May 26, 2024

  I have doubts about everything I’ve been doing lately. After last week’s column Unfortunately, American Jews May Need A New Home | Evan Wechman (, I received many emails disparaging myself and all Jews.   Now, you won’t see most of the ugly opinions expressed in the comment section on the bottom page of the article. These people were too cowardly.  Possibly they knew their distorted views would not be left on the page. So instead, they researched the... Read more

May 18, 2024

I understand their pain.  As a Jewish New Yorker, my Facebook feed could be a little misleading.  While I was scrolling my friends’ posts yesterday, I wondered how my feed might look if I had grown up in a small town in Mississippi.  Would my experiences and those of my friends look different?   I see the same friends I grew up with posting daily about the dangers of antisemitism in our country.  I do understand their pain.  Furthermore, I... Read more

May 13, 2024

Biden Sells Out the Jews and Israel Biden once again has shown his true colors. He has now decided to suspend ammunition to Israel to defend itself so he can curry favor with the liberal leftists in his party who despise Jews. Biden administration pauses one ammunition shipment to Israel, reason unclear ( Now I don’t know that our weak president is antisemitic, but he isn’t showing the Jewish people in his own country any favor. The left will repeatedly... Read more

May 4, 2024

A Fearful Time for Jewish Students When I first started writing my column, I wanted to do it from a place of love. I genuinely didn’t want to attack specific politicians, not even President Biden. I was raised in a politically conservative home by my father, a professor who was continually chased off liberal college campuses during the Vietnam War.   He had a crazy notion that any student who wanted to attend class or God forbid visit the library,... Read more

April 27, 2024

    Jews Need to Fight Back   Jews should stand up more fervently to antisemitism than they have been. As a Jewish believer in Jesus, it is incumbent upon me to address it as well.  Jesus loved all people, especially his own.   I’ve always enjoyed being Jewish. From spinning the dreidel to eating Mom’s great cups of matzah ball soup, I love it all.   But even as a child, I’ve been puzzled as to why most do... Read more

April 21, 2024

Rejected Like Jesus Lately, I’ve been feeling very lonely. Yes, I have a loving wife, but I still feel alone. I moved from New York to Florida almost two years ago and have zero friends here.  I at least thought my friends from back home would call once in a while and not kick me to the curb. I also took for granted my family in New York. My mom and my two brothers are my best friends, but I... Read more

April 14, 2024

Abortion is Wrong   I’ve been so angry this past week. The Arizona abortion decision has been on every news channel almost every minute. That is not what made me furious, however. It is that a clear-cut victory for the pro-life movement has been sold out by almost all politicians, regardless of party.   I was going to compose a great article this morning. My wonderful column was written out in my head. It was going to be the kind... Read more

April 7, 2024

Let’s Love Each Other We keep our distance from different groups too often throughout the world.  Again, I am reminded of my childhood.   When I was a little boy, I belonged to a wonderful Jewish youth group. We would participate in fun activities such as skiing and attending professional basketball games. However, after the event, the leaders always wanted to bring things back to education.   One night after a New Jersey Nets loss in the 1980’s, the supervisor... Read more

March 31, 2024

 I’m Still Jewish   This past month has been difficult as I have encountered some animosity from my Jewish friends. Usually, I can always count on their support, but I believe they may have confused me with someone who is against them.   That is far from the truth. As a Jewish Christian (though I hate labels) I want to treat everyone with respect and love. Since I identify with both religions, I feel I’m uniquely qualified to comment on... Read more

March 24, 2024

My Dad Was Right About Taxes   I remember as a child my dad constantly searching for receipts to go to war with the IRS. He was one of the most generous people I’ve encountered, but he knew his money would be wasted when sent to the government.   “Dad, it’s not right to cheat on your taxes,” I said.   “I pay enough son.  You’ll understand when you’re older.” I do miss my late father and his wisdom. He... Read more

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