November 30, 2018

Some years ago I knew a young man. He had spent his life in Christian churches. He bubbled with life, and love, and hope. He participated in church activities and enthusiastically studied the bible. But from an early age he could see that he was headed for a conflict. He studied the bible, prayed, and tried to work out the turmoil within. At age 16 he approached his parents, both were leaders of the church and pillars of the community,... Read more

November 23, 2018

If you need something and it is on sale on Friday go buy it. It is the height of privlege to mock the poor who have one opportunity to save significant amounts on things they need and things they want. Like many I am conflicted when I see the crowds queued up for hours culminating in the inevitable stampede. But I realize that I am being manipulated. Black Friday is a manipulation and so is the media coverage of Black... Read more

November 20, 2018

Interesting the reporting and speculation about why Trump has not visited troops in a war zone. Doing this is a tradition. When we screw over a foreign land our sitting president heads over regularly to gloat and to encourage the people whose lives are at-risk. The mythology of America is that we love the troops and so these publicity stunts reinforce this among those easily gulled by flags and firearms. According to Trump he is too busy and has been... Read more

November 10, 2018

Is God Complicit In Evil? Conservatives Say Yes. Conservatives have put far more faith in corrupt men than they have God. In doing so they have made their God complicit in supporting things they told us for decades were disqualifying in a leader, a politician, and even a decent member of the community. It seems that God could not use any of the upstanding, sanctified, saved, and righteous people that, we are told, populate America. And so he sent Trump... Read more

February 2, 2018

Our annual observance of Black History Month often brings a chorus of “Why’s” from both the innocently uninformed and the malicious racists. Let’s be clear: We have Black History month because we have short memories when it comes to our national sins against African-Americans. The collective “we” vaguely remember the millions enslaved but we “forget” the horror they experienced. We forget the horror of being property and all that comes with that. We forget the murders, the rapes, the forced... Read more

January 15, 2018

“Dr. King’s faith and his love for humanity led him and so many other heroes to courageously stand up for civil rights of African Americans. Through his bravery and sacrifice, Dr. King opened the eyes and lifted the conscience of our nation. He stirred the hearts of our people to recognize the dignity written in every human soul.” – Donald Trump, Remarks, January 12, 2018 “He called for America to live up to its promise—to make all Americans free and... Read more

September 5, 2017

It has often been customary in American politics for the most recent president to remain silent during the tenure of their successor. But in Trump’s America? Well, that tradition of old isn’t such a great idea– even former President Obama knows the importance of all Americans speaking out. As President Trump today announced the end of Obama’s program that allowed children who were brought here illegally to remain in the only country they know, the former president could not remain silent.... Read more

June 17, 2017

Conservatives are wringing their hands about the "ominous" increase in violence from the left. But they have been very silent or dismissive of the violence incited by Trump and carried out by his supporters over the last couple years. Read more

June 2, 2017

“We give thanks to you, Lord God Almighty… for destroying the destroyers of the earth.” Revelation 11:17-18 (ESV) Conservative Christians, for a number of reasons, do not accept the consensus of scientists who say the planet is imperiled by global climate change. But among the reasons, along with economic and politically based ones, are the theological ones. Conservatives, who claim to take the bible literally, have slapped together a mixture of proof texts and sanctified wishful thinking to prop up their... Read more

May 23, 2017

A big part of current conservative Christian mythology is that they are under constant persecution. The reality is that they are not, they are often the ones doing the persecution, and they are doing harm to their message by pretending to be persecuted. Let's explore this. Read more

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