize in myself. And all the beauty that I see in you? I recognize... Read more

March 22, 2017

Yesterday morning, unexpected snow fell like a curtain of white in central Iowa. It was mesmerizing, said one of my Miracles students. “I could have gone into a trance just watching it.” Three hours later, the snow was gone. The sun came out, the birds resumed building their nests, and the spring grass was as green as ever. I don’t know about you, but sometimes this is how life feels. Take two steps forward, then three steps back. Zoom down... Read more

March 17, 2017

Are you looking for good fortune to smile on you and make your problems disappear? Try creating some luck of the Irish any day of the year. Here are five ways to start. 1. Focus on pleasant memories rather than painful ones. Memories take up a lot of real estate in our minds, so we get to be choosy about which ones we spend time with. This may take some practice because negative events stick in our minds and take... Read more

March 11, 2017

In my meditation this morning, I asked for guidance about the big problems of the world. This is what I heard: You believe that there are multitudes of problems in your world, from bullying to saving the planet. In truth, there is one problem: A belief that you are separate from others. Because there is only one problem, there is also only one solution: unity, a remembrance that you are all part of the same whole. This seems improbable—and even... Read more

March 7, 2017

Sometimes all it takes is the perfect quote to restore a sense of harmony in a busy day or heavy heart. If you have trouble staying focused on peace, these five quotes will give you a lift. “Meeting your brothers [and sisters] totally without judgment.” It’s easier than you might imagine. Try this: No matter who is the next person you see—a loved one, a coworker, a stranger—see them as though you’re meeting for the first time. Imagine that you... Read more

March 2, 2017

Recently the conversations in our A Course in Miracles classes have focused more on taking action than ever before. The Course says that when we change our mind, we change the world. In other words, when we’re rooted in compassion, kindness, understanding, forgiveness and other forms of love, we have a more peaceful life, and we impact others with our peace as well. We can literally think and pray our way to a better life. But we also have hands... Read more

February 25, 2017

A Course in Miracles says repeatedly that we are to listen to the Holy Spirit. In fact, it says, don’t make any decisions without His help, or the decisions will be wrong. In other words, without spiritual guidance, we’re likely to act from fear rather than love. When you’re working with your guidance, though, it’s important not to confuse trust with expectations. Sometimes I get caught in the ego trap of thinking that, if I’m trusting the Holy Spirit, I’ll... Read more

February 22, 2017

Underneath every feeling of unhappiness is a belief that you don’t deserve joy. This may sounds like a radical statement when there seem to be endless catalysts for unhappiness in this world. You may see the source of your unhappiness as financial stress, marital conflict, health problems, issues with your children, a lack of hope about the planet. But if we trace those feelings back to their root, they always lead to the same place: a personal fear that we... Read more

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